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Everything posted by 473geo

  1. Sometimes it just goes with the territory, I prepared my own food and cooked for guests, even dinner parties #for 50 years while in the UK, I occasionally rustle up a snack, I oven cook pork and chicken in Thailand, but as said above my wife insists on taking good care of me, why remove that enjoyment and satisfaction ????
  2. Get a life Ralf there's a good boy
  3. I'm easy with names, after all most Thai go by nicknames anyway. I also notice how Thai call each other fat and it doesn't appear to cause offence. This may of course change as the PC brigade take an interest, then maybe Farang will be called into question too, as I say not really concerned Why am I here, visited Thailand for over 30 years had fantastic experiences, then met my wife who was the first woman I really felt I could settle down with. She raised our son and daughter while I worked in the UK, we built a home and bought a little land over the years. All for my wife and children that they will survive in the future. Feb 2021 negotiated a little redundancy to ease me into retirement with my family in Thailand, as I sit now in the warm glow of my family and surroundings, contemplating another eventful day, I feel I have made a great choice ????
  4. Not been to the supermarket for a while, too busy, they are actually a good back up, sausages make up ???? And as getting the grand children ready for school is also a priority, then quite impressive. You must learn to accommodate and accept the time constraints on others Ralf, at times it can magnify the effort to please. Frozen chips not true love, did you really write that ????
  5. This is the sign of true love, sex is good but taking good care is the Thai way of showing love ???? Feeling the love right now
  6. Why would you need to 'move' anywhere if you can vacation for 3 or 6 months, a year perhaps? Appears you and your wife enjoy traveling, why limit your choices by trying to create another 'permanent' home?
  7. Serious ???? au contrare, merely pointing out the comedic element of being asked to advise an unknown retiree, of unknown background and previous history, where to retire in Thailand ????
  8. I had a boss at work, if you asked a valid question he did not wish to answer, or made a damning statement he could not contradict, he steadily coloured red from the neck up ???? I wonder if the IO have a tagging system for similar customers ????
  9. I appreciate plenty of options and alternatives, never know when you might need to be cut a little slack Be careful what you wish for ????
  10. Sure will make it easier to slap offenders with a fine, they will learn to stop! Right now I fail to notice zebra crossings, there can be a lot going on around you in Thai traffic, which is why I advocate lights crossings need to be clearly visible.
  11. First cars parking near the crossings would have to be stopped, crossing lights would really need to be installed to give a signal to motorists people are waiting to cross, not easy to see many poorly painted road marked crossings. Also yes stopping for a pedestrian at the moment when the driver behind cannot see the road markings is a definate invitation to be rear ended. Upping the fines alone is not enough!!
  12. This post shows what a mockery these threads are, personal preference is so important its impossible to generalise and lump people into categories. My decisions apply to me, so far they have worked well, yet nobody I know has even suggested they move to Thailand, they are content exactly where they are. So what does that say........perhaps if you dont have a really good reason to be in Thailand maybe it will not be for you?
  13. In a population of 60+ million this pork could run out at not much over a weeks supply? presumably some sort of holding stock is required? We are talking kgs here ???? The 500 tons in Samut is a different matter
  14. Just returned home with my new born grandaughter today What a pleasant experience at Surin hospital over the last 5 days, staff polite and courteous, taking all necessary precautions due to covid, a clean well presented hospital, a credit to those that work to keep up the standard well done Thank you
  15. Well that health insurance promotion certainly found a miserable lot If you plan to retire in Thailand take guidance from those that continue to enjoy it would be my advice ????
  16. 473geo

    Understanding Isaan

    Always surprises me the comments about out in the sticks, although rural, we are 40 mins from an airport where we can fly to BKK in an hour for around 1000 baht. In reality none of us are stuck where we don't want to be ????
  17. As I got to Neverdie comment I realized the thread is 12 years old kinda lost interest in history at school ????
  18. I experienced Phuket 30 years ago when it was 'paradise' been there done that ????
  19. I enjoy the village life, being a guy who left the countryside to work in the big city, having done the work hard play hard, a bit of travel, now relaxing in an environment I understand, can choose my daily input, getting up to pretty much a good day weatherwise, always something going on. Maybe Isaan isn't the place for those who didn't manage much other than work intheir younger days? For some of us it is a relaxing 'part 2'
  20. Maybe its the limited quality of options for the Isaan girl that makes the successful marriages even more remarkable ????
  21. None of those you mention come across as bristling with personality, fame, money and looks in some cases but personality nah
  22. Oh I think the successful relationship certainly requires personality, lack of it is usually displayed by the 'rent' only crowd, and those with the inability to accept failure despite claiming to have provided substantial financial support
  23. Well I just got back from the ceremony to start a house build, one of the very few non family invited, they know I enjoy hot coffee, so while others drank coke and water, I was supplied with coffee. Ceremony over many people making an effort to communicate in Thai, while we enjoyed Thai food and fruit. One guy made a point of relating to my wife how I stopped to help him move some bales the other day. Thing is the guys building the house may well be working on our next project ???? a couple of additional ensuite bedrooms. I sit here relaxing, warm but a cooling breeze, next job cycle to the farm with my wife (on motorcycle ????) to provide the lunchtime drink for the cattle, after which will work with my wife who will cut the grass I will carry for the cattle nearer home. Yesterday cleaned house thoroughly inside and out, windows cleaned too, try doing that in a highrise condo ????
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