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Everything posted by ubonjoe

  1. Only a one night reservation is required. For the tests on arrival they are making special arrangements for those that qualify for the one night stay.
  2. If fully vaccinated and from a listed country only 1 night of stay in a SHA+ hotel is needed. If fully vaccinated and not from a listed country it is 7 days. The sandboxes require a SHA+ hotel. I assume a AQ hotel will be accepted instead of the less costly SHA+ hotel.
  3. At this time the $100,000 dollar insurance us is only to apply for a new Non-OA visa at a embassy or official consulate. There is no requirement for it be shown for a extension of stay application at immigration. It is still 40/400k baht insurance. It will be required after September 30th of of 2022.
  4. Bangkok immigration will accept stays in hotel if a TM30 report was done for them to apply for a 60 day covid 19 extension. Ask the hotel for a screenshot of the report that was done to prove it was done if it does not appear in immigrations records. Where you apply in Bangkok depends upon of what type of visa you entered on. If a tourist visa or others it is done at Chaeng Wattana immigration. If visa exempt is is done at the Muang Thong Thani.
  5. A person staying here can be considered a resident. Being a resident does not mean having permanent residency.
  6. You may be able to leave the sandbox early since you are from a listed country. The new rules were not approved when you started your COE application.
  7. You can still apply for the insurance at the age of 71. There are Thai insurance companies that will issue it to age of 75. Seee: https://longstay.tgia.org/
  8. But it is not very useful at this time unless you plan on making trips out of the country for other reasons other than to get a new entry.
  9. You check with your local immigration office about it. Some have been a little more flexible due to covid 19. Note I posted the link I forgot to post. By January it may be easier to leave and re-enter with a 30 day visa exempt entry (if from a country that qualifies for one) that you could use to apply for the visa.
  10. You can get a single entry non-o visa based upon marriage to a Thai that will allow a 90 day permit to stay that you can extended for 60 days. If during your stay you decided you wanted to apply for a one year extension of stay based upon retirement or marriage.
  11. They might not be issuing them if arriving on/after November 1st. I am sure they are being issued and application accepted if entering before the 1st. What embassies are not issuing them?
  12. You will not be able to apply for a extension of stay based upon retirement until you have a non-o visa issued by immigration. You need to check with immigration about about applying for it with a PE visa. Others have been told it cannot be done since it is not a tourist visa. The requirements for the non-o visa application here. https://bangkok.immigration.go.th/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/8-1.pdf
  13. i have read that in other articles. You will still need a covid 19 test and spend one night in a SHA+ hotel while waiting for the result if fully vaccinated.
  14. That is not the only thing they got it wrong. They left out for covid 19 from the article. The official requirements calls it medical insurance.
  15. That article got it wrong (removed the quote of it). This infographic has it correct at the bottom of it. The chartered flights is only for Buriram since there are no commercial international flights arriving there.
  16. It appears they lowered the covid insurance requirement to 50k baht. That is the only insurance needed according to the info I have seen. A assume they did it to lower the cost of it when entering the country or they have realized that is all that is needed.
  17. At this time they are not being issued. A METV only allows unlimited 60 day entries for 6 months from the date of issue that can be extended for 30 days. Then when that 90 days is ending you have to leave and re-entry the country for a new 60 day entry.
  18. The is no immigration order it since immigration has nothing to do with it at this time. It is only for new OA visa applications at a embassy or official consulate at this time,
  19. 1. In your home country or country of legal residence. 2. This is what a embassy website states. "A fully-paid residential lease in Thailand for the whole duration of intended stay in Thailand (after quarantine). The lease must be issued by the lessor showing the duration of stay, and the lessor’s contact details and tax ID number" 3 I see no reason for not being able to do that.
  20. The order for it was extended until September 30, 2022
  21. You need to create one file that has your passport photo page and valid visa or extension of stay stamp in it. You cannot upload separate files for them.
  22. I assume he is fully vaccinated. The one night stay in Bangkok has to be in a SHA+ hotel and then after he has a negative covid 19 test he can then go home. He will pay the hotel for the covid 19 test and the antigen test kit.
  23. If you don't need to enter any personal info to access the website you could post the link here and maybe somebody can help you.
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