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Everything posted by pomchop

  1. but hey when he went to sleep trump was winning and when he woke up he was not....that sure looks like hard core solid evidence of massive voter fraud to anyone who gulps kool aide....pathetic.
  2. the election was almost two years ago and in spite of various plots, schemes, dreams, hopes, wishes, and theories, ballot inspections, vote recounts, court cases etc NOBODY has shown any EVIDENCE that there was ANY significant voter fraud. PERIOD. But you have somehow figured it all out. Get real.
  3. god here we go again with the election results got changed when uncounted ballots came in while asleep...this has been explained and debunked over and over again through 60 court cases as well as numerous recounts and investigations done mostly by republicans and yet the BIG LIE goes on and on and on...give me a freaking break...either put up the EVIDENCE that nobody seems to have or shut up and stop spreading the same old BS..
  4. I hope that they don't pay the writers of these articles more than 10 baht as it is devoid of meaningful stats, facts. etc.
  5. Just read it carefully as to cxl and/payments. I like the ones where it says pay nothing today and tells you the cxl by date so your credit card is never charged. Only problem i have had with agoda was when i booked a soi 8 hotel six months ago for several weeks this fall at very low rate. Payment was due 90 days prior to arrival but the hotel cancelled each reservation and tried to shuffle me off to another hotel....bottom line was agoda promised to fix it as the hotel was still available on their site at almost double the rate i had been confirmed at....after numerous emails back and forth and promises to escalate and have the hotel honor the rate the hotel refused as the rate was "too low"....agoda in the end did NOTHING to assist me and the hotel is still taking res over all the exact sames dates in exact same room category for two to three times what i had been confirmed...i have used agoda dozens of times with no problems so was disappointed that they allow a hotel on their platform to just screw you around with no consequences.
  6. any or all would be better than current online app for tourist visa...way way too many docs and forms....
  7. August 19 is day that the new proposal of 45 days on arrival and possible extend 45 more days decision is supposed to be announced....
  8. agree that most are not idiots but unfortunately many are in way over their head trying to keep up with some image they seem to have of what they need so much that they take out a 20% interest cc "loan" to get it....proud to say i have never paid one penny in credit card interest EVER..use credit card for convenience not for "loans".
  9. I'll take weed smell over cigar or cig smell any day of the week...
  10. compare vietnam tourist visa with thai requirements...vietnam easy peasy...thai download pics bank statements hotel confirmation airline confirmations copy of passport, copy passport pages, pci of u holding passport, affidavit and on and on... In some cases, you can apply for a 3 month visa for tourism purpose; the procedure will be the same with 1 month visa. In other words, Vietnamese tourist visa’s validity can be from 15 days to 3 months. Procedures: In order to apply for a tourist visa online and pick up your visa at Vietnam airports, the following information is required: Your name as per passport: it is your full name appears on your passport, name order is not important, so you can place either surname first or first name first. Your date of birth: in Vietnam, the date format will be DD/MM/YYYY Your Nationality or passport: the passport you are using to enter Vietnam. Your passport number: as shown on your passport and should be valid for 6 months at least from the date of arrival. Date of arrival: applicants must fill exactly Date of Arrival. Please be advised that you can just enter Vietnam later not earlier than the proposed date. Photos: photos are required at Vietnam airport only.
  11. another "fun" fact about americans....guess i am lucky my grandmother taught me don't buy things you can't afford just because you want them...learn to tell difference between what you want and what you need...of course not just americans head over heels in debt....the fiscal control of a 5 y.o. The average American had $5,525 in credit card debt in 2021. Credit card debt is the second largest debt source behind mortgage debt. Alaska has the most credit card debt of any state with $6,617 in 2020 and $7,089 in 2021. Iowa has the least debt, with a balance of $4,289 in 2020 and $4,587 in 2021. Generation X has the largest amount of credit card debt at $7,236..
  12. over 50% of american adults read at 8th grade or below level....makes for easy pickings for con men several of which seem to have a loyal following recently
  13. Asheville not so cheap anymore as it has been "discovered".
  14. As i get older the thing i miss most about Thailand is FUN.....if you are so inclined you can always have fun joking around with Thai people ..in usa trying to joke around often just gets you strange looks or if it happens to be a hot gal perhaps a ride in a police car. Bottom line is to me Thailand is just more fun...i get a kick out of observing all the strange and funny to me things that Thais can do. I love being smiled at all the time (yes i know some are fake smiles but still better than a sad frown). I love listening to how Thais can mangle the English language and string together non sensical sentences that may not make sense but are fun to hear. I love watching how Thais come up with ways to solve problems without spending a fortune. I love to watch how Thais seem able to avoid most conflicts by just ignoring it. The older I get the more I realize that one of the most valuable things in life is to smile more, laugh more and have more FUN. If you can't have fun in Thailand I suspect you need to take a good look in the mirror as sanuk is all around you.
  15. Wow. The trump defenders on here have perhaps reached a new low in disinformation. If they would spend just a few minutes doing the most basic research they "might" understand that most of what they are spouting out has been debunked over and over. No Obama did not steal 30 million docs, yes trump did have multiple chances to return docs that he ILLEGALLY took to his residence, yes trumps lawyer and his own son did watch the search on video with no planted evidence, no the docs were not stamped declassified, no taking classified docs is not the same as not returning a library book, no hillary's email server did not have 30k classified emails, and no the easter bunny is not real,.......just to mention a few of the tin hat BS <deleted> being promoted. Grow a brain.
  16. It appears from your take on Trump and lack of understanding of basic rules of investigations and legal wordings of search warrants that you have been asleep for a long time.
  17. Trump would probably list nuclear information for sale on ebay or offer them to his buddy putin or his lover N Korea dear leader if he could make a few million....grifter in chief, still conning $$ out of millions of kool aide drinkers. Some people just never will admit that they have been conned for years. Defend the indefensible and send him even more $$....Truly amazing.
  18. one reason i don't go to phuket any more at all....people whine about bkk taxis and pattaya baht buses but they don't hold a candle to the lawlessness and ripoffs of the phuket taxi mafia
  19. Took me hours to download all the stuff they wanted ....ask for flight res but i have two one way tickets with two separate confirmations and it only allowed to download one confirmation etc...asks for all the various hotel confirmation but i am staying in dozen or more all over thailand..so just did a refundable booking all at one hotel for entire length of stay. favorite was last download take a pic of yourself holding your passport...this after downloaded passport, separate pic of self etc....ask you to download a doc saying agree to various terms and conditions...problem is doc ask you to sign but if you don't have adobe acrobat good luck signing online and no it would not let me print it sign it and then download pic of signed doc...so submitted it unsigned which prob will get it rejected... suggestion...when visa holder shows up at immigration look at passport and at holder and if not him catch it there...if u want a doc signed on line make it signable on line anyway it appears that maybe the no visa required will get decided on aug 19 which would mean i just wasted my time and $$ on something i would not even need and of course i am sure no refund The Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT) is set to propose extending the length of stay for tourist visas and visa on arrival (VOA) to a maximum of 45 days. According to TAT governor Yuthasak Supasorn, a proposal will be presented to the Centre for Covid-19 Situation Administration (CCSA) at a meeting due to be held on August 19. The proposal will call for the period of stay for tourist visas to be extended from the current 30 days to a maximum of 45 days, while the period of stay for visa on arrival extended from 15 days to a maximum of 45 days. The extension would be effective from the date of approval and run through to December 31, 2022.
  20. Con in chief when he was running for office spinning his lies and grifing millions upon millions from his kool aide cult...still at it...how does it feel to be played for a sucker over and over and over? "I don't need anybody's money," he said in his announcement speech, declaring: "I'm using my own money. I'm not using the lobbyists. I'm not using donors. I don't care. I'm really rich."
  21. Tweet See new Tweets Conversation Sarah Huckabee Sanders @SarahHuckabee Governor candidate, AR When you're attacking FBI agents because you're under criminal investigation, you're losing Quote Tweet Taegan Goddard @politicalwire · Nov 3, 2016 ‘The FBI Is Trumpland’ https://politicalwire.com/2016/11/03/the-fbi-is-trumpland/… via @politicalwire 9:12 AM · Nov 3, 2016·Twitter for iPhone
  22. Having just gone through the absurd online app for a tourist visa this would be a major help...the current application process and required downloads along with mostly worthless instructions/faq was obviously done/approved by some who want to make it as frustrating/difficult as possible to get an online visa..the only thing that happened quickly and easily was charging the credit card for the $40 fee. (non refundable).
  23. or they grow a spine and quit hiding under their desks
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