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Everything posted by pomchop

  1. that's because it was in reply to a pretty stupid post that got removed.....
  2. Trump seems very capable of getting himself into a ton of legal trouble without any help from democrats...his own republican staff and supporters have provided most all the evidence that resulted in grand jury indictments ( that little thing where ordinary citizens are the ones who review evidence and decide if it is sufficient to result in criminal charges)...and what trumps staff left out the orange bafoon has provided with his own tapes of him running his big flapping mouth, or his own surveillance tapes of boxes of classified documents being moved around to hide from authorities...i guess all that provided evidence by republicans and trump himself is all FAKE.
  3. Amazing how trumpers get all worked up over some coke found in the white house but have no problem with top secret sensitive nuclear and military documents found all over trumps office, storerooms, bathrooms etc. Amazing how trumpers scream weaponized DOJ but forget to mention that the DOJ cannot indict anyone...only a grand jury of ordinary people have that power and only after they have reviewed all the evidence presented and voted that a crime was likely committed. Amazing how trumpers try to pin coke on biden or hunter with no evidence but refuse to accept the tons of evidence presented by Jack Smith mostly provided by republicans, trumpers, and trumps own video and audio tapes. Amazing how trumpers still cling to the Big Lie that the election was rigged over two years post election , two years post 60+ court cases, two years post investigation and recount after recount done by republicans shows that the BIG LIE is a big lie.
  4. Oh boy the trumpers are out in force trying to come up with something, anything, to start a new conspiracy theory that biden is pablo escabar....amazing how they grasp at straws to try and deflect from the fact that their boy donnie is likely going to get convicted and go to jail....of course they are totally incapable of looking at real hard core evidence that jack smith is laying on the table most of which was provided by trumps own staff and supporters and in big mouths own words on tape...but go ahead with the conspiracy theories if that makes you feel like you are really really smart...you are not.
  5. Trump is a desperate cornered rat who will say and do anything to try and deflect from all of his very real problems. The sad thing is that after 6 ++ years of grifting and lying and blaming everyone he has hired and fired, everyone he has ever met or seen or read about, that there are still millions of America that apparently hang on his every word and every tweet. I get it that most of them hate Biden and all democrats but surely they could find another republican that is not on the verge of likely being convicted on a variety of crimes and is bat shxt crazy to support? Sometimes most normal adult people can understand you have to cut your losses and move on.
  6. We shall see but it certainly appears that donnie boy may well be in a jail cell soon unless some wimpy judges let his lawyers make a mockery of the judicial system by filing absurd motions over and over as he has done his entire life. But one strong judge with the gonads to say ENOUGH is all it takes and bye bye donnie boy. He is a cornered rat and will no doubt ramp up all his witch hunt BS to new levels and try to encourage his cult to take to the streets. Sadly some will buy the BS despite a massive PILE of evidence provided mostly by his own staff and fellow republicans and of course from his own big fat mouth which he is incapable of shutting. If it were indeed a "witch hunt" those witches sure do have a ton of evidence...just yelling "lock them up" is not evidence. What Jack Smith has already revealed is EVIDENCE.
  7. no kidding....2.4 million usd is NOT a lot of $$ for politicians these days....how much do all the coup generals have or do they even bother to disclose pre coup wealth compared to their wealth today? that would be some interesting figures to take a look at...
  8. So a "travel coach" does a most boring cities article and gets a free ad on asean to try and sell his travel coach services....got it. Quick let me write a "how to get laid in Thailand" article and maybe i can also get a free ad and sell condoms ??
  9. if he is already abusing booze then i suspect adding valium will just make things worse and if he can get enough of it add another addiction...there is a reason it is not all that easy to get since many tend to get hooked....
  10. or maybe the junta "graciously" allows him to be PM with the message that if he crosses them the tanks will roll in the streets once again....those generals have a lot of young ladies to support and perhaps need a new paris or london flat....
  11. I rarely use it but if i get bad pain that seems inside my one good ear i do take amoxicillin then head to doc asap....when u only have one left u don't want to take any chances...
  12. So is clarence thomas some kind of role model for you?...another "straight shooter" for the right?
  13. yep i had internal and ended up deaf as doc did not prescribe proper anti biotic after stapedectomy...
  14. and for good measure note the author is the disgraced Johnathan Turley.....not exactly a beacon of truth.
  15. I would take amoxicillin rather than ear drops. If your ear gets totally infected and is not treated the infection can kill off the nerve endings and you end up deaf...get yourself to a doctor right away as being deaf is not a lot of fun especially when a simple antibiotic can likely prevent it.
  16. Fox sure has been writing a lot of very big checks lately as their non stop lies are finally catching up to them....why anyone would quote them as a valid news source is highly dubious. Fox's own lawyers have said under oath that they are an ENTRERTAINMENT organization and not to be taken seriously. Why even orange jesus is no longer a fan as they dared a couple of times to actually tell the truth about some of his actions.
  17. Seems "social media" whoever or whatever that is sure loves fox "news"
  18. Read the entire article and you will see that he himself did indeed write a letter saying he had the power to charge in any jurisdiction as Garland had already told him he could have special powers and all he had to do was request.... "...I (Weiss) may request Special Attorney status from the Attorney General pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 515. Here I have been assured that, if necessary, I would be granted § 515 Authority in the District of Columbia, the Central District of California, or any other district.”
  19. So of course Weiss who actually is in charge of the investigation basically says that there were zero attempts to limit him from charging and on and one...but what would he know as he is only the trump appointed AG who biden could have removed when he took office but said NO...he stays in place and had complete authority to carry on the investigation into bidens son and charge any crimes he finds.. .so if donnie jr were being investigated by an obama appointed AG what are the odds that trump would have just said keep on with your investigation and not replace him with a lackey? ZERO Shame that doesn't fit into all the right wing conspiracy theories https://www.nytimes.com/2023/07/01/us/weiss-hunter-biden-letter.html
  20. 30 k in loans is way way less than lots of students have...UNC and many other state universities are a bargain compared to many private schools. Frankly not sure i have all that much sympathy for people who want to go to duke or private schools that are way way more expensive and rack up the debt. Of course going to Duke or Harvard or Stanford is more "impressive" and while they are good schools there is no real reason you cannot get a very high quality education at a state school and save going in debt head over heels because you just have to go to a private school. Lots of people would like to drive a rolls royce (but can't afford it) but end up driving a ford and it still gets you where you wanted to go.
  21. I would like to see biden throw kamala under the bus as VP and name a YOUNG running mate like newsome as VP....although i think biden will beat trump regardless if that is the choice I would bet that a stronger VP choice would guarantee it...kamala just has not shown much in the way of being ready to become vp if biden were to croak....but no way biden will do it....and of course kamala could announce she does not want it but chances of that are slim to none... Just a shame that out of 300++ million people that we are stuck with two old men with all the baggage to be POTUS....not to mention a supreme court also with old corrupt men as well as lots of corrupt, old, or bat shxt crazy congresspersons. I was just watching some Obama and bill clinton videos and reminded how nice it was to have an articulate very bright YOUNG guy as potus..
  22. I think maybe a program where u go to school and IF you work for xx years as a teacher or nurse or cop etc that xx percent gets forgiven for every year you work....USA is desperate for more teachers who make peanuts already...surely there are other critical occupations where a good carrot might encourage more to go into these jobs? Seems way too many go head over heels in debt majoring in philosophy or similar things where jobs are few and far between so good luck ever getting out of debt if that is your choice.
  23. Priority number one as you know is your son. He never asked for this and to have a mom terrorizing him with outbursts and breaking toys etc is a very good sign that without you and your support around she may take out her anger on the kid. I do not know the procedure but you already know you need to discuss it with the police or an attorney or some very reliable Thai people and get their advice as to how to proceed. Do it soon.
  24. Just imagine the size of envelopes handed out to the MANY top judicial and political big wigs to buy off everyone and allow mr red bull to get off free for killing a cop while hypped up speeding on coke then fleeing the country ..i bet there are a few enjoying a nice villa in the south of france or a big flat in London not to mention new condos in bangkok or phuket. This case is a textbook study of how the rich are able to get away with anything with no consequences and the people that aid them are also never brought to account.
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