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Everything posted by jaideedave

  1. In the past I would book a flight to either PP or Siem Reap for a week to avoid Songkran. These days I just stay close to home and only venture outside for necessities in the AM.
  2. I've been using the 00500 prefix for a few years now.Cheap and almost always good connections. No muss no fuss.A couple baht/minute AIS
  3. Me thinks they're trying to figure a way out of the mess.How not to proceed without losing face. Blame it on.....?
  4. Yes I'm not bashing them because I still shop there but I don't but meat there anymore. Their bakery is pretty good.
  5. Several years ago I was lined up at a kiosk at the boarding gate for a flight to Tripoli and a suit slid up to me and politely asked how much cash I was carrying?
  6. If he has 500k in USD cash I'm thinking there will be more than a few eyebrows raised.He definitely has to declare it no matter what or risk being detained and the cash confiscated. Is he here on a tourist visa or ? Something just doesn't add up. If he has 500k in THB he'll have to exchange it somewhere before he can spend it...even Laos or Cambodia. Maybe a Myanmar General gave it to him for safe keeping. sheesh
  7. I moved to Pattaya in late 2004.They were working on Beach Rd then and ever since. At that time they were drilling horizontally to bury the cables. These are all "make work" projects IMHO. Another example is the meridian cement curb smack down the middle of Thepprasit Rd.Why? Jomtien was quite acceptable I thought but now you can expect years of construction along there. It will most likely ruin a few businesses as collateral damage.
  8. It's useless anywhere but here.. I had 20k cash in Canada a few years back and changed it at a currency exchange.They didn't want it at first but in the end gave me a very poor ex rate.Big mistake on my part. Whenever I used to go to Cambodia I always bought USD here to take with me and never any issues.
  9. Forget Foodmart for beef steak.I bought a frozen rib eye and when I was cooking it I began to realize it was one continuous piece of meat like a string? It was shaped like a steak but hand formed from some off cut. I was very pissed off with this crap! I should have taken a pic and exposed them.
  10. You've left out the SAS operatives strategically located at several beer bars in Pattaya
  11. Besides it will be a dead giveaway if they spot the sleeping bag.
  12. This unfrozen Canuck remembers ice forming on my eyelids walking to school in winter on some days. I rarely complain about the heat anymore. And no,not uphill both ways.
  13. The issue lies in the fact that in the LOS that if the BIB get involved in the negotiations they will want their cut of the booty.
  14. Very interesting opinion indeed. I'd have to think a bit if I wanted my health placed under the care of a young Dr suffering from PTSD? Perhaps the Royal Thai Army could find a place for her with a salary double that of a 7-11 employee. 555
  15. Ya but when she fell out of the ugly tree she hit every branch on the way down
  16. This young Dr is obviously (to me) being coached big time for fame and fortune. Davey boy is probably guilty of something no doubt in my mind. Thing is that Dr's here are held in god like esteem here and can do no wrong. In the past I had a heated argument with my wife when I disagreed with a statement a Dr made concerning a med issue I was having. She couldn't believe that I questioned the Dr's advice.
  17. A few months ago I moved into a condo complex in Jomtien.I did a lot of research 1st and visited the place a couple times and spoke to the jurisdic staff. I'm well aware of the Air B&NB issues.This place has posters on every entrance in 3 languages about the place NOT being a hotel.After 3 months I've not notced any folks with suitcases coming and going. Only issue I have is with whoever lives above me likes to drag the furniture around day and night. Also a lot of long faced Ivans who are the least friendly folks I've ever met in my 73 years. A "good morning" in the lift only produces a look that says "who the f are you" 555
  18. I was forced to fly a lot for work at one time.Those who chose to fully recline their seats in front of me (economy) were treated to an "accidental" jolt every time I had to get up. I finally wised up and had my employer upgrade me to BC at my expense. No more econo flights for me unless only a few hours. Even in retirement the trip from BKK>Toronto is 24 hours door to door I paid the extra for BC with EVA. However those trips are no longer on my agenda.
  19. She's sitting on a gold mine, so they say 555
  20. Correct, there are so many crooked LOS officials that facilitate this BS they have to be careful who they finger. It appears the Boris connection is on the radar screen, finally 555
  21. Oops, the head chief of the RTP and his 2 IC are both in the penalty box under investigation. Who's got the keys?
  22. 555, back in the day I worked in the O&G Industry in the ME and LOS and brought in hundreds of thousands of USD over time with no questions asked. Am I guilty of tax evasion? Its mostly long gone so good luck to them if they can find it they can have it.
  23. That's been my argument all along. 25 million people visited LOS last year.How many used credit cards? How long did they stay? How to tell if a transaction was made by a tourist or a pensioner? Wouldn't each and every transaction have to be examined to make that determination? Maybe I'm missing something here?
  24. She is being coached by someone.IMHO
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