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Everything posted by jaideedave

  1. A few years ago in Pattaya the rescue team attended a deceased farangs condo and in the pics you could plainly see a box of Leo cans. Pan over to them loading the corpse into the back of the truck and "voila" there was the box of Leo. Humorous I suppose as he won't need it.
  2. Absolutely correct. Competition will never be allowed.Like it has been said...corruption is way to deep and inbred in this country.Thats what keeps them back.The average labourer makes what? $10/day...smh
  3. 555..Who the hell wrote this piece of fluff? I've stayed on the island for months at a time previously and somehow these world class attractions evaded me. I think there,s a MacDs in Lamai.
  4. I have one of these.Very easy to use.Can cut your own hair in minutes.Comes with various cutter options. Remington HC4250 Men's QuickCut Hair Clipper New | eBay
  5. Come on guys.Is this really a noteworthy even.A near miss? I almost fell off my Honda PCX last week.I guess I should have contacted Bangkok Post so they could get a reporter or journalist over to report it.
  6. Our friend is about 50 years too late. The world has changed so much that if he was found on board he wouId most likely be locked up and do jail time.Security is important post 9-11. I looked into booking a cabin on a container ship and it was around 100$/day.
  7. My stepdaughter falls into that category I think. Years ago I put her thru TCC uni in BKK to get a degree in accounting.Which she did. For what it cost me I could have bought her a 7-11 franchise.Her allowance was 15k per month 13 years ago.I covered tuition. Her monthly salary today is just under 15k/month at King Power. wtf? Thats probably why most Thais want to open their own business. She says she'd like to open a coffee shop. I think she'll have to wait for her inheritance for that one.
  8. Over the years there have probably been dozens of cases of just that.Cyclists meeting their maker on the roads of LOS.A very dangerous undertaking where the biggest vehicle has the right of way.
  9. The backhanders have already been paid.If they back out there will be heavy penalties.All LOS needs is a decent Coast Guard for search and rescue.IMHO
  10. In days gone by I would run around looking for various items often unsuccessfully due to language barriers and no stock.Since CV 19 I find myself using Lazada/Shopee more often than not. I have bought replacement remotes for my Mitsubishi ac before no problem.
  11. Thank you sir for exposing all these climate zealot experts.They've been predicting false disasters for 50 years already.I'm sick of hearing from the doom and gloom brigade.Al Gore went from a nobody ex politition to a muti millionaire climate expert.Phony as a $3 bill along with the retarded Greta "how dare you" what a crock of <deleted>.
  12. Same happened to me years ago buying an HD from a shop in BKK.They told me the price.I decided I wanted it and offered them 10K less...they looked amazed that I had the nerve to even ask me such a question. I bought it at full asking price but they did some mods for free and shipped it to Pattaya for me.TIT
  13. Sadly nor did I. When this broke I held no hope for her survival especially given this bastards history. Hopefully some fellow prisoners will provide extreme justice for both families sake.
  14. I flew Bus class twice with Eva Bkk>TO 777, yes very good.Keep in mind that was 4-5 years ago. I haven't used KAL for 10 years so can't say. They were okay at the time.
  15. Back in the day pre covid I only used Eva BKK>Pearson.Business on their 777 was great.Not cheap but those flights are killer for me.It was just shy of 24 hours door to door Pattaya>St.Catharines. Previously I used KAL YVR>BKK when I lived in Nanaimo.
  16. This is turning into a giant can of worms.78 million sent to who,when ? Police Lt Col plus her sister involved and how many more?Better call Sherlock and grab some popcorn.
  17. Nick..A little off topic but I can see you as a valuable asset for the UK expats.I'm a Canadian with a similar issue.My Thai wife is entitled to 37.5% of one of my gov't pensions as a widow.I have downloaded all the necessary forms and filled out most of the details already including addressed envelopes..She's been instructed to have my death certificate etc translated and notarized.It would be next to impossible for her to complete this task on her own.In her case the Cdn gov't withholds a 25% non resident tax.I don't know any fellow Canucks to rely on to assist her. Do your UK contacts do the same? cheers
  18. I can't understand why there aren't solar panels on every roof.I acknowledge that someone earning 400 baht/day can't afford it but the gov't should provide incentives surley.Apparently PEA makes it difficult to transfer excess power to the grid.
  19. Kenny,I must admit that you've hit on some very valid points here.We've been together off/on for about 20 years so I've got some feelings invested.She takes any statement from a Dr as gospel.The "bite the hand that feeds them"strikes a cord.I've done nothing but contribute to her and her families welfare yet I'm always the bad guy if anything goes sideways.Maybe I'm fighting a battle I can't win.I could go on but I don't want to air the dirty laundry in this forum.Thank you sir. Good luck to you also in your struggles.
  20. Yes maybe use an old tactic from BKK BIB..hold him by the ankles over an open window on the 10th floor and ask him where she is.Maybe his memory will improve. Perps have been know to commit suicide in some cases. Its been in the BKK Post before.
  21. Dr T..thanks mate I may do just that if okay.Shes been away for 4 weeks and returns today and It'll be interesting to see things go now that I have better knowledge about the root cause.BTW I'm doing some research on Fish oil Omega 3 supplements with emphasis on DHA/EPA. You have any comment on that? Its been tested and proven to help BPD patients.
  22. OMG..that looks good.There's nothing like that in Pattaya that I'm aware of.Years ago there was one near where the Avenue is now or in that area.The German guy who ran it was a fugitive involved the theft from some wildlife fund or? Cell phones had just came out and I noticed he always had 3 in front of him..a little trivia
  23. Thanks T..I'll be 73 my next b/d so that makes it difficult for me to move away.Beside its my house not hers.By following this blog I've learnt a lot.I used to think she hated me when an outburst would occur.I now realize that her sporadic anger/rage is coming from inside and she can't control it.She knows something isn't right.After a few hours the anger subsides as quickly as it happens.I now know that it's a mental issue.With that knowledge I now have a more pragmatic attitude and will try to encourage her to find help.I see it thru different eyes now that I know whats causing the anger. I do notice that she's taken up walking each morning with her sister.I bought her a pedometer and she does about 5-6k steps in the am. Thats a start.Wish me luck. She's bull headed and will never admit she has a problem though.(saving face)
  24. I was in an area of BKK years ago and there were several shops that had 4 cylinder engines on pallets obviously for sale.Many choices.You'll need a knowledgeable/trustworthy Thai mechanic to help help select the correct one that will bolt in without many mods.They may even bench run it for you along with a compression check.(beer involved)
  25. Yes,if he beat the kid with a stick there should be DNA all over the place. That should be bulletproof evidence. Am I wrong here?
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