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Everything posted by pomchop

  1. Problem is that basic common sense is not very common
  2. I suspect if it were your 2 year old kid that was attacked you might feel differently? Humans are to blame for going out of their way to breed viscous dogs and then fail to train or control them but to count on humans to do the right thing is a bit of fantasy.
  3. In the first eight months of 2021, the number of registered motorcycles in Thailand amounted to approximately 21.7 million units. This was a slight increase compared to the number of registered motorcycles in 2020, which amounted to approximately 21.6 million units.Apr 8, 2022
  4. In other news 4 out of 10 Americans seem to prefer a wannabe dictator that has conned his kool aide cult out of millions of dollars , ignores the constitution and the laws and is likely the biggest grifter ever. Hear no evil see no evil.
  5. j6 was a serious attempt to overthrow the votes of millions of americans and install an illegtimate wannabe dictator who flat out LOST the election through violence and numerous illegal acts and threats...protesting in front of supreme court members home who seem hell bent on overthrowing decades of settled law and lying to congress as to their position on abortionis to get confirmed is no J6.
  6. the way it was supposed to work was you would get a letter with a list of ten names...you send $$ to top name then put your name on bottom and send letter on to 9 other names on list...each of them then send $$ to top name and put their name at bottom moving remaining names up one slot....by the time you get to the top you'd have hundreds of people sending you $$....a pyramid scam that went on for long time ...when it was made illegal then they tried to do a version where you would sent a gift card instead of cash...i suppose a few early scammers made $$ but it was a simple get something for nothing scam that apparently a lot of people fell for...as dumb as so many are today maybe it's time to revive the old chain letter
  7. Reminds me of the old chain letters scams...Just put your name on bottom of the list, send $$ to the name on top, then just sit back and when your name goes to the top the $$ will come rolling in. Problem was that everyone said gee why not just put my name at the top instead of the bottom right now? Trying to get something for nothing has been the bait used successfully by scammers for decades.
  8. Donnie and the delusionals who see no evil hear no evil when it is right in front of them backed by hundreds of hours of video and audio evidence further supported by sworn testimony from dozens of republicans who were there and saw and heard the evil in person. What's next will the delusionals claim that it's not really donnie on all those tapes encouraging violence, demanding states find him more votes, telling verifiable lie after lie? Delusional is an apt description of the see no evil Trumpers.
  9. i have dealt with both pot heads drunks and nearly all variety of people but the subject at the moment is pot.
  10. My guess is that the overwhelming number of unvaxxed are because of being stubborn, or caught up in all kind of political bs and various conspiracy theories etc rather than due to any serious medical reason preventing them from being safely vaxxed.
  11. Pattaya baht buses are one of the biggest bargains I have ever seen in a resort area anywhere....try phuket if you want to scrape the bottom of baht bus dregs. Get in, don't start asking about getting here or there, ride the route he drives as close as you can to your destination, ring the bell, get out pay the ten baht (beach road) with correct change and walk away..it's not rocket science
  12. now is the time for bitcoin cheerleaders to go all in and then tell all of us who think it is a giant scam what fools we are.....never understand why people who are so sure of their investment wisdom waste time trying to convince others of their wisdom and don't just buy low and sell high if it is so easy.
  13. There certainly seems to be a lot of kool aide drinkers about that will believe just about anything. Maybe cheetoh will start pushing bit coin to con his loyal cult into giving him more $$.
  14. Delusional people wanting to share their delusions....just try and ignore them as the truth will not fit into their tiny little brains that are full of cult kool aide.
  15. see no evil hear no evil.....talk about BS
  16. so its ok to try and stage a coup and even when the vast majority of witnesses are republicans see no evil hear no evil because the panel is not 50/50...got it.
  17. Clarence Thomas and his wife are an embarrassment to the entire country. Anyone with a shred of brains know that even a lowly county judge must recuse himself from cases that involve his wife..Thomas should retire or resign immediately and would do so if he had an ounce of integrity. But obviously he must have missed the courses on conflict of interests. Maybe he was thinking too much about Anita Hill to be bothered with such trivial matters.
  18. To indict and convict trump of a crime just follow the money...whether it is bank fraud from massively inflating values to tax fraud for massively undervaluing assets it is all in writing....you also don't keep two sets of books unless u are commiting crimes....when u collect hundreds of millions of $$ from ignorant kool aid drinkers by promising the $ will be used to fight the stolen election in court but then spend that $$ on yourself that is fraud....there are PLENTY of crimes that trump should be charged with that are all in writing so no matter what bs he claims to believe or not believe doesn't matter...does anyone really believe its not all about $$ and ego with the cheetoh? Kool aide for sale.
  19. if it is indeed your child then YOU have a responsibility to help provide for child..it is not his/her fault that u and mom screwed up....but a dna test should be required before you start witting checks as it may well not even be your kid...
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