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Everything posted by pomchop

  1. Sure is good to know that so many posters apparently never did any stupid illegal srtuff when they were young....no it was not smart what he did...and yes he should have known better...and yes he will regret it for a long long time....but go ahead and pile on since so many on here obviously behaved like little angels when they were young....
  2. I understand the new paver blocks/tiles on walking street are already starting to crack and they haven't even finished it yet...that does not bode well once fully open with lots of heavy vehicles. I saw a video of it and thought gee those paving blocks don't look all that strong.
  3. Just did charles Schwab...thanks. So to be clear does that mean i can use most any atm in Thailand with zero fees? That will save a few baht over time.
  4. Or if you do just don't visit places still living in the middle ages.
  5. Get vaxxed and boosted and cut down on serious cases and hospitalizations.
  6. Are there any non Thai USA type banks that allow u to take $$ from Thai ATMS with little or no fees? I seem to recall a few several years ago that did that? I would like to deposit $$ into usa bank and withdraw via atms in thailand as needed with minimal fees if that is possible. I understand that now the Thai atm fee is about 200 baht and often add to that another fee from usa bank of another $5 or so...is that correct? Thanks for first hand info...
  7. I believe he may be smoking some of the really good ganja but has failed to grasp the concept of "pipe dream".
  8. If you just let your car sit in a basement etc for a long time it will not do well. Unless you have a friend who will start it up and drive it around a bit at least once a month you'd be better off to sell it and move on. You can always buy another car if you return. There are tons of self storage units all over the world where people are paying thousands of $$ a year to store a bunch of junk like used furniture, books, old clothes, etc. I know one guy who paid over 35 k over 10 years to store a bunch of old tools, etc....eventually he sold the entire contents for less than $500....not exactly a great idea. Self storage companies are laughing all the way to the bank at the stupidity of many of their customers. I have learned that "stuff" has a way of filling every available closet/garage/ suitcase and you can either let it take over your life or get rid of it. I got rid of a ton of stuff long ago....after 20 years there have been maybe 5 times when i thought of some item i got rid of but there is a lot to be said for out of sight out of mind. Keep a few personal items like pics and dump the rest. For clothes a good thought is if you haven't worn it in a year you are highly unlikely to wear it tomorrow. Travel light is probably the single best piece of advice ever given in that regard. \ good luck
  9. no did not get lost...no idea what u are going on about.
  10. seems lot of young whippersnappers on here think a 77 y.o. man is too old to go for a walk? Really? 77 not all that old if you have taken reasonable care of yourself and walk most everyday.. i am close to that and did a 252 mile hike in the mountains not long ago.
  11. I have something that is very valuable. You can't hold it or see it but trust me it is very valuable. Please send me your $$ and encourage others to also send me $$. Thanks.
  12. or get a hung jury when a trumper lies about being impartial to get on jury...which of course means cheetoh and the cult would be blabbing forever about how he was found completely innocent
  13. Young stupid people with little or no pot experience do indeed overdose on edibles just like young stupid people overdose on guzzling booze. And yes pot dealers have been known to lace <deleted> pot with cheap speed etc to be able to sell more . The problem with edibles improperly used is that anti pot crowd will point to edible od problems to try and claim that pot is oh so dangerous and all pot should be banned. You might want to educate YOURSELF a bit with google ...and ps being stoned for 30 years does not impress me.. you are not the only person who has smoked pot you know? https://www.healthychildren.org/English/ages-stages/teen/substance-abuse/Pages/Edible-Marijuana-Dangers.aspx
  14. actually edibles are a bigger worry than smoking...idiots can eat 50 edibles and OD and die or go berserk when it all hits at one time....but it is nearly impossible to die from smoking pot as u will go to sleep before u can smoke enough to kill you.....and of course i suspect some dealers will lace the pot with all kinds of other <deleted> and chemicals to increase profits etc ...grow your own and control what u smoke
  15. Refuse to believe anything that does not jive with their view of dear leader. Just watch fox news, whine about Hillary / Biden/ Obama and defend the indefensible rather than man up and admit they got conned. Meantime trump continues to suck millions of dollars out of the cult and make them look like total rubes. Truly amazing. Makes Jim Jones look like a rookie at the kool aide biz.
  16. and remember the fox news and republican talking points was that the rioters were not trumpers but antifa and blm thugs....really...so trump was ok going to the capitol where a bunch of ARMED antifa and blm thugs would have likely shot him? i somehow must have missed the fox and trump retraction on that BIG LIE that mob was not trumpers... It is truly amazing how deep down the rabbit hole trumpers still go to try and justify the coup and stand by dear leader and ignore what is plain to see if they would only open their eyes and admit they got conned, fooled, lied to, tricked ...there is no shame in admitting you were wrong and got conned by the biggest con man in history......i won't hold my breath Just try and imagine if Hillary had claimed fraud and tried to get VP biden to throw out the 2016 results? The electoral results that were exactly the same as in 2020? but no she conceded and passed power peacefully to trump without whining and throwing temper tantrums like a 2 y.o who didn't get his way....
  17. even his own lawyers say he is full of BS....fox viewers are obviously easily duped arguments of Fox's lawyers: The "'general tenor' of the show should then inform a viewer that [Carlson] is not 'stating actual facts' about the topics he discusses and is instead engaging in 'exaggeration' and 'non-literal commentary.' " She wrote: "Fox persuasively argues, that given Mr. Carlson's reputation, any reasonable viewer 'arrive[s] with an appropriate amount of skepticism' about the statement he makes."
  18. so now we are getting reports of various other secret service agents saying that stories had been going around for a while among agents with similar accounts of an out of control trump that closely mirror the story that cassidy said she was told.... it is relatively unimportant as there is nobody that i have seen yet who denies that trump was irate and demanding to go to the capitol ....yet trumpers try and say that oh my god this cassidy is a liar....not once thinking that maybe she got lied to by a trump supporter who wanted to brag to a pretty young gal to impress her in some weird way...again she never ever said or implied that she was in or near the car only that she was told the story by a man who was there....big difference.
  19. of course if she had said these were the exact words she would be attacked because NONE of us could ever be absolutely sure of exact words...and in trump world she would have been attacked for claiming she has a perfect memory....... so let all the trumpers who want to dispute her testimony and her memory of what was said take an oath and tell us what they remember being said....also you might want to notice there are also a lot of text messages flying around which if it were all so innocent and contradicted her testimony would be on fox news right now.
  20. see no evil hear no evil.....drink that kool aide and defend the indefensible all for dear leader
  21. and of course one might ask the question of WHY would she make up a lie about what she was told re T trying to grab wheel? just for fun? knowing full well that every word she said would be examined under a microscope? I don't think so. Did anyone notice that notebook in front of her while she was testifying and notice that she was described as a note taker? Wouldn't it be interesting if like watgergate, we found out that she had audio recordings on her phone of the actual conversations? Then of course trumpers would claim they were fake (but maybe not as fake as their slates of "electors")
  22. She said that she was told the story of the suv scene....she did not claim that she was there. Did it even occur to trumpers that maybe the guy who told her the story was perhaps LYING to her? Of course not. This 25 y.o gal told her story under oath. Have any men ever told a young attractive gal a false story or exaggerated a story to somehow try and impress her? DUH. The people attacking her are welcome to raise their right hand and tell their version under oath but have not done so. Regardless of what happened in the SUV the point of course is that Trump was demanding to go to the capitol and was irate when he was denied. So far not one person with knowledge of what happened has denied that was a fact. Typical trump playbook to try and appeal to the cult by attacking the messenger and refusing to see the forest for the trees. The committee has invited all of the players to raise their right hand and reveal what they may have knowledge of to testify but so far few if any of the central players have done so as they cower under their desks. How ironic that a 25 y.o. gal has the courage and confidence in telling what she saw and heard under oath while the trumpers try and cherry pick her testimony but refuse to do it under oath? Now why would that be do you suppose?
  23. As many many have learned the hard way: It is not a matter of if you will have a motorbike accident, only a matter of when.
  24. Hear no evil see no evil ...typical trumper response....attack the 25 y.o gal for lying ....she did not say she was in the car when trump lunged...she said she was told this by a guy who was in the car....maybe HE was lying? Did she write the note? Hand writing experts can answer that in about 2 minutes....meanwhile i don't see anyone attacking the vast majority of her testimony for much more important revelations because they know damn well it was true. She was a very credible witness who gave detail after detail....of FIRST hand conversations. She certainly is no dummy. If meadows or others want to deny what she said then let them testify UNDER oath rather than hiding under their desks.
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