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Everything posted by 473geo

  1. I am getting the same impression was about to suggest these bored in the west people have a day at the races, go to the theatre, a couple of airshows, see a couple of bands, all possible and enjoyable ????
  2. Two good posts above W88 and LL Experiences and challenges, yep good points to alleviate boredom The every day life in Issan for those of us who navigate the farming smallholding path, indeed throws up daily challenges, none moreso than the current wet spell ???? Familiarity, yes annual/daily tasks which bring their own challenges, successfully growing rice, raising cattle each demanding attention to bring to fruition Throw in the ups and downs of Thai family life Never boring ????
  3. Kept the boredom away in the west which it would appear others struggle to avoid
  4. Now you are just being silly, please carry on without me ????
  5. It's raining, a little reminiscing in response to Britmans wondering Your comment is one of the reasons I seldom mention my experiences to others or on forums Happy to be thought of as a poor pensioner trapped in Isaan who has led a mundane 9-5 existence in a job of no consequence ????
  6. I chose carefully, even the not so pretty women in the film industry were up themselves, I didn't bother, besides I didn't like dating work colleagues. As far as my looks go I could pull good looking women 10 years younger than me indeed my first wife, often likened to Rachael Hunter but not as tall was 13 years younger than me
  7. I must have been lucky, in my younger years is all I can say, sure there were more options in Thailand than the west when I hit 50, but prior to that, women in the Uk I enjoyed relationships with were hot and ready most of the time not your homemaker type perhaps as out working, but sexy nevertheless
  8. I can go with that, anyplace I go is only boring if I let it be be, worked and lived in the west for years, boring was a very limited experience, although can't pretend every day was full of excitement, had no repetitive tasks, but boredom very seldom
  9. Surely there has to be a medical reason to abort at 12 -20 weeks, hence the mention of a doctor The foetus is quite well formed by that stage
  10. Loving the rain here, rice paddies providing kilos of fish daily, caught one flip flopping down our drive today Seen 4 snakes in the nets at the farm snacking on fish Never a dull moment unless you glance skyward ????
  11. There are loads of topics regarding our own lives now, without even contemplating world politics and happenings which I lost more than a passing interest in years ago My family, the family of my wife, our daily activities are the main point of discussion aside from finance, we can however work together for an hour or so not uttering more than a few words, well it is quite difficult to talk over the noise of the grass cutter ???? I think Gecko123 gives a good explanation of the 'invisible' lines The fact I cook, bake, my son and I babysit the little one, I play, to educate our children, often seems to unerve the 'elders' who possibly regard my input as diluting their control and responsibilities So yes I cross a little over the lines ???? My point being why would anybody wish to talk with me about things I should know nothing about Men folk talk about what type of women I like Women ask if I have eaten yet
  12. You require new back cassettes, (sprokets) a set with the same amount of gears should fit easily You will also need a new chains, as stated above already Once you have these in place suggest next step is have a shop look at setting up the gear shift, may be possible, without purchasing new PS Throwing a bit of lubricant in your twist grips and in cable sleeves might also make a difference
  13. Lived and worked partied in central London for years, never home alone playing Scrabble ???? Each to their own Thing about both cities and rural environments you need to learn to tune out the unwanted every day noise In my rural setting reasonable solitude is readily available at a local coffee house, or short term, air conditioned bedroom I sleep soundly until 5am then doze, maybe due to being poor, resulting in my busy schedule on the farm ???? so much so that I didn't catch one minute of the Queens funeral I fully understand how people can be easily bored with village life, I understand the enjoyment of city living, I chose to be in the Thai countryside, I figured I was equipped to handle it, so far that is the case, not for everyone by any stretch of the imagination Which is why I can accept Roosters comments with good grace
  14. Guess what Just gotta live with it if your income is in Sterling ????
  15. Not necessarily, my mother in law could not get the sisters kids to school without us, it is probably a regular thing as previously mentioned grandma doesn't drive Without doubt the danger is multiplying with the much increased amount of larger vehicles now regularly using the roads I am pleased one of mine has a license and is frequently driving the truck, as soon as possible the younger one will follow
  16. I have come to the conclusion what will be, will be, also! Had more than a few narrow escapes in my younger years, took greater risks than ever I should Its not that I don't care about my children who have made it to 16 and 20 respectively, I nagged them to wear helmets, seat belts, taught them to swim, all along being aware peer pressure is a powerful persuader. In short to keep family life relatively harmonious a certain acceptance of the way things roll in Thailand is taken into account
  17. This thread takes me back, my first Thailand experience was a four flights anywhere in Thailand from Penang Cost 250 quid, a long time ago ????#
  18. I'm quite good at maths but if I was on a 7/11 salary, with deductions for mistakes, I think I would check and double check In my professional life I often devised self audit processes, not so easy in 7/11 I suspect hence the checking with calculator ????
  19. You complicate things, most machines now the assistant enters to purchases, enters payment 1000 and the machine informs the correct change, swift and easy Your efforts slow the process down because the assistant must now add up your payment, check it, then enter it into the till
  20. Lived in big cities, enjoyed the holiday experience of Phuket for many years Have managed to find all I require in the Isaan countryside, about 10k from a sizeable town My party days are suspended by choice but family life is good ????
  21. I always thought those that had all the game didn't find the need to brag about their exploits, do continue Bob if it makes you feel good ????
  22. Father of wife is close family not a poor relation, I would expect you will support your wife in whatever your wife and her family decide, within reason of course, they will follow routine and family history to a large extent at least from this thread you have an idea of where things are going
  23. I reckon the stories bring back memories for a few, including myself, thats why the book references, similar experiences make things more real
  24. Poor relative died recently, was a quick and cheap funeral, no food at house, straight to cremation for most people, close relatives were asked if they could contribute 1000 baht Slightly unusual circumstances but I won't derail your thread
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