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Posts posted by Strange

  1. 1 hour ago, sjaak327 said:

    Yes, because you left out many other aspects that are specific to a government of a country. Don't worry, it will come to you eventually :)


    It can be spun both ways. Hillary knows nothing about business and money but is a adept status quo lying politician. She would have surrounded herself with the advisors her party thought were best. 


    Not one single politician is an expert in every aspect of government. 

  2. 1 hour ago, sjaak327 said:

    You can argue till the cows come home, your first sentence already reveal you have no idea about democracy. You seem to believe a vote in California should not count equally to a vote in Florida.


    the criticism towards the EC has been going on for decades, heck even Trump himself did so when he (incorrectly) believed Obama won the EC but lost the popular vote.


    The EC is about throwing away votes on criteria that were written centuries ago. Time to change.


    To be clear here, its you thats arguing against the way the game has been played for hundreds of years. 


    Again, you cant cry about it after the fact. 


    Maybe in the future it'll change but for now its the way it is. I agree with EC, you don't, agree to disagree. 

  3. 4 hours ago, iReason said:

    The Soldier race??? 

    This has got to be the most ridiculous, outrageous, ignorant post I have read in a long time.

    Truly unbelievable.


    Dunning Kruger exemplified.


    Dunno why you are freaking out so badly, you guys toss it around like saying hello to someone. 


    I see nothing wrong with hiring military officials. 

  4. 16 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:

    Just sayin'; Trump's victory was largely floated on a cesspool of lies and fake news.  


    Thats certainly your opinion but there are more things at play than you thinking every trump voter is an idiot and FYI thats a big reason why Ol' Hill & Bill have "Been FIRED" 


    8 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:

    how can we expect his rabid supporters to be any better?


    You believe all his supporters are rabid and thats a problem. I don't think all Hillarys supporters are crying snowflakes but those are the ones getting exposure and trying to be heard. A vast majority on both sides are just going to work and coming home and eating dinner either happy they won or disappointed they lost. 


    Ive seen your posts from weeks before the election and after and your rhetoric & blatant lies & intentional misinformation are a sight to behold. 

  5. 12 minutes ago, Morch said:


    The point was clearly made, on several posts. If you have trouble figuring it out, try going back and reading my posts again, slowly. Don't think I had much to say about HRC vote count, and did not contest the election results.



    You realize the topic of the thread right? Or did you think this was the "Woefully Unfit" thread? 

  6. 6 minutes ago, Morch said:


    My point had nothing to do with who is complaining. That's your line.


    The only people making as issue out of it and bringing anything up about what trump is doing are the anti-trump brigade up to and including the MSM. 


    Repub President? Check


    Repub Congress? Check


    Repub House? Check


    Supreme Court? Check


    Upper crust blocked from going full retard? Check

  7. 1 minute ago, ttthailand said:

    So it is ok for perhaps 5 major US cities to have the power to pick the president. The rest of the country won't really matter and anyone running would only go to the selected few cities that can get them elected.


    Because in the Liberal mind "Hicksville" votes don't count for anything and the progressive vote is the only one that should be counted.  



  8. 16 minutes ago, Morch said:




    Private business is not the same as public. Diplomacy and foreign affairs are not like running a private business. What one may pull off as a private business is not acceptable on a national or international level.



    I never said anything about diplomacy and foreign affairs. Im talking about <deleted> taxes, healthcare, federal budget, etc. Thats all money. One poster says 'its not like running a business' and I disagree and show clear and very important issues that are exactly like running a business. 

  9. On 11/25/2016 at 11:32 AM, dick dasterdly said:

    An annual blood test for these parasites is the best solution IMO - if possible.


    I think it needs to be clarified as to what exact test is used for detecting these parasites as a the most common is a CBC and that is not diagnosing the parasites or anything really. 


    I am not a vet but geez the simple 'blood test' isn't anything to bet an animals life on. 


    It appears that a CBC + Blood Smear + Antibody Test is standard in the rest of the world and this is not done in a majority of vet 'clinics'. 





    Diagnosis of Ehrlichiosis

    It can be difficult to confirm a diagnosis of Ehrlichiosis. Blood tests typically show a decreased number of platelets ("thrombocytopenia") and sometimes decreased numbers of red blood cells(anemia) and/or white blood cells.

    Changes in the protein levels in the blood may also occur. Blood smears can be examined for the presence of the Ehrlichia organisms. If they are present, the diagnosis can be confirmed, but they may not always show up on a smear. Blood can also be tested for antibodies to Ehrlichia — though this can sometimes produce incorrect results.

    Specialized testing can check for genetic material from Ehrlichia, and while this is the most sensitive test, it is not widely available and has some limitations as well. Generally, a combination of lab tests along with clinical signs and history are used to make a diagnosis.

    The diagnosis is further complicated by the fact that dogs infected with Ehrlichia may also be infected with other diseases carried by ticks, such as BabesiaLyme disease, or Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever. Infection with a bacteria called Bartonella has also been found in conjunction with Erlichiosis and other tick borne diseases. The presence of these other diseases can make symptoms more severe, and the diagnosis can be more complicated.


  10. 3 minutes ago, Morch said:

    Trump's questionable business practices may (hopefully) not be applicable to managing the affairs of the nation. Running a private company is not the same as running a country, or filling a public position. Since Trump business affairs are not transparent, confidence in his abilities might be misplaced.


    Money is money homeboy. 


    Hillary Clinton had just about zero business acumen so on the topic of money, budgets, business, Trumps got it. 


    What you find questionable the majority of business people consider completely normal. You don't have to like it, but such as it is worldwide, not just the USA. 

  11. 21 minutes ago, jak2002003 said:

    It was just one blood test for the liver / tick parasite... which was done straight away and I got the results after just a few minutes.   Here is the link to it. 


    If that was the only test you got then you were lucky because its very likely that it was only a simple CBC and no real confirmation of whats actually killing your dog and thats the whole problem. 


    Low platelet and pale gums - why? If it gets to the point of palish gums, lethargy, zero appetite there is no time to 'try' different medications. An exact diagnosis is needed. 

  12. I haven't but I never really looked. There has got to be a snake of some sort for sale at the big places like watsadu, home pro etc. Or on lazada/aliexpress. 


    Sink or Toilet? 

  13. On 11/24/2016 at 3:15 PM, jak2002003 said:

    So moral of the story is.. as soon as your dog seems slightly not acting normal, less active and pale gums... get it to a vet and get and blood parasite test.


    The problem is that most vets here and most vet 'clinics' can NOT do any real testing. And if they have a 'blood test' its a very basic & instant type of test. Another problem is these kits they use for the testing require maintenance and calibration and Thais are not the best at this. Not all of course but this isn't an area of discussion where being 'slack' and 'thainess' can be accepted. 


    Once the simple blood test is done, you have a 'general' idea of what it 'could be' based on whats 'common' here. Thats not good enough considering that if you get it wrong, your dog dies. 


    The further testing that need to be done to actually CONFIRM what EXACTLY the problem is, the local clinics can not do. So its just a guessing game. The local clinics literally make shit up and have zero accountability. 


    There are only a couple of things in this country that have infuriated me to the point of wanting to back my bags and leave and the treatment of animals by vets & thais alike is one of them. 

  14. 4 minutes ago, jak2002003 said:

    Maybe in your situation it is because the vets you are using are not getting it right or are misdiagnosing the illness?


    I know both my dogs, when we got the test and diagnosis very early at the first signs of the disease.. they got better really fast.. and it was not expensive... just a couple on injections, a course of 2 different tablets, and some iron paste put in their food every day.


    No lasting damage.  But the one I left too long.. because I was not sure what was wrong.. that one nearly died the fist time... but still got better quickly once treatment began... about 2 weeks. 


    Do you know what tests were performed and how the diagnosis was made? 


    What area of Thailand were you in? What kind of Vet? Local Thai vet 'clinic'?

  15. 16 hours ago, Docno said:

    Doing what jobs? A lot of the farm work is now being done by machines. Your first clue is that the agricultural sector hasn't collapsed with the flight of people to the cities. It's  all very well to say that people should get a 'legitimate ' job, but those jobs have to exist in the first place....


    The only aspect of farm work done by machines of any notable scale is tilling & harvesting and even then its hardly notable.


    I believe there would be more job opportunities of people actually tried to do a good job and took their jobs seriously as a way that supports their livelihood. 

  16. 4 minutes ago, Deepinthailand said:

    Rents are not determined by size or for a Lesser  degree by location. Rents are determined by what the Tennant is willing to pay. Also I'm afraid to say Wether your a local or a farang.  house in village near us (not ours another landlord) for rent thai price 4500bht pm Farang price 6000 bht pm It is what it is.


    I would be interested to see what people actually get for 3000 - 7000 a month. 


    I had a 2 bedroom townhouse like 5 years ago in the village for 3000 a month but it was straight up Thai style. Squat toilet (that I paid to change at a whopping 2k) single light bulb per 'room' - single plug outlet in the most random and inconvenient place per 'room' - light blue & pink cloud tiles through out etc.... 


    After we sold our last house I got in a brand new 2 bed townhouse for 7k. Gyprock ceilings, downlights, earthed electric, polished & stained teak stairs with stainless handrails. 


    I think what a lot of people find to be a 'good deal' others might not think so much. 


    Location does have a lot to do with it.

  17. I don't think you will find any racism or discrimination but might be stared at and ogled by some similar to an animal in a zoo that nobody has ever seen before. Its not really a negative thing but might get tiring lol


    Not like its going to happen all the time but it might be a notable experience. 

  18. 1 hour ago, boomerangutang said:

    Koler is a Democrat.  He doesn't think his many fake stories influenced the election, though some of his fake stories got 1.5 million hits and were frantically re-sent by right wing dummies hundreds of times.  Some of those fake news stories were repeated here on T.Visa.  Right wingers would swear they were real, and proved how corrupt HRC was.


    *gasp*   *so much shock*   *omg*


    Sounds pretty much like Facebook, are we gonna start winging about that too?

  19. 6 hours ago, sjaak327 said:

    You could drive through the whole country, fact remains, Hillary got almost 2 million votes more. The EC is all about throwing away votes on requirements or concerns in 1787, now we are a few centuries further.


    It's funny how people that support the EC claim it is good because candidates will campaign in state X or Y, but forget that most of the non swing states see precious little of the candidates, and those states vastly outnumber the swing states. Time to get rid of this undemocratic system. And quite frankly, since each state already has their own parliaments, the person who calls the shot at the FEDERAL government should be elected on popular vote, where a vote from Manhattan counts just the same as the one from Tallahassee or hicksville wherever.


    Campaign on televison will bring down the ridiculous costs as well, a win-win.


    Hillarys 2 million more votes mean nothing other than to prove that Cali, Illinois, NY shouldn't be running the country.


    Hillarys 2 million more votes mean nothing as the game was played based on the EC. 


    Nobody even brought up abolishing the EC until Trump won so it was only an "undemocratic system" when they lose. 


    Its impossible to speculate how it would have played out of the rules were the popular vote, and its not an after the fact foot-note of a game played by different rules.  If you look at the election map by county you can clearly see a lot of red and very little blue. Its obvious that campaigning would concentrate in those areas and I'm inclined to think that Trump would have still won. More Republican voters would be out in Cali, Illinois, NY - however more Democrat voters might turn out in "Hicksville" as well so who knows. 


    I don't think the EC is perfect but I think its better than the popular vote. 

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