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Everything posted by david555

  1. UPDATE ...... for good understanding i replied to this topic .....but confusion came in it as This a Chiang Mai topic and i just replied i bought good leather sofa in Index Shop ....., but i bought at my location Pattaya , so now i got interests for that sofa from Chiang Mai based people ..... So to avoid misunderstanding this UPDATE
  2. Yeah ...but those are not living in "Sin City" ....as only there you would save big bucks money by being incarcerated and not be able to spend....????
  3. By your title heading i was asuming that you saved half a million baht by covid lockdowns and staying inside in condo/ house .....???? Or How much can a title misleading people if not reading in good way ...????????????
  4. I think some can not else than stay Thailand if they " burned their ship(s)" in home country or made family here in Thailand.... I am leaving Thailand after 13 years volontary way ....to home country ( home ships awaiting me there ????) And if my country changed too much i fly out a new to new frontiers ...example those French oversea islands as i have read here on Asea a very tempting expat proposition a few months ago for E.U. citizens ( damn ! I forgot that Island topic name...) ???? This just as reserve option .
  5. Do not expect the ashes to be the same as in the West ..... like fine white powder ......more to be quit rough here in Thailand .????
  6. Most probably the Casio was in the bag ..... accompanied with other "paper" items ...... which for security reasons of hope to recovery could not become named ....????
  7. In 20 years many things probably changed , i shall not see that anymore i guess ...???? The world could even not be livable ......20 years looks like eternity ???? Might be facebook is then just something from history and non existing anymore ....????
  8. On condition they can handle it ......if not ....it is an annoyance ......and not only to the old grumpy farangs ....????
  9. ..Lotus now ......lucky we have you "for ever sharp mind guy..." ????
  10. i had that expieriance a few day ago at Lotus ...Thai lady with 2 full loaded shopper cars ....could no succeed paimentQR several tryings.... Finally she had to run to the ATM for cash.....i wonder why she just not used the card and pin... Anyway i hold my smiling nerves ...????...when my pay turn i just smiled to cashier and showed my 1000 baht bill and said this works always..... this proves Cash is still king ....whatever new digital things they try to introduce ....????
  11. Stay inside for the remaining of the day ....."Murphy law " is around you ...tomorrow all will be fine again ...????
  12. So we have now The EU$ ????.....can take now out of Thailand cash 20 000 Euro$...... ( but not unreported in to Europe , unreported limit is only 9999 €)
  13. YES I paid mine at index 43000 ....my 20000 baht is my sofa for sale price ... i know this is cheap even second hand but same as new condition... It is because i leave Thailand by 1 September to go live my home country again and to expensive container shipping (X3 )like all other things now prices up & up .....also 8 months old inverter samsung fridge 420 liter ..Samsung advice price 20K+ price ...bought at Lorus 16000 bht now for sale by me 11000 bht ....in august 10000 bht ......if not sold shipping anyway at expensive price as not leaving an as good inverter for free behind ????
  14. That is what governments all over yhe world wishing for....a total control over your money ....especially your cash ......trying to make that non existing in future 1 push on a button and you can not acces no more your money .... Remeber CASH IS KING ...( and Gold Emperor..????...as "they" can't print Gold...????)
  15. A bit of an update , seems updated Marcg 2022 ..... the link opens a worldmap interactive one , i think you know where Thailand is located ...., hoover over it and read ...... FROM 2023 reporting , and as i saw other OECD info just test cases by Thailand in 2022 ....up to know not one as you can see in other link page from this site, Commitment and Monitoring Process - Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (oecd.org) As i can not make screenshot with that pop up info about 2023 starting ..... see for yourself and also other clicking page to see for each country to country reporting numbers .....for Thailand = 0 ..... but 2022 not over yet and just promised some test case . 2023 starting as normal , they dragged their feet very long already , but there was a limit date to agree ....or face to become on the list of ......tax heavens ....
  16. O.ķ keep dreaming and hoping they wont do ( as they did implicate with the limit date ....) 2022 First tests and from 2023 full application ..... As you dont believe ...just wait the confirmation ...or questions from your local western tax man ...???? ( Or not ...in case your tax case is clean ???? Strange some people ask but do not believe ...as they dont like it "Oistrich syndrome " i guess ...????
  17. Check my post Pdf , all is in it https://aseannow.com/topic/1243356-okey-so-january-aeoi-crs-start-to-log-your-banking-to-share-to-your-tax-jurisdiction/?do=findComment&comment=17472818 OECD AEOI-Commitments 2023 Thailand start.pdf
  18. For those who need reference to this crs checking scroll down to second page see the pdf yellow marked parts about Thailand ...... already made 2 years ago posts with similar ..... most people did not believe .... now it is near ....???? OECD AEOI-Commitments 2023 Thailand start.pdf
  19. Cancel the word " cheap" if talking about imported food ???? ....some supermarket the word "reasonable priced" is your best outcome ????
  20. Centaurus Is the new variant's named....by the early investigations by medics it seems it is built easyer to escape anti parts from vaccines .... Translated from Dutc language newspaper site https://www.hln.be/medisch/nieuwe-coronavariant-gaan-we-met-centaurus-de-winter-in~afea6aa2/ Variant BA.2.75, or 'Centaurus', is a new version of omikron version BA.2 that was dominant in Europe for a short time at the beginning of this year. For now, there is no indication that Centaurus is more serious or causes other symptoms, but preliminary studies indicate that it may be better able to escape antibodies. That could mean that people who recently had a corona infection could become infected again, although most people will not get very sick from it. News of BA.2.75 surfaced this week after scientists noted that the variant is spreading rapidly in India. The newcomer has also been spotted in Australia, Japan, Canada and the US, among others. Five infections have already been detected in the United Kingdom, two in Germany. Antibodies What kind of wave BA.2.75 will produce and exactly how well the variant is resistant to antibodies, will have to become clear from further research. However, judging by the shape of the projections and the speed with which BA.2.75 is advancing, international experts are not very reassured. For example, the new variant has several mutations in a place where antibodies like to 'grab' the virus. "I just hope it's a false alarm," Austrian cell biologist Ulrich Elling said in a technical discussion on Twitter. “But I don't like the mutations we see here
  21. It save some shavings a week ....shaving foam and blades take longer .....a sideways economic covid advantage ????
  22. It is everywhere on the rise .....that is why they handle it now as " endemic" .... Translated from my home coutry HLN newspage https://www.hln.be/binnenland/coronacijfers-besmettingen-stijgen-tot-meer-dan-6-000-per-dag-aantal-overlijdens-stijgt-met-bijna-50-procent~a0d4bd40/https://www.hln.be/binnenland/coronacijfers-besmettingen-stijgen-tot-meer-dan-6-000-per-dag-aantal-overlijdens-stijgt-met-bijna-50-procent~a0d4bd40/ CORONA FIGURES. Infections rise to more than 6,000 a day, number of deaths rises by almost 50 percent The Belgian corona figures continue to rise. The number of new infections with the corona virus rose between June 28 and July 4 to an average of 6,271 per day. The number of deaths is rising sharply, by 45 percent, according to the latest figures from the health institute Sciensano. Editorial 08-07-22, 06:40 Last update: 07:32 Source: BELGA
  23. It is like the airlines say " you are in need to fly ....? So be prepared to be in need to pay ! " On the contrary i booked a one way KLM flight BKK > Amsterdam > Antwerp Belgium ( Thalys speedtrain included..., for 14498 Thb , tax & card fee and chosen seat 1308thb included...) Economy standard ticket This booked 7 March for a 1 September flight ....early booking seems to pay of if you can do..., now some data for this the price tripled
  24. It is over game over checkmate ...as they showed him " the straightjacket "???? he go resign... Source Sky newsreporters on Downingstreet 10
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