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Everything posted by jaideedave

  1. I must agree with your suggestion.Let the lazy buggers wallow in their own s---! Not to blow my own horn but my step daughter keeps our house spotless.I don't have to coerce her ever.Thats how she was guided when she first came into my life.There is no instruction manual on parenting.Its on you as their guardian to provide them with whats right/wrong.
  2. When my Thai wife and I embarked on one of our 1st road trips in Thailand (pre GPS) she was utterly amazed at how I as a foreigner could navigate us around the country using only a road map.I felt a little like Captain Cook. 555
  3. Does anyone recall the "Green Bottle" pub/resto? Diana Inn hotel next door.It was the 1st pub in Pattaya friends brought me to in 1991.As a newbie to Asia I struggled with the heat but this place was air conditioned. I met 2 Newfies there who had just got discharged from Pattaya Memorial hospital. They had a touch of pneumonia as a result of turning their room air con to the coldest setting then venturing outside in the sun. What an eye opening experience for me at the time.Now happily retired in South Pattaya since 04.
  4. I served 6 years aboard a diesel submarine in my younger days.I doubt our Cptn would even want to operate in the gulf unless we stayed on the surface. I do see on the news the USN has boomers in the Persian Gulf and its even less deep in areas. They could probably be spotted from a Cessna aircraft...
  5. My 1st step onto these shores was in 1991 and not long afterwords they were working on beach road. They are still working on it. Is this a description of a "money pit"? wtf
  6. Yes and why are there Chinese police stations in Canada and USA? And why are they even allowed?
  7. My personal experience is:My wife and her younger sister are orphans.Her young sister was just finishing high school in Issarn. I was doing quite well at the time and offered to send her to uni at my expense. She attended UTCC in BKK for 5 years and graduated with a degree in Accounting.I sent her 15k each month for living costs and paid the annual tuition.Her 1st job as a junior accountant paid about 10k.She now works at King Power for circa 15k + per month. In hindsight I could have bought her a 7-11 franchise with what it cost me.TIT This was back in 2006...A uni degree may not the best investment in Thailand. But what is?
  8. BW..same here.Years ago I returned to my home town(Canada) for a visit which is 12 kilometers from Niagara Falls. I took many photos and got postcards etc to show my stepdaughter (teens) one of the wonders of the world.I sat her down in front of my computer for her to enjoy something she'll most likely never see. Less than two minutes into the presentation her phone rang...she answered and that was the end of that. I now realize that all the pics I took when myself and some mates were riding our HDs around Thailand,Laos,Cambodia and Malaysia are actually only for my own use.I seldom take photos any more. Lesson learned.
  9. As far as I know its just a box they have to tick..a formality.nothing more.Don't call Dick Tracy yet..
  10. He most likely has to hide until the effects of the "keep awake" drugs wear off.Then he will turn himself in and say that he panicked and ran.Same story every time.Laughable if not for the loss of life and injuries and lives ruined.
  11. Years ago I worked in Iran for a company based in Dubai.When I finished my hitch the company rep would come to the hotel with a box of envelopes each with our pay in USD.The first time it was a shocker,as I'd never had 11 to 13 k cash in my fist before that.Nowadays it's small potatoes but at the time I was living large.lol
  12. I just spent a week in Phnom Penh riverside area.I've been to this area several times over the years pre covid.There was a very noticable lack of tourists. Maybe low season but maybe because the world economy is hurting is also a factor.The hotel I usually stay at was virtually empty.I'm of the view that more people have less disposible income than previous years.If you lost your income from the covid disaster you won't be planning many trips abroad.
  13. I had colon cancer surgery at Queen Sirikit hospital near U Tapao a few years ago.It was done the old fashioned way I guess.Recovery was the worst 2 years of my life.The surgeon wouldn't reverse the colostomy until I took chemo.I refused and instead had a PET scan.It was clear and had a Dr do the surgery at Ramathibodi in BKK. Horrible experience.There won't be a next time.
  14. In my almost 20 years in Pattaya I've warmed more bar stools than I care to admit.At 72 I am no longer interested in socializing with people that I used to represent.I'm a homebody these days.Here I am answering this forum.That should tell the story. I've had more than my share of fun in "fun city" I sold my last HD a few years ago due to health. I feel I no longer fit in and most of the conversations bore that crap out of me.My bucket list is complete.I'm basically content these days in > Heaven's Waiting Room <
  15. RS>correct "We can be in the middle of the dry desert at 50 Deg C and its does not feel as hot as Bangkok at 36 Deg C with 90% humidity." That was my experience in Iran where I was working 50c hardly any humidity..not pleasant but bearable.
  16. Lol..I witnessed that 1st hand at a resort when the maid inserted the blunt end of a dinner fork into the slot and "presto" the power came on..
  17. If thats the case how are all the false doomsday predictions made over the years turning out? Wrong Again: 50 Years of Failed Eco-pocalyptic Predictions
  18. I've taken the Indian Pacific from Sydney to Perth.I must say it travelled through a lot of remote areas IMHO. Very good meals were served. I've also taken the rail trip across Canada Halifax NS to Vancouver BC . That trip took 4-5 days as I recall.
  19. Yes it is.Ask any ex smoker.The urge to smoke never leaves you.I've confirmed this truism many times over the years.I happily smoked Marlboro for decades until I had quadruple bypass surgery. Suddenly I didn't crave them any longer.I always related smoking with lung cancer but was mistaken.I found out the hard way that it affects the heart/blood vessels etc. also. My old mum smoked all her life and developed cancer of the mouth.A previously beautiful woman disfigured in late life until the end.If this vaping is safe and effective to stop people from smoking then I'm all for it.
  20. Maybe so..years ago my wife took the bus from Mor Chit to Issarn.When she arrived the bag was gone.In the bag were all her immigration documents from my embassy that were required to process her visa to emmigrate.It set us back almost a year to redo almost everything we had done to that point.That really pissed me off.She complained to the manager at the terminal who gave her 1000 baht and sent her way.Lesson learned.Never put anything of value in the bus luggage compartment. Never!
  21. The Tamulosin side effects were horrible for me.At 1st it worked good but after a few days I tossed it in the bin.I've had BPH for years and saw palmetto used to work but not so much these days. I use this concoction now and it seems to help. I also take pumpkin seed extract.All easily available on Lazada.
  22. 19 years in Pattaya and yes It's the hottest now that I recall.37 c the other day.I worked in Iran years ago and it hit 50 c but nearly no humididty so not so bad.
  23. Jen..very accurate information for a change.The Greta's in the world are f'd up.How many predictions of climate disaster over the years have come to fruition? None.I've experienced the effects of El Nino on the BC west coast decades ago.It upsets certain patterns and then goes away.You want a laugh? Listen to an Al Gore speech. You'll piss yourself on hearing such a pile of bull<deleted>e.The Canadian carbon tax does not and will not reduce anything except the $ in your wallet.
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