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Everything posted by pomchop

  1. Remember how Fox and Trumpers initially tried to claim the rioters were ANTIFA and BLM people and not trumpers...as usual they pushed that garbage with zero evidence...and of course the very same day that this <deleted> was being floated Trump wanted to get rid of the metal detectors and go to the capitol where this armed group of antifa and blm mob would have no doubt shot him...oh but wait, he said these are my people and they aren't here to hurt me.... What is wrong with this maga bunch that they can't see or understand that they are lied to and conned over and over...and oh the horror of the Jan 6 committee playing the actual video and audio tapes for all to see and hear , showing text messages and emails, along with first hand testimony of long time trumper REPUBLICANS...in fact most all of those who have testified are republicans...not democrats.....obviously it is all a grand witch hunt and all those videos, audios, text messages emails and testimony are part of a giant democrat conspiracy to frame trump...i mean REALLY?
  2. i am now on season 5...gets better and better i think
  3. 60+ court cases with mostly republican appointed judges along with multiple recounts in multiple states over and over and over show no evidence of serious voter fraud...even trumps own lawyer rudy said they had lots of theories but NO EVIDENCE. But somehow you seem to know that the vote counting was rigged??? Got some evidence you'd like to share that nobody else has been able to provide? DUH....it was well known and has been reported over and over even before the election that repubs tend to vote in person more and those are the first votes counted...dems tended to vote via mail more and those votes are counted later..there was no mathematical miracle. Please stop spreading lies and garbage. Trump lost .Deal with it.
  4. In other news: Half of american adults read at 8th grade or less level. Let me try and guess which group might comprise the most of these uneducated cult members that drink kool aide and fall for con men and big lies.
  5. See no evil Hear no evil. North Korea's dear leader would be proud.
  6. Is Nha trang busy? Are most places open or still closed re covid? I would assume not the usual numbers of Russians around or do they still run the charter flights from Moscow? Hotels sure seem to be especially cheap for the coming winter.
  7. I don't think mae sai border is open anymore.
  8. invite the PM and a few crooked generals onboard and celebrate dictatorships that make u wealthy.
  9. Hey let's ban alcohol and see how that works out...the mafia will send you thank you cards and big brown suitcases full of $$.
  10. if you have miles just book a mileage ticket to show them a copy of the confirmation..then cxl ticket and get your miles and taxes back as most all major mileage programs allow this now.
  11. PKK is a wonderful place to get away from all the craziness of P4P in pattaya, bkk etc. Some great beaches , a fun weekend ocean front market, a simple lifestyle with great walking/biking areas, cheap pleasant hotels, beautiful views etc. If you want company bring your own as "take out" is not really on the menu.
  12. watching 24 for second time....some entertaining tv
  13. Young women with bigger balls than the big bad secret service kool aide crew...or the republican congressmen who are still hiding under their desks scared to death to testify under oath or say in public now what they are on tape saying shortly after jan 6....what a shameful no spine bunch of cowards. And yet millions of so called patriots still will vote for these treasonous cowards...
  14. never ever go anywhere in Thailand (or most any country) without a set of ear plugs and/or headphones....they will offer you some protection from crowing roosters, sober and drunk falangs babbling on and on, people talking incessantly on cell phones, barking dogs, bad music, crying babies, roaring motorbikes, etc etc.....
  15. only 4 out of 200 tested positive? surely more than that at 5 am?? if true that is amazing thailand...
  16. Maybe they are concerned for your health and figure by charging 55 baht for a can of sugar they are helping you decide to order something else.
  17. yep but i already have the plan g which ocvers all kinds of extra stuff in usa and am at least covered for major problem in foreign country up to 50 K....for first 60 days....works for me....didn't even realize i had any out of usa coverage so pleasant surprise
  18. ok for anyone interested here is an answer re supplemental medicare plan coverage for first 60 days in a foreign country Plan G is also one of the Medigap plans that include foreign travel. With so many people on the move these days, this benefit is a priority for those who travel for work or leisure. Foreign travel emergency care is covered if it begins during the first 60 days of the excursion. After meeting a deductible, the benefit amounts to 80% of the charges invoiced for specific medically necessary emergency care outside the United States. In 2019, the deductible is $250 and the lifetime limit is $50,000.
  19. ok it appears that a supplemental plan g which i do have will cover in first 60 days?? Does Medicare cover international medical emergencies? If you have Medigap Plan C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, M or N, your plan: Covers foreign travel emergency care if it begins during the first 60 days of your trip, and if Medicare doesn't otherwise cover the care.
  20. yes i live in usa but am travelling in thailand and the foreign hospital is closer to my home??? govt insurance fine print doubletalk?
  21. why would Thailand not be covered under #3...for sure any hospital in thailand would be closer to home than the nearest us hospital??? You live in the U.S. and the foreign hospital is closer to your home than the nearest U.S. hospital that can treat your medical condition, regardless of whether it’s an emergency."
  22. In reading this it sure appears that if you live in USA but get admitted to a hospital in Thailand that Medicare would reimburse you for most of the Thai hospital costs....does anyone have any first hand experience with this? Sure would be nice to know for sure that if you get hospitalized in Thailand that you do have coverage.. https://www.medicare.gov/Pubs/pdf/11037-Medicare-Coverage-Outside-United-States.pdf
  23. Pity the solo fool that can't figure out how to live on 50 k a month in Thailand....can you live in a fancy condo, go to top level restaurants, have a few hot gals at your beck and call? NO. Are Bangkok and Phuket more expensive than Pattaya or chiang mai? you bet. Do you have to live in the most expensive neighborhoods in the most expensive cities? NO
  24. Why do people get tattoos? Of course it is your skin and you can do as you please. But just trying to understand the why behind it?
  25. years ago you had to buy an exit fee ticket from a machine and present it to exit.....maybe they will bring back the machines to sell entrance fee tickets.. i would bet that "insurance plan" fine print of excluded coverages has more holes than swiss cheese...
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