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About Pdavies99

  • Birthday 01/01/1951

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  1. Just block him, end of!
  2. Just go into Apps and uninstall there, it will automatically take you to the McAfee uninstall feature.
  3. Correct, also clear your Internet history and regularly clear your cache.
  4. Quite correct, also clear your Internet history and regularly clear your cache.
  5. Of course its racial, everyone knows that. Lets be honest are we suggesting that Thailand is not rascist? Pure discrimination, and you dont see it in many countries!
  6. I tried that within the past few weeks. Now WISE, will not allow two accounts with the same name or address or DOB until the 1st account is closed first, regardless of the new email address etc. So 1st account closed Apply for a new account Pay for a new WISE card. I spent quite a while trying other options, without success.
  7. Offer a reward to the Cops....50-100K ?
  8. I can promise you that boiled potatoes mixed with butter and milk, then one of those electric mini whisks, best with the blades as shown here, can make almost the same. (I think I bought years ago in Big C) Good luck https://thehomelifters.com/products/mini-electric-whisk
  9. The bigger issue is that the "battery pack" has a life expectancy of 8+- years in many makes and a replacement pack currently is over £10,000 in the UK. Just saying!
  10. Go and buy a few snakes, maybe a tarantula or two, chuck them in his garden a few times, buy a doll and stick a load of pins in it, throw that in his garden. Use psychology!
  11. 3 months Goa, 2 months Bali, 6 weeks ago UK, back then to Thailand.
  12. Gone! Now in Goa!
  13. A poor memory https://www.politico.eu/article/uk-far-right-britain-lawyer-keir-starmer-violence-liverpool-muslims-cardiff/
  14. Let's be clear, this "insurance cover" was implemented by the Thai Government, and most likely forced upon the Insurance Companies, I think it is just a money making scam and truly not designed to assist tourists in need, rather a pocket filler!
  15. Latest updates resolved any compatibility issues, I have not seen any issues at all.

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