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Everything posted by 473geo

  1. You have to be equipped to adapt, never a boring day for me, in fact I am starting to appreciate the occasional hour or two where I am not so busy ???? my wife is 20+ years younger than me and a real grafter, this encourages me to be extremely active as I was prior to moving to Thailand. I participate, provide solutions, a help rather than a hindrance. ????For me years ago being at the beach or playing in bars all day passed its sell by date, I needed more and here in the village there are so many options, but only if one carries a useful rural skillset ????
  2. Since almost perfecting the art of banana muffins and chocolate fudge brownies I'll continue to go with eating what is put in front of me, and plenty of exercise, in fact some days I am sure I wake up with aching muscles from over exercise, but never aching stomach ????
  3. One of the main dangers of over taking at speed on the inside, not suggested the case here, but its a dangerous manoeuvre where there could be parked vehicles or slow moving vehicles pulling out into the left lane
  4. I used to run dowloads from systems for billing then run macro in Excel to add in specific charges. If I let an apprentice loose on the calculations the end product would inevitably contain errors where the input team had erroneously entered, perhaps a decimal point. The numbers jumped out at me being way too high, for the apprentices I had to add another calculation to check and flag any possible errors. Their mental arithmetic skills were such they couldn't rough check a number/calculation even if it was way out. To me there is a failing if somebody hits a wrong button on a calculator or inputs a wrong value against goods and hasn't the ability to spot the error. Likewise perhaps a customer
  5. Good idea, I am all for it, covid is travelling around here in Surin, most appear to isolate at home, hospitals appear to be running fine, most in my immediate area are vaccinated, not hearing of many seriously ill people why all the negative comments?
  6. I ride through the village, easier for others to deflect any accusations or conjecture about the spread of covid and no real hassle, only a few minutes of 'good publicity' ????
  7. Have a couple of cloth ones washed every time after use, I do the same for other masks a couple of times, used for a ten minute bike ride to the farm. Not too concerned about this announcement ????
  8. Seen the safety first guys crash and burn, I came to Thailand to relax, one contribution to that is knowing major costs are met. So if I choose to leave not really bothered about taking more than a rucksack, kids will have a home and subsistence living option if they choose, all good ????
  9. Not really, love messing around, just feel better to let people know where they stand is all. When my bosses at work requested data I had not been asked to prepare usual response was by close of play tomorrow ???? even if I had anticipated and the work was completed. Too many people put themselves under pressure perhaps leading to mistakes when the people above, or customers have not allowed for reasonable timeframes. Rarely did I receive any response other than ok and my work went out checked and accurate ????
  10. I am very people tolerant except those who think they can extract the urine, not speaking about joking around that's ok. Those that try to dump on me, be it work related or personal interaction get put straight quickly ????
  11. Gotta smile at these type of threads, happy out of Thailand because of the occasional electricity outage, is that really worth mentioning? Staggering!! But each to their own ????
  12. Nah you missed by a mile, nobody begrudges the life choices of others, even 'self centred pricks' who are smart enough to make a life for themselves and family in Thailand, accepting with good grace that some things are done differently. It's the little excuses, air quality, immigration, medical insurance pay outs, well if these 'issues' really bother the OP then good decision to go, but please spare those who surf these waves with ease, the idea you are moving to a better life away from these 'issues'
  13. As I sit here at the close of a five day family funeral, I am thinking how do people get bored? For me seldom two days the same ???? I feel fortunate to have enjoyed a great life in the Uk now chapter 2 in Thailand perhaps some of us can create our happiness where ever we are, even if it is just enjoying the all year round T-Shirt weather in Thailand ????
  14. I have a family too and we also take good care of each other if the need arises, which also means I have all my life carried that lovely feeling that if things went wrong for me there has always been family who would see me back on my feet Not difficult to see why in a nation fashioned as Thailand is, why family connections are so important. So how to mix and match, well convince your partner that you are going to stick around is a good start, which kinda means not creating a huge stink and threaten to leave because the in laws have requested a helping hand, that actually you can easily afford!!
  15. Got to agree have similar experience of government hospitals, happy for others to pay for private, keeps options open for those that wish to pay
  16. And that is the crux of this thread, those that have more than enough that they can provide more are entitled to do so, they have created options. Others, and I include myself give what they can afford or feel is adequate. We can all improve lives in our different ways and enjoy doing so is the key.
  17. Sounds like you are enjoying the 'relationship' No harm in that, have fun ????
  18. I know of two couples who are working in Bangkok, each grandma is looking after 2 kids and receiving 6k baht a month Needless to say it is 'never enough' and additional (school fees) expenses get passed back. Personally I think grandma is getting a little short changed, luckily both have other family members to support close by.
  19. Lets see Private education - my kids will learn to read and write, do calculations, then my money will be spent on training for a suitable trade/profession which will allow them to live comfortably in Thailand. Health insurance, kids are Thai, they will be fine. Decent safe place to live, with me and my wife, where there is room if they wish to build their own home. Travel the world for inspiration, over rated in my opinion, they have all required in Thailand for a decent life.
  20. Its a good feeling giving ???? for years in the Uk I donated to Billy Hill ???? Gave a bit to Thai ladies too, but a lot less ????
  21. I think a good look around and a few test drives garner a better idea of value than 'history' my wife is top of the range and running well, me perhaps showing a little wear but mechanically sound ???? You see I struggle to understand where history with a previous owner has any bearing on a current relationship, especially if one is confident of knowing how to service well and regularly#
  22. One of the attractions to Thailand was always the live for today mentality, yesterday is gone no influence on today unless you drag it in, today we can influence, tomorrow is unknown. I don't need to know about the life of my wife before me, its not the Thai way, and I don't expect or demand some 'full disclosure' and guess what my wife appears to be of the same opinion regarding my pedigree. Sure inconsequential snippets about family history surface now and again but in general our life together started when we met ????
  23. You are of course welcome to your opinion, honesty can beget such feeble comments. Zebra crossings as stated by many in the thread are poorly marked, faded, no above road level signage, in some cases very poorly positioned, yes I occasionally roll over crossings# on occasion before I see them, let alone check either side to see if there are people behind parked cars waiting to cross. Without improvement to clearly identify people are waiting to cross, parking next to crossings stopped to give the motorists a clear view, traffic facing a red light, there are limited options to fine people, even if there was inclination to do so.
  24. Surely you are not one of the sad souls who appear to brag about getting laid in Thailand ????
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