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Everything posted by ubonjoe

  1. At the OTOP vaccination center. Map: https://goo.gl/maps/ufXN95uC8QaCHE3w9 That is where I got my 2nd Pfizer shot and it still open. A member of my extended family (12 years old) got their first Pfizer shot recently.
  2. Tech Doctor has informed us that is on the search function due to it being where a DDOS started before.
  3. If the first one is yours you should not need one since the transfer came in via their New York branch and are already shown as a foreign transfer with the FTT code in your bank book and as a foreign transfer on a one year bank statement. I have used the one year bank statements from Bangkok Bank for 3 extension applications already and that was all that was needed and a standard bank letter confirming my account.
  4. The e visa site is a little confusing to say the least. The requirements appear after you start the application for the METV. The requirements are here on the embassy website. https://thaiembdc.org/2021/05/13/metv/ There may be some variations on the 3 official consulate websites and the one you apply to depends upon where you are staying in states.
  5. Bangkok Airways have special flights that depart from the international arrivals area as a transit flight to Phuket. Your airline would have to issue the ticket to show you are transiting as a international passenger in Bangkok. If are using Test & Go for entry you can book a one night stay at a SHAextra+ hotel in Bangkok and then after a negative covid 19 test you can take a domestic flight to Phuket. And then do the ATK test on day 5 in Phuket.
  6. Unless your wife is a Thai national she is not eligible for the universal health care. Moved to the Marriage and Divorce forum,
  7. Are you using international direct deposit (IDP) for transfers into your Bangkok Bank account via their branch in New York? If IDP they will not be shown as international transfers in bank book or statements. You need a credit advice for each transfer to prove they came from abroad. If into Bangkok Bank they are shown as FTT transfers in your bank book and a statement. You will only need a one year bank statement. I am using Bangkok Bank for my transfers and only need a year bank statement and a letter from the bank confirming my account. I use the annual COLA letter I get in December from the SSA and the 1099 to prove the source of my income I get in January.
  8. Normally immigration does not look for those overstaying unless they have another reason to find them. I am aware of people staying for many months on a overstay. Most left the country before they had more than 90 days overstay to avoid being banned from entering the country. Just keep a low profile and do not get in trouble with police. If you got caught with a overstay you would be detained, deported and banned from entering the country for 5 years,
  9. You will not get off the plane when it stops in Phuket. You will do the arrival procedures in Bangkok.
  10. I through that is what you wanted to know. The Kor Ror 2 was done when your registered your marriage at a Amphoe and you they gave you a copy of it and 2 Kor Ror 3 marriage certificates. The print out of the existing Kor Ror 2 is needed to prove you are still married and did not get divorced. If you got divorced you would not be able to get a Kor Ror 2.
  11. You could apply for the 30 day extension at anytime. What a meant was that if you did not have 15 days remaining on your 30 day stay you got on entry you could apply for the 30 day extension and do the application. I am aware of immigration doing the 30 day extension and the non-o visa application on the same day.
  12. They would grant 7 you days to leave the country after you applied for a extension, paid the 1900 baht fee and it was denied. If you qualified for another extension the would issue one. At this time it could be a 60 day covid 19 extension dependent upon what visa you used for entry.
  13. You could try applying for the a multiple entry visa but it might be denied.l It would only need to be the equivalent of 20k baht in any currency. If I recall correctly London was requiring 1000 pounds at one time but not sure what their exchange rate is at this time. At the exchange rate here today that would be about 500 pounds.
  14. The embassies and consulates that were issuing multiple entry non-o visas before only did them based upon marriage. They would only do a single entry non-o for being the parent of a Thai. Penang was issuing the multiple entry non-o visa for being the parent of a Thai if you had proof of 400k baht in a bank or proof of 40k baht income.
  15. You do not need insurance for the length of time your METV is valid (6 months for the day it issued). It only needs to be valid for the 60 day length of stay the visa allows.
  16. You can start the Thailand Pass application before leaving the country and use the the Test & Go option to enter the country. Immigration has nothing to do with the Thailand Pass application and it being issued. It is done by the Ministry of Foreign Affrays.
  17. You can certainly change the reason for your extension from retirement to one based upon marriage to a Thai. There is no insurance requirement for that extension of stay application. You will need at least 400k baht in a Thai bank for 2 months on the day your apply and during the 30 day under consideration period at many offices.
  18. The embassy in London will accept the equivalent of 20k baht for financial proof but they do not issue multiple entry non-o visas. Every embassy or official consulate can have their own rules for the e visa website applications. The Thai embassy and the 3 official consulates will issue a multiple entry non-o visa based upon marriage with 20k baht or $700 in the bank.
  19. A up to date printout of your Kor Ror 2 marriage registry can be requested at any Amphoe (district office). Your wife can get it by showing her ID card. I use the original printout of the Kor Ror 2 when I apply for my extensions in one of the sets of documents and a copy in the other one.
  20. You can change the reason for your extension of stay based upon retirement to one for working. You cannot change to a non-b visa from a non-o while in the country. The problem people have with changing to a extension based upon working is getting a work permit approval letter from the Department Of Employment of the Labor Minister to apply for the extension based upon working. Many work permit office will not accept the application if a person is on a extension of stay based upon retirement.
  21. That is not correct. It can be done 15 days before up to the report date. That was changed sometime ago.
  22. At both airports in Bangkok the re-entry permit desk is open 24 hours a day now.
  23. You did not get a extension. You got a under consideration stamp with a report back date 30 day later. The stamp allows you stay in the country until your extension application is approved.
  24. It is in the news forum. No need for 2 topics about it. This one now
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