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Everything posted by jaideedave

  1. Correct M..a few years ago I was operated on for colon cancer.This reulted in a colostomy bag.The longest 2 years of my life.The Thai surgeon refused to reverse it until/unless I took the suggested chemo therapy.I refused.Reason being I had renal failure at the time and Chemo would have killed me. I found a Dr in BKK who suggested a "PET" scan and if clear he would do the reversal for me.I did this and was "C" free.A bit later the procedure was reversed and I got my life back.Chemo is the worst possible thing IMHO.Its a racket for Dr and clinics.Nobody or very few survive that crap and lives to tell about it.
  2. Several years ago I had a lucrative contract for 3 months in Iraq (O&G) industry.I always wanted a Rolex Submariner and finally had enough money to afford one. I bought it at a bonafide dealer in BKK. After a bit I was on a 2 week holiday in Bejing to see the Great Wall.A casual walk in the vicinity of my hotel drew so many stares I left it locked in the hotel room. A very uncomfortable feeling.I sold it within a year of purchase after feeling like a target.
  3. jaideedave

    Tony's Gym

    Actually my ex wife worked for him as a secretary briefly.She got the job because her English was good as a result of me sending her to language classes.
  4. Giving while living is a mantra I've used.I've donated to my wife's sister and husband to get them started on building a new house.It's now complete.They were living in a hovel.They thank me these days while i'm still around.I get a lot of satisfaction from that.My wife and her single sister are well taken car of.Not rich but own 2 houses and some bullion.I won't need it where I'm going.555
  5. Back in the mid 90,s after I had made a few trips here from Canada a buddy wanted to come over with me.Okay says me,we stopped for a couple ales near the regional airport we needed to get to Vancouver.As we were going thru security they were looking at our carry on bags and his turn came.He was casually asked ,what do you have in the bag? His reply, "a gun and a knife" he chuckled.I couldn't believe my ears ! .So began his 1st trip to Thailand.
  6. Correct..I recently sent an important document to the Cdn government via Thailand Post air mail registered. I received a formal receipt and tracking #.When I looked up the tracking a few days later all information stopped the day it left Thailand.So much for that.I can only hope it reached its destination.I must say though that I've received important docs from them with no issues.
  7. My name is on my chanote.I have a 30 year lease with my step daughter registered as the owner outright.All done thru a lawyer.Pattaya land office in 2007.A friends wife challenged me about that once saying it was not possible.So I promptly went to the safe and produced said document.That night she she overdosed on crow.
  8. Funny you should ask that.In 2007 when at the land offce with my lawyer and stepdaughter to have the Chanote put in her name I was informed that my name was being put on the Chanote.(30 year lease) They then asked for both my mothers and fathers names? Why? they had both been deceased several years already, no answer just do.lol
  9. Correct...he could very well retaliate when she's alone.Get the police involved if necessary.They will want a tip for services rendered ,otherwise they don't give a sod.She may have something to hide and don't want the coppers sniffing around.There are most likely other circumstances here I'm thinking.
  10. Please inform me which hospital or city? tnx
  11. Thats my greatest fear.At 72 with past bypass surgery I'm behind the 8 ball. I told my Thai family to tell the Dr " DNR" do not resuscitate but I'm not sure they get it. I told them I don't want their inheritance wasted away so I can survive as a veggy.Of course my insurance does not cover any cardiac issues. I'm actually only covered from my chin up and belly button down.<deleted>
  12. You my friend live in a realistic world here.I've been preaching this for years..It's far more lucrative for them if everyone uses agents.I used to do my own until the light bulb went on. A few times I've been there when it was packed and a messenger dropped a huge handful of passports directly on the main mans desk and he quickly grabbed the 1st one...Agent only for me forever.
  13. god bless that sob...i wanted to p__s on his pyre
  14. Laughing out loud.I did my own for several years until 1 day something similar happened to me.These days I don't even have to go to Soi 5 anymore.All taken care od easy peasy!
  15. I recall there used to be a fellow who did that several years back.He was a big help in explaining stuff.Alas he's gone and hasn't been replaced. I forget his name btw.
  16. CH, I asume you live alone. My wife cared for me every day while I recovered from cancer. Without her It would have cost plenty for a live in nurse. She deserves it all and then some. When I was younger I thought along those lines of spending it all but not these days.
  17. VG I never thought of that aspect IE: inheritance, I inherited some $ from my step father a few years ago and I intend to leave it all for my wife.I suffered with colon cancer for 2 full years and took that long to recover and she was by my side every day to care for me. She deserves every penny.Thats the least I can do IMHO. Besides >There are no roof racks on a coffin.
  18. Years ago I was doing a border hop and met a fellow Canuck on the bus doing the same thing.After the formalities at the border the agent passed out the passports.He said "Canada" I took the pp from him. I never thought much about it and a few minutes later I opened the main page and realized it wasn't mine , it was the other dudes.Potential disaster had we parted ways as he never even looked at his.
  19. In days gone by I've called them at work and told them to pay the bar fine and get their pretty little bum over to my condo...
  20. TF is alive and well. I had a peek and its stuffed full of willing ladies. speaking for a friend
  21. Same with the Canadian Embassy in BKK. Last year I made an online appoinment to renew my PP and within a day they phoned me and said why not do it by mail? I never realized it was an option. Years before I always used a car hire from Pattaya to the Embassy at no small expense. Worked a treat, I had my new PP in about a week.Thai post EMS. It was always a hassle to get into the building with a ton of security. I suspect there must have been an "incident" I must have 5 or 6 expired or full ones in my safe. Easy to do now..
  22. Afew years ago I had business at the Canadian Embassy in BKK. on the lift with me was a 30 ish Cdn male who made a little small talk and as we were exiting on the ground floor he asked me if I could spare some money ! It floored me at the time. Not nowadays
  23. I can't ignore this statement.Going back a couple years a mate and myself would embark on extensive road trips on our HD bikes.Any time a Ranger would appear at a red light there would be a huge cloud of black smoke indicating it was a 'pedal to the metal" episode.They could just not tolerate driving behind us.We actually rode the bikes fairly conservatively.I nicknamed them "Ford Ragers" Inevitably we would meet an the next (fai dang) 555 I agree with poster.
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