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Everything posted by 473geo

  1. Good light hearted view, at a time when taking things too seriously is becoming the 'new normal' for many ???? ????
  2. Its a risk, and if later you want to go legit the concern is they check last year's documents. My understanding is once through an agent while not meeting requirements then it would possibly tie you into using an agent for future extensions. Accompanied by, if you are that type of person, continuous looking over your shoulder, is why I say it's not for you
  3. You are going to worry and fret about it after the event, it is not for you
  4. A reasonable second choice, I find Thai sausage a little more palatable with a dollop of HP sauce too We buy potatoes at big C only when they look good, yes they are not crunchy when cooked but they sure taste like real chips, so for me the better of the two options ????
  5. My daughter took driving lessons and got her licence, when I first sat in with her was impressed with her road positioning and indicator use. I did notice she had obviously been told to get in the right lane for a U turn well in advance.
  6. He could be well taken care of in his Twilight years, and she could be well set up for life Nothing wrong with that ????
  7. Public seems quite relaxed and looking to relax further at every opportunity, they are not the ones that may reintroduce draconian measures. The public are getting on with life, only interrupted these days by publicity whores seeking to enter the covid spotlight with alarmist statements, hence don't panic should be addressed to those in control and their media loving 'advisors'
  8. Foreign ownership in Thailand is overated except for those whose ego requires such. So they build girlfriend/wife a house rather than rent, who cares whose land it is on if built with permission. Mother in law gave my wife the land our modest home is built on, when we bought more land, mother in law insisted we fill up some more land to enlarge the frontage, a matter of retaining status I expect. ???? I don't demand status either, another overated acquisition. My family are provided for is all that matters Ok to business, our neighbour has recently purchased farm land 16 Rai with no road, no amenities, @180k per Rai. Outside the village and unlikely to be building land for the foreseeable future. A good roadside plot I am told 250k then it would be to fill, provide electric. so If the OPs land is filled, settled, ready to build with electric to hand and he is not too distraught about paying additional say 75k for the proximity to the family the land appears reasonably priced although if only 0.3 Rai perhaps on the high side of reasonable
  9. Yep my assumption was chanote or the OP and family would not be showing interest at 400k
  10. Here's the thing with land in Isaan, it is basically a credit card for the farmer, this guy if need be could probably borrow 50k against this land. So even if it is doing nothing it still carries use as financial back up. So if somebody wants the land and he has no urgent need to sell he will inflate the price a little. Would we all not do the same in that position. Op has to consider how much similar land is available if the location fits and would it be any less expensive.
  11. Going by local prices in the Surin area would say about right, lots of small land plots springing up with a house, pond, etc around this area. Wife bought a roadside plot just over one rai quite a few years ago now, electric running by, 230k just 100 meters from our home so we were probably prepared to pay a little over the odds as it is land our children can build homes on if required
  12. I experienced harsh northern winters, trudging through snow to school, years of outdoor working, moved south and for the last 15 years cycled a 28k round trip to work. Never felt I was suffering, gained great satisfaction, pleased I carried the energy and fitness to do it ???? but yes ingrained in the mind, as I now sit appreciating the warmth of Thailand viewing photos of the current snowstorm in the north of England
  13. Apparently there are those who think they can get away with it, possibly consider those caught unlucky ????
  14. I can't get all hot and bothered about others, the other day I jumped out of the truck as couldn't park, as about to enter the post office realised no mask ???? popped to a little shop and asked for a mask, given without hesitation, I had no small change, so came back and gave the old lady about a few baht after my post office visit no problem. There will always be those who need to be different or difficult just ignore them.
  15. Good grief guys did you not learn as children 'just because he does it doesn't mean you can' It's a personal individual risk, you get pulled breaking the law you broke the law. If circumstances dictate you are more likely to be stopped, then as that individual you already know when setting out your risk is greater than others Time to grow up
  16. As a heads up the information posted is fine, as a complaint it's ludicrous The I/O at the desk does not sign off your application it goes to a higher level, this in effect makes them your government appointed 'agent' with the task of making sure your application goes through ok - cost 1900 baht If the OP had paid an agent ,10k+ baht the view on and the same points highlighted would have been 'well spotted' thanks ????
  17. Those that accuse the grand parents of benefitting from money sent would do well to identify how many are receiving 8k baht per child Rice is provided to all offspring from the family farm providing the base for family meals, often farm free range chicken will be sent back with visiting children. And when the offspring need a loan, the grandparents will mortgage the farm land. Retaining the family homestead can turn out to be the life blood of the family should they hit difficult times such as covid.
  18. I am also currently a non drinker but believe the time has come to breathe some life back into the entertainment industry, put some smiles back on faces, let those at risk concentrate on their own welfare, and take appropriate action
  19. I find easiest to accept on government related occasions, ok we will be doing this the Thai way. May take a little longer, may seem like it's not making sense, but in the end the Thai people get there, so I leave it to my wife, and everybody is happy.
  20. It's 'How much we contribute' Yep like some feel they are doing Thailand a big service by just being here I guess that may well come across in their 'attitude' no surprise if they get a less than welcoming 'attitude' in return then Thai people I deal with always eager to assist Just lucky I guess ????
  21. Be a good assist if vaccination become an annual requirement The tablet form may however come into play also
  22. I had a great working life in the UK Now here in Thailand for part two People in Thailand have been welcoming friendly and helpful How? Marriage extension for a year done, with assistance and patience from the immigration guys, friends and family Driving licence, again walked through it by friends and family Really been made to feel welcome, even my quarantine was painless Local doctor arranged my second Pfizer shot this week without even a prompt I will not tire of waking up and starting my day with my family in glorious sunshine, or the occasional day when the weather is a bit cooler I cycle on empty concrete back roads, yes I speak to people in passing, currently drying rice, and they smile usually respond Already well known in the village, just kind of everyday life with my family, still adjusting slightly, next step to pick up a bit more of the language I am finding just being me is working quite well ???? and being me means I don't stress about the future, never have, never will. Should this chapter close and another begin I can only hope the level of excitement and satisfaction can be maintained ????
  23. Also heard an interesting comment the Millers do not like the rice too dry ????
  24. The advice is actually sound I agree Too often these types of statement are out of context and appear to be a throwaway line trying to appear knowledgeable for which there is no supporting plan
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