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Everything posted by pomchop

  1. Lyndsey and Donnie should share a cell....donnie could grab him by the pxxxy and Lyndsey would like it. Throw tucky carlson in for a threesome.
  2. My "favorite" is people who pay big bucks for a pair of jeans that has had bunch of holes made on purpose...i just never understood the fashion but obviously a ton of people seem to think it makes them look cool or ?.....I can just imagine what my grandmother would have thought of purposely cutting big holes in your pants to parade about....she spent a ton of time sewing up holes in my jeans when i was a boy out and about doing dumb reckless stuff.
  3. The local tour companies would have a variety of sightseeing or excursions to gardens, temples, zip lines, golf, seafood lunches, as well as likely arrange daytime shows at places like Tiffany....shopping in Singapore is WAY WAY more expensive than in Pattaya and most cruise passengers are looking for a lot of tee shirts and local types souveniors more than some expensive designer products like Singapore offers. Having been on over 75 cruises i too am pretty familiar with what takes place.
  4. The topic is the idea of building a simple jetty cruise dock to handle two ships in Pattaya. Based on my first hand experience in visits to hundreds of cruise ports I am saying that a Pattaya cruise port at bali high would be a big $$ maker for local pattaya biz....unlike laem chabang visitors could walk to shopping or take baht buses or do optional shore excursions to local attractions and they would spend a ton of $$ in pattaya. Laem Chabang is likely beyond fixing as it is too far for passengers to even walk to the gate to escape the taxi mafia that rules with an iron fist. Just because Laem Chabang is a mess does not mean that Pattaya would have be the same. Laem chabang literally is able to hold the passengers captive and extort them to get transport out. And of course even if you walked the 2 miles to the gate and got out there is nothing worth seeing in Laem Chabang area. I suspect pattaya would get pretty decent ratings from the passengers as they most likely would be there from about 8 am to 8 pm and not necessarily see much of the raunchy nightlife...
  5. A cruise port for pattaya would be a very good investment...many cruise ships are now 3000 to 5000 passengers plus crew who usually are in a port for about 12 hours. The passengers do every local tour in the book as well as a lot of shopping. The crew also spends quite a bit on shopping. For Pattaya local businesses it would be a massive boom of baht every time a ship docks. Currently several ships do stops in ko samui and phuket. But in ko samui tender boats are required as no proper port...in phuket the port is an industrial port in a bad location though some smaller ones do get in better locations but again have to tender guests ashore which is not ideal. The problem now and for years and years is that laem chabang the only real major port in Thailand is one of the worst mafia controlled ports i have seen in over 75 cruises i have done. It is ahuge ugly industrial port and too far to walk to the highway for most people. There is a HORRIBLE taxi mafia there charging $350 ++ to go to bangkok or $200 to pattaya and openly advertises the price on big signs. They control the port and no other taxis are permitted to enter the port to pick up or even to drop off under threats of violence. Many passengers get frustrated and end up just staying on the ship and spend zero. Corruption at it's best and obviously Mr Big there is well connected and rakes in thousands upon thousands from every ship that stops there..... and it is all done in open view so govt officials seem for sure in on the rip offs. Customers give it negative remarks which results in few cruise ships wanting to make port calls there.
  6. ask them to use a vape rather than smoke flower?
  7. The airport holds a "special" place for me as i was standing in the boarding line the day the plane exploded. Taksin was booked on the flight...his motorcade ran into big traffic and was late so thankfully they were not gonna let us board til he got on first.....if he had been on time we would have all been toast. If u ever wondered how strong the glass is in DM i can tell you the force of the explosion hit the windows with a massive ball of fire and the windows did not break. Since taksin was a passenger everyone immediately said it was a bomb but later after much investigation it was not a bomb at all. It was very lucky that more people weren't killed...the plane broke in half and burned to a crisp right at the gate. http://www.b737.org.uk/thai737news.htm
  8. Pretty well sums up what happens when coups roll the tanks or storm the capital and go after their political enemies as a pretense to overturn the will of the voters. Sadly many seem to think it will be temporary but it rarely turns out that way.
  9. Really plays well with all his evangelicals and as a role model for America's youth.
  10. Trying to point out hard FACTS to trumpers is a waste of time. He can do no wrong and everything he has done is absolutely perfect...like obstruction of justice, sexual assaults, the Big Lie, attempted coup, inciting violence, tax fraud, making fun of POW's, hiring and then firing the absolute best and brightest, mocking handicapped people, grabbing em by the pxxxxy, grifting fund raising after promising that he is very very very rich and needs nobody's $, throwing any and all who cross him under the bus, describing his own daughter as a piece of ass and on and on and on. He is a frightening mentally unbalanced dictator wannabe and anyone who has yet to see that is beyond convincing.
  11. article dated june 28 and says deadline is june 3? u mean june3 2024 or June 3 25 days ago?? if 25 days ago how about a how's it going article?
  12. Pointing out the obvious to people who obsess over hunter while not least concerned over the elephant in the room.
  13. And trumps DOJ also "slow walked" it for four years while trump ruled as it was lot more fun to scream lock em up and raise funds and wallow in conspiracy theories and rumours then to present hard evidence to get a grand jury to vote to indict. The tax charge was brought by the republican trump appointed Delaware AG who unlike his predecessors Biden left in place to allow him to complete his investigation of his son . Try and imagine trump leaving in place an Obama appointed AG who was investigating one of trumps kids? No way.
  14. never one time have i personally observed a pot smoker go "berserk" and i have been around a lot of pot smokers...is it possible? sure. is it probable? I would say no. Have I seen people go "berserk" without their caffeine fixes? Not sure about berserk but sure in a very agitated state. By far the worst of the worst most addictive drugs i have been around was/is nicotine....that is one evil drug that has hooked and ultimately screwed up or killed millions upon millions of people for centuries. Fortunately it seems to be fading somewhat thanks to a ton of educational attempts to keep the kids away along with restrictions on use, high prices, and a slow change in public opinion. But of course several big corps now are getting kids hooked on nicotine vapes by making candy flavors and trying to make it a "cool" thing to do. Getting hooked on nicotine is many things but as most addicted people know it is not a lot of fun and can be pure hell to break the habit.
  15. News Flash: A man doing meth and drinking a cup of coffee goes berserk. Police lay blame on the caffeine in the coffee as man was in an agitated state.
  16. So with all that massive evidence of biden payoffs for years why did the republicans not indict them in the four years from 2016-2020? With all those massive payoffs for such an extended period of time then of course there must be all sorts of documents, wire transfers, etc that would serve as real evidence. Could it be they had nothing but a bunch of conspiracy theories that only cult members would deem credible. Yelling lock em up is not evidence.
  17. Republican judges seemed to have slept through law school class 101 that judges should recuse themselves if there is even the appearance of a conflict....Thomas and Alioto and now this biased judge who was heavily scolded by a very conservative panel of district judges in previous rulings that did not follow the law in her desire to support trump...not to mention that she is very green and has spent a massive total of 14 days as a trial judge in her entire career but now she is going to handle a complex trial whose consequences are vast....no wonder trust in the judicial is at record lows. The good news is regardless of what she does there are a lot more indictments coming for trump that will hopefully be handled by experienced non biased judges in Georgia, Washington and perhaps several other venues. I guess she is unaware of the propensity for the trump cult to threaten judges, senators, and yes witnesses for anyone who dares to challenge dear leader. Welcome to North Korea.
  18. Repubs seem to forget they controlled DOJ FBI etc etc for FOUR years and could have brought evidence of probably criminality before a Grand Jury and ask for indictments right and left...but they did not because they had NO CREDIBLE evidence that a Grand Jury would indict on and they would have looked like fools... but now oh boy shoulda coulda woulda brought all the massive biden family crimes to light... Lock her up, Lock him up, Lock them all up.....what a load of BS used to grift $$ from the cult.
  19. yadda yadda yadda...have real proof of crime then lay evidence on table like jack smith is doing or shut the <deleted> up.....
  20. Have you ever considered that people who still cling to the big lie that trump won 2020 election in spite of overwhelming evidence, 60 court cases, investigations galore mostly by republicans may not be dealing with reality? I do not see the left claiming that Hillary won in 2016 even though the electoral votes were the same as 2020. I did not see the "left" calling for fake electors and storming the capital and hang the VP when Hillary lost. There are some very valid reasons that many do not like trump or his supporters. If any trump supporters have any FACTS that the election was stolen two years after the election than by all means lets see the evidence...otherwise it is all BS in spite of what dear leader spins.
  21. Yeah tell that to your head when it hits the pavement one day when you least expect it....naive indeed.
  22. They are fake only when he loses but if he wins then they are perfect. Is there anything that he does not lie about and yet his MAGA morons buy it all hook line and sinker even after all these years...fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me is a line that some of the MAGAs might want to think about.
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