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Everything posted by pomchop

  1. But let's attack Biden and also claim the rape was all a big lie and then attack the doctor who legally performed the abortion in Indiana....it's the republican play book....deny and deflect.
  2. Maybe consider just giving it away to some poor Thais if not all that valuable? Save you a lot of aggravation and might make big difference to some less fortunates?
  3. 40,000,000 Thai Baht equals 1,092,299.20 United States Dollar
  4. moist dirt...yes water lightly...the dome will form condensation as well that drips back down
  5. I just take the cutting as described, clean knife/razor, cut at 45% angle, not too many leaves or too big, dip it into bit of rooting compound , make a hole in small cup of good dirt with pencil, stick cutting in and tap dirt around it...then take old big plastic coke bottle, cut top off and make a "dome" leaving the cap off....creates a nice humid atmosphere.....keep it watered and in medium sunlight and in week or so get roots on most all of them...then transplant to bigger container....maybe just lucky but works well for me and pretty simple to do.
  6. Had an American friend who came to Thailand for two week trips several times a year...would call his wife and tell her he was in japan on biz and was working hard....he was "hard" alright mostly picking up gals that stood in front of nana hotel.
  7. see no evil hear no evil...have another glass of kool aide.
  8. so if i stay at jomtien condotel am i right in middle of mostly gay area?
  9. Another question...i haven't been to jomtien in a long time but i do remember that Dongtan beach used to be almost all gay beach...is that still the case? Don't care much but not really my cup of tea.
  10. How often do baht buses run up and down Jomtien beach? Interested in the local ones from one end of jomtien to other end more than ones that go over the mountain to south Pattaya. Is the normal fare 10 baht or ?
  11. Obviously the new ganja has resulted in even more vivid pipe dreams.
  12. pomchop

    Cost of Living

    Maybe of interest to some https://www.numbeo.com/cost-of-living/region_rankings.jsp?title=2022-mid&region=035
  13. Go to any busy Walmart or mall in any town usa and watch how many people will drive round and round to find parking near front door rather than park 50-100 yards away and walk. Then notice how many of them have a rear end the size of Texas.
  14. you mean these poor little gas station owners? Big Oil Profits 2022 On Average: On average, these oil and gas companies made $1.2b more in quarter 1 of 2022 than the same period last year. Doubled Their Profits: Nearly two dozen Big Oil corporations more than doubled their profits, raking in $25b more over the same quarter last year.May 10, 2022
  15. If trump came on TV and said " yes i did every single nefarious illegal thing mentioned and I will do it again if you re elect me" his kool aide cult would scream fake news. 50% of American adults read at 8th grade or less level....trump knows that and dumbs it all down for the "base" while sucking millions of dollars out of their pockets. Even PT Barnum would be impressed.
  16. you are right https://www.ceicdata.com/en/indicator/thailand/exchange-rate-against-usd
  17. I will continue to smoke pot as I have off and on for years. I enjoy a good doobie with some music while watching the sunset.
  18. me thinks somebody is trying his hand at writing fiction or comedy to see how many people will buy it..
  19. groping joe? says the grab em by the pxxxy kool aide crowd...
  20. That is exactly what he will do...announce a run set up another grift PAC to "pay for his legal defense"...con his cult out of a few more hundred million, try to keep relevant, then decide not to run, drag out appeals until he dies, and meantime use the money from his cult for his personal pleasure....It is truly amazing how his cult can continue to get conned over and over by the big lie told by the big liar....fool me once shame on you fool me twice shame on me. 50% of Americans read at a level of 8th grade and trump plays on this kind of ignorance to get millions to refuse to believe what they see and hear on videotape with their own eyes and ears. He will go down in history as the biggest con man ever and his cult will go down as the biggest rubes ever.
  21. thank you...i opened charles swab which seems best deal as no min balance , easy to transfer funds into it etc etc....i do have a kasikorn account but haven't been there in 2.5 years and think account is dead and atm card expired and not sure if they will open another one for me...last one was done in chiang rai years ago and seems every time i wanted to do anything serious in bkk they told me i had to do it from CR .........anyway...thanks for all the good tips from many on this thread...
  22. no i want to withdraw in baht in thailand from my usa bank account
  23. that is probably true but i suspect many might have driven drunk which could easily have ended up with some deaths and long prison terms....or maybe even gotten charged with statutory rape or any number of other actions that would not have turned out well....young and stupid often go hand and hand...fortunately most learn a few things as they get older but there are still plenty adults who do very stupid things every day all over the world....
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