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Posts posted by Strange

  1. 58 minutes ago, NeverSure said:

    My impression of New Orleans is horrible. To me it looks like 100% lazy poverty once you get outside of The French Quarter or the business district. One night I needed gas so I crossed the bridge to Slidell. There were guys standing around with apparently nothing better to do than to stare at me the whole time I bought my gas and they were creepy. I've never felt that way anywhere else.


    Lmao it was worse before Katrina. Drop off the interstate at the wrong exit and end up in a rap video frantically locking the car doors and getting ur pistol handy. 

    • Like 1
  2. 29 minutes ago, NeverSure said:

    If you were in the South you could absolutely get by with a scooter. I don't know the laws now but when I was 16 I bought a Honda 50 which was technically and actually 49cc. The law didn't consider that a motor vehicle (under 50cc) so license and insurance wasn't required. Don't know about other states or today.


    Still true in Florida as of late last year. Saw more people scootin' around the Tampa area and college areas than I ever have before. I asked some of the riders the situation out of curiosity and they confirmed it. 


    46 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

    Interesting description I read about the Tampa - St. Pete area ... a mix of Atlanta and Miami. 


    I've rejected New Orleans and all of Louisiana actually. 


    Am I still on Ignore? 


    New Orleans is a cheap choice for the gay community and partying but the gangs are fierce. 


    You'd like Ybor City in Tampa. Apparently has a pretty good gay nightlife scene if it hasn't been mentioned before.

    • Like 1
  3. 10 minutes ago, Xircal said:

    It looks impressive when viewed by county but you have to look at in perspective I think. Many of those counties are just farmland as shown in my image with just a single solitary dwelling in a vast expanse of bare fields. Painting the picture the way you have makes it look like hundreds, if not thousands of people in each county voted for Trump which isn't the case at all.


    It literally matters not. The red counties are Trump and 1 vote over Hillary is enough to paint it red. It does not matter as the popular vote in the state is the one that gets the EC votes but the point is to illustrate that there is a lot more Trump support than meets the eye. 


    In illinois, yeah I'm sure there are hundreds in some counties and thousands in some counties and that IS the case 100%. 


    Hillary got the Popular Vote but drive across america and you'll find a lot more Trump support.


    People think Trump won by some freak of nature and that is just not the case. EC did its job.  


    Your rural photo is likely a vehemently red state. The ones I showed are vehemently blue states but are almost completely red. 

  4. 10 minutes ago, Chicog said:

    Another completely pointless post.

    I simply pointed out that even if a congressional investigated was merited, they would not do it. Stupid email servers and Benghazi witch hunts, different story. As soon as the next Democratic contender is announced in two years time, they'll find some more shit to shovel.

    But since my comment was hypothetical, I really can't understand quite why you're trying to be so analytical.


    Good lord, any excuse for a bit of faux indignation eh?


    You didn't 'simply point out' anything you made a couple of irrevalent posts full of passive aggressive nonsense and insinuating people are fools and thats crazy to me considering you don't even have a dog in this fight. Its just your distaste of the US bleeding through into your posts. 


    There is nothing analytical in what I posted and it was 100% on point. If you consider what I posted to be "analytical" (when it was a very basic kindergarten level clarification) then you really shouldn't be calling anyone a fool. 


    Anyway it appears there is only a couple days left until its too late to contest so the Dem crybabies will have one less thing to winge about. 

  5. 7 hours ago, Chicog said:

    Congress can launch an investigation any time they like, as Cummings did into Voter Suppression.

    I was being sarcastic, since there's no way the Republicans are going to bother with this.

    If you're going to *try* and be pedantic, it's important to actually be right.




    Your link is talking about alleged voter suppression, not allegedly fraudulent/hacked/broken electronic voting machines. 2 completely different deals. Your post is completely pointless and off topic in the context of the OP. 


    7 hours ago, Chicog said:
    7 hours ago, OMGImInPattaya said:

    Recounts aren't investigations...maybe bookmark Dictionary.com


    Yes, and I never said they were. I was responding to a post about vote rigging.

    If you're trying to make a fool of yourself, you're succeeding.


    Broken voting machines and alleged voter suppression are 2 completely different deals. Hence recounts are not investigations.


    Its pretty clear who is looking like a fool. Not only that, but nothing is going to come of this because they are only looking at it from a conveniently one-sided perspective. An official Audit has to be done for both sides, not just Hillarys votes in a way that makes her win. 

  6. On 11/23/2016 at 10:26 AM, webfact said:

    New York Magazine reports that a group, including Boston voting-rights lawyer John Bonifaz and J. Alex Halderman, the director of the University of Michigan Centre for Computer Security and Society, believe they have found evidence that the results in Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania are suspicious.


    How convenient it is that they are only concerned with a select few states that were/are pretty close and when combined would give us a Hillary win. 


    Pretty pathetic that they are only concerned about voter fraud when its them on the losing side. 

  7. 9 minutes ago, smotherb said:

    No need for a tirade; try running two a/c 24/7




    54 minutes ago, louse1953 said:

    I don't know how hot your balls get but this is winter.I even put a t shirt on these days.How do you survive April/May.


    My balls get pretty warn. I don't go native. I don't mind the heat, Im from a climate very similar to Thailand but we still use central air-conditioning. I do the same here as I can't stand humidity/warmth/heat inside the house. Furniture gets all sticky, mosquitos inside the house, nope I'm good. Been coolish at night/early morning but still hot in the daytime and I still got the air on 24.


    I have plenty of BTU's for any month of the year. 

  8. Just now, canarysun said:

    Greetings Viewers....

    I just can't quite understand how you all seem to have such high budgets living in this cheap country!?? Most of you seem to be bringing your western style lifestyles over here.In Pattaya you can still find a nice condo for 5,000 baht a month ( and if you look hard enough some will come with a pool ) Chiang Mai and Northern parts of Thailand 5,000 baht is not a bargain for a house! It's the normal! 

    C. S x


    Cause I got cash & a job. 


    You can not find a 3 bed 2 bath detached house in pattaya for 5k. You might be able to find a 'room' for 5K. 


    Show me multiple listings for a house for 5K anywhere. 

  9. 5 minutes ago, heybruce said:

    There is no crybaby campaign, there are legitimate objections to the dangerously unqualified egomaniac that was elected and the manner in which he was elected.  It's called free speech.


    I was being honest in my reply to you. I gave you the benefit of the doubt. I never denied your right to free speech. 


    I will never give you the time of day again. 


    Enjoy your life homeboy. 

  10. 27 minutes ago, SgtRock said:

    I think you are being unfair to Lefties across America.


    Lefties are blind worldwide.


    That is one monopoly the US does not own :thumbsup::thumbsup:


    An Englishman with a set (I'm assuming here - gimme a break)


    Welcome at my place anytime. Ever been to Florida? 



  11. 4 minutes ago, siam2007 said:

    it is very easy nowadays even for an English speaker to report drivers, for example for using rigged Meters. there is even an APP. Luckily, as I can make myself understood in Thai and rarely visit the most infamous rip-off areas, I never had the need to do so in what must be more than 1.000 rides over the years. I do agree and somehow understand that most people cannot be bothered, and the drivers know this


    Ive never been ripped off in a taxi that I'm aware of either. But again, 20 baht, what are you gonna do? Stand at the drop off point and refuse to pay while you dial the number and contest? I mean I get it but nobody in authority cares. 


    Plus you run the risk of the whole childish loss of face. 

  12. 3 minutes ago, siam2007 said:

    yes this IS a big deal and if Thousands of Taxi drivers would get away with doing this it would amount to millions quickly.


    and people like you are the reason why they in many cases indeed get away with it.

    If you think the fare is too low, give your driver a TIP. But as for cheating - NO WAY, zero tolerance should be applied, not even 25 Satang


    What do you plan to do about it though? 


    I mean I pick my battles man, 20 baht, take it. Not even worth the hassle to dispute. TIT rip offs abound. 

  13. 1 minute ago, georgemandm said:

    You are paying the right amount for surin that price is nominal your rent .

    and your power bill is nominal, my friend has a big home out side surin and pays more for power then you like about 10,000 a month but big home lots of water pumps has pool and big garden to water.

    i said on here 2 months ago it was a lot of money for thailand power  compare to Australia and was run down for saying it was  expensive .

    so now I not say much on Tv to many , not say what I want to say .


    Screw them. Probably because english isn't your first language so the jerks attack any weakness they see. 


    Thailand electric is expensive. At least compared to the USA. 


    I think OP will do good with his 5K rental. 

  14. 29 minutes ago, georgemandm said:

    Dose it have covered car park?. 

    5,000 is the price it is worth but being out of town you would not get more , rent here is very cheap in issan that is .

    some one I know rents in surin thailand in town big home with pool for 6,700 a month and that is in the middle of town .

    the rent returns for homes in most of issan are just very low .

    because most Thais rent rooms and if you are lucky to get a   Foreigner you are doing well , so if you have someone  interested take them on but make sure you get  two months rent upfront  .

    and do 3 months  inspections then 6 months and then 12 months.


    6700 is kind of a weird number lol but hey. 


    I can say this, Ive been in Surin province for over 8 years and in the area I live in (not surin town) you will not, at all, find a 3 bed 2 bath detached home with a perimeter wall for 5k or even 10k. 


    The places that I did find attractive before, were like 10k+ and the Thai owners wanted a 40k deposit + 2 months rent. Honest to god. 


    Usually the 3-4-5K places are Thai style 'rooms' or crappy townhouses. 


    It really is hard to find an actual detached 3 bed 2 bath house in any reasonable area for 5k a month. 

  15. On 11/23/2016 at 8:50 PM, White Christmas13 said:

    Well think it is the new format you open one page and you see dozens of reply's to just one post

    you click on it and you get directed to the last post I never get to go to the OP at the first click

    to find out what the story is all about but maybe you guys disagree   


    On mobile or tablet? The app? I don't know about now but prior to the upgrade there was a setting you could change that would stop that. Another option is not to use the 'mobile' site. I never use the mobile site when visiting any website. 

  16. On 11/22/2016 at 1:09 PM, sipi said:

    Occasionally I would like a forum where I (and others) could just post random shit about steam trains, Eminem and Monty Python without incurring the wrath of others.

    It'll never happen.





  17. 50 minutes ago, Scouse123 said:

    I thought I was being fair. It is 1 mile from the town centre so they will need some form of transport but the local hospital is about 500 metres away and in the town we have SCB and KTB banks. We also have a Big C and Tesco express as well as plenty of 7-11s and actually quite a reasonable amount of nightlife for a small town.


    If someone is going to rent a place in the boonies for a longish period of time they are gonna need a motorbike at least. Hell a decent second hand Mio is like 20-25K or a little wave even cheaper. 


    You are being more than fair, just realize that people are screw ups when its not their junk they have take care of. Just be sure to cover your ass real good with the deposit and contract/inventory/walkthrough. "Before" Pictures are a good idea also. 


    Just don't be too 'lordy' to push people away lol

  18. 34 minutes ago, DUS said:

    I´d love to ask how you can rack up such a bill but then this thread would just turn into yet another "but I pay much less/more than you do" tirade by tens of TV members. So I better shut up now....


    I have a 3 bedroom 2 bath indoor kitchen for 5k baht a month in Surin Province but I rent from an awesome English dude and have been for 2 years. No deposit, just the house, no furniture, and I do all the upkeep, repairs, and I've done a few upgrades to the place that he gets to keep free when I move out. We have an understanding thats mutually beneficial. 


    3 Aircons, 12k BTU, 18K BTU, 18K BTU, Big Fridge, 60" LED TV, 4k watt hot water heater, ceiling fans, the whole deal. I just paid my electric bill yesterday - 5,460 Baht. 


    I don't even try to go native its hot as balls. 

  19. 1 minute ago, Andaman Al said:

    Well you can ask. It has absolutely nothing to do with you. I have my right to comment on world affairs just as anyone else does and it is not your right to question my right to do so.


    I never questioned you right to do so. I was wondering what your infatuation was all about. You don't just 'comment' you have a bit of a complex. 


    5 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

    No. The most disgusting thing is that despite all the evidence there are people like you still spreading this evil untrue crap. The most disgusting thing is the previous Republican that sent 6500 sons and daughters of the USA to their deaths (resulting also in the deaths of over a million innocent civilians) in a war that was based on 100% lies. THAT was disgraceful. The 4 people you mention did not die as a result of anything to do with Clinton, in fact they died as a result of cutbacks in security forced upon the Obama administration by the Republican congress. All of which is PROVEN rather than being subjective rubbish spouted by the likes of you.


    Such as this off topic nonsense blaming the US for over a million innocent deaths. Lawd man you need to take it easy on the Kool-aid. Your seething hatred and rhetoric is downright false, misleading, and insulting. 


    People voted for trump. Trump won the Electoral College in a landslide. Take it easy on the hater-aid. 

  20. For 5k absolutely nothing at all. Seriously. Zero furniture & appliances etc. You already have more than needed with the 3 piece and bedroom and free wifi and all that. 


    Everything else like True, Water, Electric, etc, is on the renter. Seriously 5k for a 3 bedroom basic thai house with some furniture and free wifi is a steal. 


    Get a deposit that will surely cover damages to furniture and a full months electric bill, rent, water, and if the renter wanted to install Air Con get a couple thousand more in the deposit for damages. 


    At 5k I would ask for at least a 10k deposit + rent. 


    As far as True, don't use your tabien or your wifes tabien baan/ID for it. Dont put anything in your name that you don't have to other than electric and water. 


    Consumables like light bulbs, lawn maintenance etc on the renter. Broken sink/water pipes etc on you if you want it done without any complaints to quality, otherwise everything on the renter. 


    Anything you do above and beyond is good for the renter but at 5K I would keep it 'as is' so all you have to do is collect your 5k and deliver water/electric bills and collect that money too. 

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