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Everything posted by ubonjoe

  1. I was writing about a extension of stay for a non-o visa entry not a OA visa.
  2. That is clearly an error. Another page on the same website has the correct number. There have been no changes to the financial requirements for a oA visa.
  3. I cannot find that info on the LA consulate website. They do not mention the requirements for any visa that I could find. It only refers to using the e visa site. Somehow your read the requirements for a Non-OX visa. This is shown on the embassy website for a Non-OA visa. "O-A visa: US or Thai bank statement showing a deposit of the amount equal to and not less than 800,000 Baht or an income certificate (an original copy) with a monthly income of not less than 65,000 Baht, or a deposit account plus a monthly income totaling not less than 800,000 Baht. In the case of submitting a bank statement, a letter of guarantee from the bank (an original copy) is required" Source: https://thaiembdc.org/2020/11/17/oalongstay/ This is what it shows for the Non-OX visa. "O-X visa: A copy of bank statement from Thailand financial institutes and a letter of guarantee from the bank with bank’s contact information showing a deposit of the amount equal to and not less than 3 Million Baht. (Please note that such minimum amount must be maintained at least 1 year after receiving the visa) or A copy of bank statement (from financial institutes located in Thailand only) and a letter of guarantee from the bank with bank’s contact information showing a deposit of the amount equal to and not less than 1.8 Million Baht and proof of annual incomes of not less than 1.2 Million Baht. Once the applicants enter Thailand, they must have accumulated money deposited in Thai bank located in Thailand not less than 3 million Baht within 1 year." Source: https://thaiembdc.org/2020/09/30/nonimmigrantoaox/ I did a little more digging and found the OA visa info and it has the same as the embassy website. https://thaiconsulatela.org/en/visa/visa-type/non-immigration-category-o-a/ OX visa: https://thaiconsulatela.org/en/visa/visa-type/non-immigration-visa-category-o-x/
  4. 1. It is not required to apply for a extension of stay. It is only needed when applying for a non-o visa at immigration. 2. Yes
  5. As far as i know the Thai embassy in London is not issuing multiple entry tourist visas (METV) at this time. It is not shown on this page. https://london.thaiembassy.org/en/publicservice/requirements-for-foreigners-travelling-to-thailand-during-covid-19-tra?page=5d6636cd15e39c3bd00072dd&menu=5f4b6eb3f6ae4b236972c562 Only a single entry is available for 60 pounds.
  6. The Thai embassy and the 3 official consulates are issuing non-o visa for retirement now. See: https://thaiembdc.org/2020/11/17/nonoretirement/ The only catch is that you would need proof of the medical insurance valid for 90 days from the date of entry. The the spouse of the one applying for a extension of stay for retirement using the non-o visa that was issued for retirement. If they have a child that will be attending school in Thailand they could get a non-ed visa and then a one year extension of stay for attending school.
  7. You should receive it within the next few days. I have heard of them not being issued until 2 or 3 days before the date of departure.
  8. A TM30 report is not required unless you change your registered address if on a extension of stay and enter on with a re-entry permit. A stay in hotel does not change your address. The regulation for TM30 reporting that went into effect in June of last year basically states if on a extension of stay or a multiple entry visa a report is only needed if you change your address or enter the country with a new visa.
  9. There is no certificate of residency other than one you get to apply for a Thai drivers license. Phuket was calling a TM30 report of your arrival at a residence a certificate of residency before. Maybe you need to look at a TM30 report to understand what it is for. Hotels do them online to immigration when you checking in. You can download this one. TM30 Form Notification of aliens staying at a residence101.92 kB · 1277 downloads As I wrote before I am aware of people staying one night in a hotel and using the TM30 report they did online to apply for a covid 19 extension.
  10. The wording is confusing on the e visa site. There is stay of less than 60 days it state a tourist visa is good for. And a stay longer than 60 days is a non-o visa that allows a 90 days. You just have look a little bit more to find the non-o visa.
  11. I am not sure the CAAT is the best source of info at this time. Best to go by what it states on Thai embassy and official consulates have a Thailand Pass issued.
  12. It depends upon the info you read. Some say covid 19 health insurance coverage. I think it means only covid 19 insurance for covid 19 treatment. Looking at the TGIA covid site it has not been changed yet to show the $50,000 requirement.
  13. You can use it to apply for a OA visa or to meet the covid 19 insurance requirements it you can show proof of it covers the new insurance requirements.
  14. Thailand is replacing the COE with the Thailand Pass effective November 1st. At this time if fully vaccinated you can enter the country with only a one night stay needed in a SHA+ hotel while waiting for a negative covid 19 test result. After that you are free to travel wherever you want to. You should have no problem with spending Christmas in Pattaya.
  15. 1. You can apply for a extension up to 45 days early at Chaeng Wattana immigration. You can do it at anytime within those 45 days. 2. There is no working appointment system at this time.
  16. I just started a couple of months ago. I is only available if the embassy or consulate where you apply is using the e visa website (https://thaievisa.go.th/Home/) . They are using it at the embassy and official consultes in the US but you would have to be in the US to apply for it there. If you are only going to be staying Greece you probably will not be able to apply for a visa before returning. I think the Thai embassy there will only issue visas to to citizens and legal residents of Greece like many others.
  17. They have allowed since December of last year and it was 45 days until September 30th. Yes and Yes. You must have at least 15 days remaining on the 30 day extension to apply for a non immigrant visa.
  18. Covid 19 insurance has been been required to enter the country since they started allowing entries again last year.
  19. Probably and error in translation. I would just ignore it since it should be the country you depart from.
  20. You must be 50 or over to apply for a OA visa or a extension of stay based upon retirement at immigration.
  21. It does not appear to be working at this time. I could not login to the app just now. Touch login and nothing happens. It is probably temporary so try again later.
  22. When the original order for the insurance came out in 2019 it did not state a reason. In my opinion they consider those using the OA visa as not staying full time in the country and not having any ties to the country and were more likely to leave the country without paying a hospital bill. If you don't mind putting 800k baht in a Thai bank or can prove 65k baht income you can get a extension of stay based upon retirement without insurance being required.;
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