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Everything posted by jesimps

  1. I think he deserves asylum more than most of those coming across the English Channel, in that his life will definitely be in danger if they return him to Russia.
  2. Sending him back home would probably be a worse punishment.
  3. Yes, but it's based on your postcode and not whether or not you're a US citizen. You could be a Thai, Indian, African etc living in the state and pay the same as a US citizen. Here, the lower fee is purely for Thais. A clear case of racism.
  4. What a complete and utter load of blx. You can't walk a few yards along Pattaya Beach Road without tripping over them, they're the ones all dolled up and loitering. Also I reckon at least 99% of bar and go go girls are also available for sex at a price. I've always reckoned that tourist police are about as much use as a chocolate teapot. Saying that, I personally don't object to them, they make Pattaya City what it is and attract a lot of tourists. Without the ladies of the night, they'd choose better locations to holiday closer to home.
  5. Not bragging but the day after I arrived here I found myself in bed with the hotel housekeeper (the lady in charge of all the room maids). A few weeks later, after doing my bar monger bit, I met a waitress working in a restaurant I frequented. We've been married now for 14 years. I would say that it's difficult not to find a girlfriend in Thailand.
  6. In my opinion, the venom is usually directed at where it's needed. In this case at the Australian woman. Unless of course you're one of those who think our host's behaviour is flawless.
  7. I dunno, the ladyboy shows in Pattaya are packed with Chinese tourists. Also the floating restaurants/ladyboy shows off Bali Hai Pier will be thriving again.
  8. Well it is, of course. The gun would still be laying where the mother put it otherwise.
  9. I'd be inclined to blame the shooters numbskull parents rather than the constitution. I hope they get serious jail time, but I bet they won't. That part of the US is a bit of a tinderbox.
  10. I've lived in the Pattaya area going on 16 years and Huay Yai where the murder took place for the last eight and have never been in a dangerous situation. Unlike when I lived in the UK. It's no more dangerous here than any other area in this country. However, saying that, in the minds of the bashers, it's like Chicago in the 30s. Mind you, I'd be very surprised if any of the critics have ever been to the city.
  11. They should also shoot all those who never quit barking too. Especially those that live near me.
  12. Yes, Phratamnak is well out of the way if going from Buakhao to Huay Yai. My money's on the carer's "brother", or road rage.
  13. 15 years living here, never been asked for money by Jomtien Immigration. The BIB are a different matter, I have three times been asked to pay money by them for trumped up traffic offences.
  14. It's almost as though the authorities don't want the criminal scum to be caught when the most obvious means of identifying them is taken away. Here, it's mentioning nationality, in the west it's ethnicity. Seems the only ones who don't have rights these days are the law-abiding.
  15. Normal service in most western countries.
  16. The British Embassy wouldn't give you yesterday's trash bag. Their citizens abroad are just an encumbrance to their cushy life. Many years back, we used to go out of our way to help our citizens abroad.
  17. Agreed. The agent's skivvy bowls in with a dozen passports and the IOs drop everything for them. Same with driving permits. It'd be hard to find one, apart from BJ, who isn't on the take.
  18. Thais are just too undisciplined to obey rules. I think it's in their DNA. I think you'd have to start by imposing large deterrents ie big fines and prison time. Also the basic rules need enforcing ie everyone undergoes a proper test; all have to have a license to drive; all vehicles have to have a PROPER inspection and no one drives against the flow of traffic. Then you can start introducing stopping at red lights etc.
  19. I haven't been for a while, but it used to be best to go on a non public holiday weekday.
  20. I've lived here in Pattaya for 16 years. Last year was not much of a winter and I have a feeling that this year is going to be the same. There hasn't been much dry/cool weather so far.
  21. Quite right. I've said many times on here that Thai grown-ups are children in adult bodies.
  22. So if you've lived here for 16 years, shop for "beer Chang t-shirts" and get hit by a vehicle on a zebra crossing with the lights in your favour, then it's your fault? That's reassuring, I don't wear t-shirts or drink beer Chang so I should be safe on the road.
  23. I too was told photos at Jomtien must include one of us sitting on the bed, which I've no objection to as it saves my legs. They also take one with our neighbour when they visit the house.
  24. Ah the old hospital matron, the RSM of the NHS. Wish they'd bring them back, the nurses these days (bless them) are made to look like domestic workers.
  25. "Female nurses were told not to have skirts shorter than one inch above the knee." Festering killjoys.
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