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Everything posted by 473geo

  1. Just had a quick look appears very straight forward thanks for the suggestion
  2. Just interested as to why you stopped making your own, as I am tempted to try it but not if there is too much faffing around ????
  3. Was harvested by machine, doubt we have the receipt, what is done is done ????
  4. Wife sold about 30% off the paddy 8 baht kg The rest dried on concrete roads, next year's grow seed bagged and ready. The remainder dry and will continue drying in the rice barn until next year. Usually BAAC make an offer and buy the retained rice as in a credit facility. Not sure about subsidy but do know wife mentioned an expected payment not yet recd.
  5. You need something like this but a lot more covered area for your rice straw, and pens for 15 cows and followers. Unless the intention is to free run them on grassland?
  6. I think most accept globalism is here, the answers to your question are surely based on the extent members participate by design as opposed to being a by product due to the fact globalism exists in its simplest form, trade.
  7. Please feel free to start your own thread on how Brexit came about, there are a few who still get riled up about it. I'm not interested living in Thailand.
  8. No offence taken I did not enter a discussion, I actually declared 'lack of interest' ????
  9. He's both, just as Irish, Welsh and Scots retain their individual nationalities all are 'British' by default. Hangover from the British Isles, Britain, also known as the United Kingdom
  10. Fleeting interest in world affairs, but mostly concentrate on the day to day stuff that directly affects 'my world'
  11. Cattle process rice straw and there is an increasing number in Thailand, many in our area ran out of rice straw this year, demand will be higher for next year, as such it is becoming a local commodity with value
  12. Just had our rice graded by a new machine in a village set up, to allow use of a seed drill if we choose next planting, rather than broadcast. So yes there are improvements happening even if you do not experience them. Brand New seed drill is sat waiting for action next year.
  13. Actually that's pretty much what NZ required document wise For immigration so many posting here really have not got a clue!!
  14. I have been having a great time through my 30 year association with Thailand. I can say without hesitation, immigration, not owning property, not having a business, has not affected my great enjoyment or spending in Thailand Just lucky I guess ????
  15. How many suggestions on this thread are just a tad self serving ????
  16. Actually not too far from the truth for those that appreciate the benefits, rather than moan about a bit of necessary bureaucracy. I today received my first annual extension due to marriage, credit due to the immigration guys, they have walked us through the process, checked the detail will pass approval above, all done and dusted now, in a couple of visits, just half a day out, bite to eat, and a bit of sitting around, have been made to feel very welcome in Thailand.
  17. Still the occasional bitterness and resentment surfacing then ????
  18. Why worry yourself into an early grave over health insurance, appears a bit contradictory. ????
  19. I don't think I have ever seen a previous OP detract from a simple thread so much by pursuing off topic tangents in the first 2 pages ????
  20. When I met my wife and we married, I knew she would never adjust to life in the UK. I also knew her mother was a concern as all the other family members lived and worked in the metropolis. So some 16 years ago I made the decision to build a future for us in Thailand, house, bit of land, few cattle, something to keep my wife occupied and me too when my working days were completed and we could be together permanently. Feb this year covid delivered redundancy ???? Arrived in April and things have just gone ever so smoothly, already have my Thai driving licence, next week pick up my annual extension. Climate is very much to my liking, get to do some exercise every day, my wife takes great care of me, life is good. Can't see that changing mostly because I have come to understand how Thailand works, and one of the great things I find.....there is usually a Thai solution to a Thai created issue ????
  21. Late one evening a few years ago saw something burning on the lawn beside a house, my wife informed me it was a cremation and would probably burn for couple of days or so. Body was wrapped and propped up over the fire, looked a good way to finish up to me everything at home no stress for the family
  22. Life is about enjoying experiences, your experiences. People who require advance knowledge/advice will react in a different way to situations when they arise, based on the observations of another. Easily possible to screw up an opportunity this way. I highlight the multitude of different views held regarding sin sod, all of which are correct in the eyes of the 'expert' who relates them. I like the approach of the OP get in there give it a go, be brave enough to know that if things don't work out, you are capable of making changes and starting a new exciting chapter. Isn't that what the Thailand experience is all about ????
  23. Gotta admire your tenacity on the Thai woman front, you certainly appear to have covered many aspects of life with Thai ladies. I get the impression you could probably squeeze out quite a few more with minimal effort
  24. You guys make me laugh, I'm living in Thailand because right now for the foreseeable future it is where I want to be I am not here because I think I might be worse off elsewhere ????
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