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Everything posted by jaideedave

  1. I guess I was lucky because some companies I worked for only supplied economy tickets as I was always allowed to pay for the upgrades. That spoiled me for econo tickets. Even in retirement I paid for bc even if it was a stretch. I found a company online that bought/sold points and I travelled 1st & bc with those a couple times for steep discounts. I also had silver status with Emirates, one of my favourie airlines. PS:Did you have the priviledge of flying their 380 bc with the bar/lounge at the back? I arrived in Dubai well lubricated to say the least one morning.The so called "good old days"
  2. Correct...Bkk for sure to get access. End of trip in Paris, no way. I've travelled bc dozens of times for work and never get access to the lounges once you've arrived at your destination.
  3. You are correct.A foreign tourist won't have a good result going to a gov't hospital in most cases.I only go yo Queen Sirikit hospital in Sattahip with my wife or at least a Thai speaker.You will be lost otherwise.I've been using them for a few years now.
  4. They try that crap on me also. My bp is always high at the hospital. Years ago I needed a work related dental exam for a job application.I went to Pattaya Memorial, My bp was high as normal and they wouldn't let me see the dentist unless I saw a Dr first.I grabbed my papers and left. Went to a local clinic and done in 15 minutes. Like you sometimes I overhear the nurses talking in whispers about if I'm going to make it out of the hospital without heart surgery. Laughable really
  5. Excellent suggestion.It's actually listed clearly on Booking.com. Complete description along with house number and all so there would be no confusion or mistaking the place. What I have to do is record some of the parties (3am) because I can't make allegations without proof.It was built by a Chinese investor couple under a shady agreement with the moo ban manager lady.(Thai name proxy) Listing as 10 pax maximum 5 br @ 21,598 for 2 nights. It ain't cheap so they want to get their moneys worth. Almost always single guys who probably get their temporary "friends" on Walking Street.And no, I'm not jealous because I've been there and done that in years gone by.555
  6. 555 I love your suggestion Arrr ...2 issues here, 1 the owners already know know we're not happy about the pool parties, 2nd, I'm terrified of snakes. Hoping that the window/wall upgrades do the trick. If I keep getting woken up from this I'll notify the "old boot" that I'll be moving out to a (hopefully) quiet place to round of my time . PS: How to deal with the security cameras that they may have and where do I source live snakes that won't bite me. 555
  7. What a joke this lovely country has become.A convicted criminal appointing his daughter as the next PM while serving out his laughable incarceration in a VIP Hospital . Miss Yingluck next up to bat but not until blanket amnesty for every and all previous political office holders has been announced in the Official Gazette.. 555
  8. Same here, when I visited PIH in Pattaya they made me pay get the bp test right after checking in. Of course it always reads high.I just got off my motorbike after running the gauntlet of 2nd Rd. There's a nurses fee involved.It's only 300 baht but I feel it's a wee bit of a rip off.
  9. Good score BMT.I gave up growing my own because the LED caused the temperature to get way too high in the tent.Even with multiple fans etc I had to run the a/c in the room.This obviously raised my elec bill so it's cheaper to just buy it these days. It was fun for a while though.
  10. 1. Pensions and other similar remuneration, whether they consist of periodic or non-periodic payments, for past employment, arising in a Contracting State and paid to a resident or the other Contracting State shall be taxable only in the first-mentioned State. 2. For the purpose of paragraph 1 such remuneration for past employment shall be deemed to arise in a Contracting State if the payer is that State itself, a political subdivision, a local authority or a resident of that State. https://www.canada.ca/en/department-finance/programs/tax-policy/tax-treaties/country/thailand-convention-1984.html
  11. JG..thanks so much for clarifying this for me. I've tried to decipher the gov't docs and my "cognitive function" cells shut down. That gives me peace of mind for now. cheers
  12. Well Gman, that's it in a nutshell in plain English. No mention of pension income. Now let's all sit back and see how the RD f,s this up.
  13. I foresee a bureaucratic nightmare on the horizon. Another useless paper copying exercise aka visa renewals and lets throw in translation services. In my case as a non resident of Canada my pensions are subjected to a 25% withholding tax. However because my income is below a certain threshold my income is tax excempt. I pay zero taxes. (Form NR5) How do I convince Somchai or Noi at RD about this legal decision? I do have the letter stating this fact but thats all. Fingers crossed this whole thing just fades away.
  14. Good advice but I'm thinking they'll use him as a hostage until they get paid off. TIT
  15. Yes old Wongsawan is quite the story teller.A real knee slapper. Has he been to the Chiang Mai area in the past few years to witness the farmers slash and burn activities? A few years ago from the temple at Doi Suthep you couldn't even make out the airport bepow.
  16. In my case, in 2007. I bought the house and had it put in my stepdaughters name. I then had a 30 year lease drawn up via a lawyer and had it all registered at the land office.(Pattaya) My name is on the chanote as the lessee. My stepdaughter has the chanote. Some procedures may have changed during those years. I think the lawyer fee was about 30k.Great for peace of mind.IMHO
  17. Funny you mentioned Siem Reap.I've been considering a SHTF alternative to LOS. I've visited several times on bike trips. Its hard to find out which areas are nice and affordable at thre same time. We've stayed not far from Pub Street before but it's not what you can say "residential". A newer condo rental would suit me just fine.PS: I'm well past the backpacker stage @73. Just in case.
  18. In our situ we've lived in the same moo ban for over 16 years.They knocked down the old house beside ours and built a 12 mil 4br Pool Villa as advertised on Booking.com. Every 3-5 days a new gang arrives and like clockwork the party starts when the bars close around 3 am.The pool parties are very noisy as our br is on that side.Apparently a Chinese investor owns it via the moo ban manager so its legal. We've complained to city hall but of course nothing will come of that. I've invested over 40 k in double glazed + laminated PVC windows and more.( hope it works) The owner says to just contact her if it gets too noisy but that won't change anything because a fresh group keeps recycling.I'm 73 and once I get woken I have a hard time getting back to sleep. I'm at my wits end here.( sleepless in Pattaya)
  19. I believe the div was 5.6% plus a decent growth factor. Perhaps the historic records are still available for that period years ago. I was working O&G during that timne and was just looking for somewhere to park my massive wealth.
  20. Yes I did.CPNRF was the ticker. It was over 10 years ago so my experience will probably be different than anything available today. I made what I consider a good ROI. I would have liked a DRIP option but it wasn't available.
  21. As others have said. <Bualuang Securities> very easy and a manager helped me in every way.I invested in a REIT that paid divvies monthly or quarterly I forget. The dividend went directly to my Thai bank account. Very professional and easy. It was a few years ago and some things may have changed.
  22. I like your way of thinking.With millions of tourists using ATM,s year round how could they possibly track you down unless something jumps out at them.They only issue is that we get a crappy ex rate using an ATM. Look at the 90 report debacle and SIM card registration. They can't even keep track of whos in the country at any given time.
  23. A few years ago I had quarterly Dr appointments at BPH heart center. When done with the Dr a nurse would accompany me to the cashiers window on the next floor and didn't leave until my payment was completed. It got to the point where I almost said something like "whats up don't you trust me?" and then I realized that they don't! It pissed me off because my insurance company at the time paid out well over 1 mil previously for bypass surgery. After checking the thick invoice I noticed the bill was well and truly padded.pricks
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