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Everything posted by 473geo

  1. Ok so how about if the women are doing really well in this life, much better than others, they are becoming concerned that the next life is not destined to be an improvement, so they create a 'normality' surrounding farang generosity to keep the balance of hardship and suffering on the right track ????
  2. I understand the Op, it does come as quite a culture shock if some sort of appreciation is not forthcoming, more so if our western upbringing ingrained the 'thank you' as being almost automatic and sincere I do get thanks in the shape of a wai from people, and actually find this rather embarrassing, same as the gentile subservient style of water pouring by family at songran, my son throws out a wai when he returns from school every day, I am not comfortable with ' elevated' status, I prefer, and do get from my family the occasional thank you However returning to the Op comments if we are going shopping for groceries and I hand my wife 10,000 baht, seldom a thank you just straight into the handbag, so have removed this little irk by having her take money from the machine at the supermarket ???? I think lack of showing a little appreciation at appropriate times could well hamper farang Thai relationships, as surely no person wishes to be taken for granted. Just my thoughts, no biggie, as I say my kids are polite that makes me proud
  3. Well actually leaving only a foot/30cm didn't leave a great deal of room for access without being on his land! I would wait and see what his intention is regarding your 30cm especially as you have a 2m wall his choices appear to be limited
  4. Life with a Thai lady is easy if one is open to compromise Leave them to enjoy home made pla raa ridden somtam I am left to enjoy coffee and home made banana muffins Age difference irrelevant ????
  5. Interesting thread, I see Thailand and my current marriage as yet another chapter in my life, going well so far Will it be the last......who knows...... I wonder how many guys here have ever just packed a bag and left, it's not that difficult, once you know, then it becomes possible to push the boundaries ????
  6. As you can see the wood is scorched, fortunately dead already, suffered no pain, no chance of resuscitation, or turning over a new leaf ????
  7. Lighting punched a hole in our rice barn roof
  8. Its the problems that cause the pain - apparently Like dug her elbow into the base of my foot it was painful, but the other foot not so bad I think also they are more used to the flexible Thai
  9. I always figured I had a high pain tolerance, but the last 2 massages at home, have been very uncomfortable, supposed to help but still had bruising 3 days later and not much relief or improvements Cost 300 baht one wanted to return in a fortnight, i don't think I was quite over it even then???? Those that have experienced this type of massage will understand ????
  10. How can a person make the mistake of not only becoming attached, but marry a person who you didn't enjoy spending time with for at least part of the marriage Or is it that recalling only the bad times somehow justifies the failure Just interested is all, as I enjoyed all my long-term relationships, right up until it was time to move on
  11. Perhaps there are those who were really enjoying marriage first time around, up to the point of failure, identified the flaws, and confident enough to go again. Without the fear of failure which appears to be prevalent in the thread
  12. My wife is special, we are a good fit, the underlying reason for the marriage paperwork is that she receives my company pension after I die, with the pension and a little income from the farm she should be ok ????
  13. Just done my 90 day report, very pleasant, 15 minutes, quick coffee afterwards picked up some shopping on the way home ????
  14. You have made no effort to fully understand how Thailand functions, indicated by your points raised Lack of understanding is not a valid basis for complaint Also if process are in place when you decide to move to a country, perhaps thoughts on the displeasure they may cause should be considered prior to the move rather than perpetual moaning afterwards
  15. I don't agree it is foolish to think we are guests here To voice opinions is down to the individual, the question would be are these rants hoping to instigate change? If not then just a rant, if yes then how many actually connect with the correct Thai authority that may eventually be responsible for implementing change? No? Then again drops into the rant category ???? Thailand isn't perfect, whether this is seen as part of the charm, or something to be corrected is again down to the individual So how are complainers and moaners doing so far, is there somewhere a grand list of accelerated change? ????
  16. I sometimes wonder if it is ingrained in the Thai mind that this life will be full of adversity but the next one will be better Some facebook posts I read from Thai relatives and acquaintances often mention 'keep fighting' when faced with difficult situations Kind of 'struggle on' through life and hard times in the west Perhaps not seen as being depressed but more tiring of the fighting or struggle to keep going
  17. I don't meet many non Thai people, over last few days met two, one English, one Aussie, seemed just normal folks Not news I guess just thought I'd mention it ????
  18. We have rice land not fenced, our cattle are tethered, can have as many as 10 - 15 roaming over it any day Of course we have a choice, fence it in as others have done or be generous to the neighbours ????
  19. Have to agree with this, eat what you fancy today as there maybe a family visit and you will have to wait until the stocks are self replenished Foraging, yes amazing how few plants are not useful to eat or as flavouring The other day as we returned from the farm my wife stopped and stripped some young shoots from a tree, was the greens for our evening meal ???? I doubt we will be reported or asked to pay
  20. Same old, same old.... Fed up of the paperwork, and those who take it in their stride must have burned their bridges ???? Concentrate on the many good things and the process to remain becomes an insignificant blip Not desperate to stay........happy to stay ????
  21. Having a home, no rent, and very low utility costs means my disposable income is similar to when working in the UK on a reasonable salary My wife cooks and provides extras, the family keep me entertained, the farm keeps me occupied and healthy Yep life is very enjoyable ???? quite a bit of change out of 50k I would say In my long gone party days before I had enough of that lifestyle 5 - 10k a day was not unusual, but that was not living in Thailand that was the three week millionaire days ???? Some guys appear to be caught between the two
  22. My Uk pension drops into my BAAC account exchange rate looks fine ???? provided the correct account name and details, swift code, on the online international pension payments form, not sure if you can use it to change bank details, not checked, not required
  23. Check a spoke is not flexing when you ride, that is check the tension of the spokes around the problem area For a fix, cut a few inches of old inner tube, make a hole so the valve helps hold it in place and it covers the offending area on the rim, after a while or if the problem reoccurs, check for any sign of friction wear on the rim 'patch' you have fitted
  24. Not really, in my younger days my whole life, work, rest, and play revolved around alcohol When I look back, the only amazing thing about it is that I got away with it ????
  25. An amusing 'impact' we had a first calver, in the throws of giving birth, my wife and I went to check, front feet nose showing. My wife immediately jumped on the motorcycle and headed off to find the local calving expert I myself have calved hundreds of cows, by the time they returned the calf was out, in good shape being licked by its attentive mother ???? although my wife knows I have been involved in farming it never occurred to even ask my opinion let alone if I could calve the cow, maybe it threw her because I took calving ropes just in case, or maybe its just my wife has a distrust of anything not Thai oriented although this is an example of, if you like, rebounding impact, it does demonstrate a reluctance to readily accept any process not administered or suggested by Khon Thai - or as I say maybe just my wife finds it difficult when my methods differ, if they work it appears to come as a surprise, I am very experienced in the process of providing workable solutions, along with good knowledge of when to have an expert do the work. So does the fact I don't always accept/understand things are better done the Thai way impact my life? Well as Charlie said in another thread, it would if I let it ????
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