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Everything posted by 473geo

  1. Give it a rest Richard ???? so we have to invest a bit of time on being allowed to stay in a country we enjoy I've said this before, look at the guys on the desk as helping, nay being attentive to make sure your application meets the requirements of the person who will sign it off, thus having the correct bank date on a document is part of their function
  2. Well if he does get the bike back he can ride off into the sunset if he chooses, not too much damage done ???? fair play to the guy, Ducati back life moves on
  3. If looking after children too I would suggest an electric start would make life easier ????
  4. Not too off putting, rather see that than blue bottles/blow flies leaving eggs to turn into maggots
  5. The Queen has done an incredible job and service for the country celebration certainly in order
  6. Well children are back at school now, they do not wear masks when returned home Interesting there have been a few outbreaks of covid in the village, unless someone gets really sick and is hospitalised the only indication people don't just have cold or flu is to test. This would suggest the symptoms for most are not too debilitating hence making covid endemic makes sense, throw away the masks unless you feel at risk, children are the biggest risk of bringing covid home anyway, or any other illness circulating for that matter I feel it is time to leave mask wearing and social distancing to the individuals who despite vaccination feel at risk and need to take precautions
  7. I wear a mask, its a bit some do some don't these days I don't feel in any danger from the maskless, had 3 Pfizer vaccinations Fully understand those tired of mask wearing and don't get annoyed or upset, life goes on, as I say more and more becoming relaxed concerning mask wearing it is what it is ????
  8. I bicycle along the side of a waterway for about a kilometer, every day, it is a track laid with this sort of stuff, anywhere the stone is above the run off #waterlevel appears to create reasonable run off and thus only squelchy parts where the stone is too thin and the water stands on the soil. Part of what we have done is lift the level above the surrounding soil and encourage water to run off rather than stand next to the existing chipping cover so tend to agree over the years sets strong, plus our drive is lined on one side with mango trees whose rooting surely does a good job of creating a depth of underlying matting ????
  9. Good work for keeping in trim, we had some brought in to use as soil cover for roof run off, rather than put more cement everywhere, and used on the run up to the new truck park. The leftover on the road in, most done by my good self with the wife sorting the depth and where ???? I expect squidgy in some areas when there are downpours, where we have widened the road a foot or so, but maybe another load later would stop that once this lot is ground in, finished yesterday Good thing today busy calving a first calf heifer ????
  10. We have a 4 month old granddaughter she smiles when I speak to her and tell her "you know me, I am the one who doesn't shout" ????
  11. I learnt to live without spreads on bread and the like years ago, don't miss the habit now Use butter for making banana muffins , don't put on toast or sandwiches even though I have it in the fridge Much prefer cheese and onion on toast, in sandwich, without butter or any other spreads, jam, goes directly onto toast ok too ????
  12. Misleading, I don't have 'issues' but appreciate having information supplied on Thai visa to negate the 'issues' perhaps its just me but 'topics' of interest are way different to 'issues'
  13. Don't really care how others deal with Thailand ???? as stated previously in the thread, unlikely to find anywhere perfect, some will adapt, drawing criticism from those who won't or can't. Others will quietly make the best of things, then there are those for whom complaining serves a purpose. Each to their own Happy days guys ????
  14. Well there sure will be a lot of grannies breathing a sigh of relief not having expected 24 hours a day children for a couple of years ????
  15. Days seem to flash past now and before I know it somebody is telling me the weekend is here ???? always something to do but not always the energy or enthusiasm to do it ???? Looking forward to post covid and days full of relaxing entertainment
  16. Interesting topic, I find the largest expense in our household is me ???? So if I don't over extend on my part of the grocery shopping life is considerably less expensive ????
  17. Your answers here appear to be coming from a person with limited confidence, knowledge, experience, and funding, thus promoting every negative aspect you can accrue, as fait accompli, for many couldn't be further from the truth
  18. Was great for news and information when I was working in the Uk and certainly assisted greatly when I came to Thailand in the middle of Covid, also for my annual permission to stay based on marriage, and driving license. I have to say the Thai people were also most helpful with the above So here I am now in the middle of Isaan and contrary to the opinion of one poster only very occasionally look in, usually when checking the football scores and have time to spare. Not often as my daily trips to the ATM take up way too much time to peruse Thai visa although still enjoy a visit (There maybe a little sarcasm in that last comment)
  19. How to be a winner In any relationship always be prepared for the fact at some stage you may move on Don't waste time and effort boring other people with endless tales of woe if it happens
  20. Sure Thailand carries a plethora of positive vibes, and as the days easily slip by I surely enjoy my time here, always something to occupy my days life is easy. I actually enjoyed my time on the East Coast of NZ and my wanderings there Enjoyed the city life working in and around London, visiting Europe..... I guess I just don't overthink things and take places as I find them......appears to keep me happy and contented, is Thailand to be the last stop......who knows ????
  21. Years ago I worked in a high earning office in Kings Road London, the office 'relationships' opened my eyes A PA was out of reach if not shagging the 20+ years older boss were at it with an alternative director, the young teenage office girls were at it with the 30+ mega earning sales guys, married or not. The whole environment was high spending, often at expensive local restaurants, there was also a company flat available around the corner, just in case one of the directors, sales guys, managers, worked so late they were too tired to make it home ???? I kinda enjoyed the open honesty of Thai women
  22. 'Sometimes I wonder why any Thai woman would want to marry a Thai man' Did you really write that!! Children!! the wedding be it village or other is to keep up appearances. There are a lot of tom boys appearing in our area they hook up with girls with kids, maybe the rural Thai man is not so attractive after all ???? in our area poor choices indeed, after insemination I think not really required. Its that traditional western idea of love confusing things again ????
  23. What losses? pack a bag and go chapter closed ???? Sure I have built houses for girlfriends, and now my wife and family, no more than I would expect, but its no loss can't take it with me if I leave or die ????
  24. To answer the question, in my family in the Uk my siblings and I have negotiated life with the support of each other, neither of our parents were in care homes, despite one having a long battle against illness. We are a very close family though do not live in each others pockets. I think the family unit is strong because of one simple reason. On no occasions does anybody seek to take advantage or take the <deleted>, if support is required it is genuine and frequently offered before a request is made. So yes family is very important to me. Also important my immediate family in Thailand, who will receive as much support as is required and I am able to deliver. The wider family I will not change my plain speaking if I feel people are taking the <deleted>, and will protect my family from being 'used' fortunately it is up to my wife to fulfil my wishes as my Thai is not yet up to scratch. So far most of my thoughts are actioned. So as far as extended Thai family goes fully expect them to support each other, overlook things outsiders like myself may not. 95% of the time all is good and that to me is as much as can be expected. The other relationship 'under topic' well having seen many who failed, recounting their misery in bars, I can only say having noted their behaviour, had I been doing the same my marriage would probably have failed too ???? as it did in many relationships previously ????
  25. Can relate to this we run an old truck it looks pretty good when clean and polished so I do so regularly ???? wife pointed out a place we could get it detailed inside and out 300 baht That was some time ago and she has yet to request a visit, mainly I think because 20 minutes and I have a clean shining truck and the grandchildren have fun too Yes I am quality, 80% of the time, mainly because of the selfless way I am with my wife and children, and the good grace with which I can accept things will not always be the way I like ???? The other 20% of the time I do take my own welfare into account ????
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