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Everything posted by jaideedave

  1. Dr Tom, Thats not really possible when she's the wife and you live under the same roof? Please tell me how to stay clear when we live in the same house. I've tried being nice to the extreme but it does not work in the least.
  2. My Thai wife is a good example.Give her 4 big bottles of Leo and watch out! The pent up anger comes out like you wouldn't believe.Sober, nice as pie.I believe there are inner issues that are impossible to discuss as I've tried.At 1st I put it off to menopause but thats come and gone I think...
  3. I'll bet money this fellow is ex SAS or Delta force.I've met many over the years while warming a bar stool in Pattaya. All BS aside I actually bought a (real) one years ago at a bonafide dealer at Siam Square BKK. I sold it a year later.I was traveling a lot at the time and had the distinct feeling I was being sized up for a mugging on more that a few occasions.
  4. I believe you're on point there Crossy.The inner parts of these fans are mass produced in sweat shops in PRC.I can't believe Hatari or any other brand makes there own capacitors etc. BTW I've tossed out many fans over the years because they wouldn't start or ran slow. Now I realize they only needed a replacement capacitor for 20 baht. Same as a/c units. One of the a/c stopped working.The repairman showed me the old capacitor and charged me 1200 baht for the call.I kept the old one and went to a dealer and bought the same one for 250 baht as a spare and used it on another unit 6 months later.Lesson learned.
  5. Easy answer.I think it only needs a new capacitor.Dirt cheap on LAZADA.I changed my first one last year. I was a litle apprehensive but it was not too difficult at all.You only need a couple tools you probably already have around.Go to You Tube and look up capacitor replacement for fans and Bobs your uncle.
  6. Agreed.I'm 20 years here and this is the hottest hot season for me in Pattaya.
  7. So sad so young.This is precisely why I have a signed DNR form in my medical files with my Thai Dr. At 72 it's all about quality of life.I do not want to be a burden on my Thai wife and family.Nor do I wish to spend my last days staring at a ceiling in a helpless situation. I don't want their inheritance wasted away to an ICU unit who won't hesitate to pull the plug when informed "money finit" No regrets
  8. Those numbers are only demanded because you're a farang.Even if she was an 18 yo virgin it would be too much.No disrespect but there is no great demand for her demographic. There are no guarantees that the marriage will last. Money and wifey gone forever. IMHO its a mugs game.Give the folks 10k and just cohabitate.Done deal. The old saying applies here.>Don't buy the whole cow if you only want a glass of milk. PS:I've been married 3 times already.
  9. I was in my late 50.s.Touring on my Street Glide with a mate(2 bikes) around most of Thailand, Cambodia,Laos and to KL for the F1 race.Done over a couple years mind you. A bucket list item and accident free by some miracle.
  10. 555..try this scenario...the senior cop will get the bag.He asks ,does anyone know who owns this bag? Answer..no.Ok then I'll take care of this.Its laughable to think for 1 minute the cops will be activly seeking out the owner. Years ago on Samui a acquaintance had just returned from Dubai with 20k usd cash.Proceeds from a 2 month stint offshore.Locked it in his room and "surprise" it was broken into and money gone.He had a big mouth and frequently mentioned in the bar that he made good money.He went to the cops who asked him for money to look for his money.crickets
  11. I was with the UK version of Bupa Blue cross from work.I then moved to Thailand and had heart bypass surgery.The Thai version placed a ton of exclusions on my policy.I tell everyone I'm covered from my chin up and my navel down.They will have a field day with the diabetes issue.Also they would only allow me to have the lowest coverage policy.I'm glad I kept it because lucky me I got bowel cancer and they covered that.Oh well. Now I don't buy green bananas.
  12. Very good observation.Thais staying right up until the last minute to get their money's worth. Beyond logic.They probably stay that long to charge their phones thinking of free electricity and air con. Staff? Owners pretend to pay workers pretend to work.
  13. I'm not being prejudiced here but I hope they're providing showers for the occupants of those cells. Odoriferous comment I'm sure.
  14. After 20 years in LOS I don't believe a word of that rubbish. Are they implying a gov't official would accept a gratuity to allow illegal gambling? Someone is spreading rumors surely.
  15. Has anyone else noticed that there are more "sorry no drivers available" cases with grab food delivery.I'm getting a lot of them lately.I've starting to use food-panda more because they don't deem to have that issue.
  16. Give this a go.Hold your left hand up fingers extended palm facing you. Your thumb is # 1,next finger #2 until you get to the last finger #5. Water enters your thumb... The thumb is the 1st stage ...got it? Sorry I couldn't help myself..no harm intended. I love your advice Sheryl please don't hate me..
  17. I have a DNR (do not resuscitate) sheet in Thai and English I'm giving to my Thai Dr next visit.I'm going to ask her to put in in my file.At 72 I'm good with that.I've got my wife and her sister to witness and sign it.I'm doing this for 2 reasons,quality of life. I don't want to survive and be a veg or crippled etc.The other reason is I don't want to end up in an ICU being kept alive by machines. I have a ton of exclusions on my insurance policy and am basically only covered from my chin up and navel down. No way I want my family's inheritance squandered while I'm plugged in and when they tell the Dr the money finit they pull the plug. Anyone out there disagree?
  18. I intend to purchase some gold bars and have been advised that when schools resume is when a lot of families sell gold for childrens/school expenses and historically pulls the price down. I'm in no rush and willing to wait a month or so and then re-evaluate.If indeed it does happen I will buy. On my 1st visit to LOS it was circa 4300 baht/baht. At one time I was sporting a 3 baht chain around my neck.I can't imagine surviving a night on the town with that these days.
  19. <deleted>...I've used google translate for ever and only just learned that from you. Thanks so much...one never stops learning..smh
  20. Many years ago in my 40,s I was diagnosed with SE you speak of with similar symptoms.I'd wake up abruptly completely out of air. Very frightening indeed. I underwent the sleep lab tests etc. They ended up removing my "uvula" surgically. It never really worked until decades later I quit drinking and lost a lot of weight.I never used a machine and always sleep on my side.Now my shoulders hurt at 72.lol
  21. Yes its called "Cinderella leave" The USN and other navies invoke that sometimes if the ship is leaving port the next morning to prevent any drunken late arrivals.It works to everyones benefit.
  22. Yes there was always a box of condoms near the gangway.There was usually a bulletin produced the day before entering a port of areas/districts to avoid.We used this is a reference for the taxis to take us.Thats where all the fun was.The island of Curacao had a place out of town called Camp Allegro where as an 18 yo I had fun until I ran out of money. Ah the good old days.
  23. FYI..I personally have been to to go f myself a couple times in arguments with fellow drinkers.It must be possible as its used a lot in some circles.
  24. I very much hate dual pricing.I see the signs on the wall at Queen Sirikit hospital. I try not to let it bother me because the service is very affordable for me. My Dr even suggested that I buy my meds at Fascino because she knew I was paying 1.5 times the locals pay. BTW...there is a difference between being a resident and a citizen of a country.If you have a Thai passport that makes you a citizen,if not then you are a resident.IMHO please correct me on that?
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