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Everything posted by Denim

  1. Yup.....most likely. The more they lose the bigger the bets they make trying to recoup what they have already lost. A relative of my first wife got over a million in debt. A kind American guy cleared this debt then whisked her off to the middle of nowhere in Alaska before she could start over. Gambling is a disease which is why it is banned in Thailand , lottery not withstanding.
  2. This is my wifes 5000 baht scooter. Good in standard trim for 25kph. Plenty enough to get her around our village. But the bloke in the video clip ' ups ' to get 90 kph . Doesn't up the feeble brake though.
  3. Late news coming in : Mr Hardy was later robbed by a gang of lady boys and once more parted from his Casio and his gold chain. Police are looking for 4 lady boys with black hair and brown eyes one of whom ( not clear ) answers to the name of Somchai. The other three are believed to be named Anne , Kate and Susan.
  4. What will planet earth be like 10 years from now I wonder ? Not looking too good at the moment. Someone let the four horsemen out.
  5. ITS A SCORCHER ! ( Always wanted to say that. One off the bucket list ) https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11023649/Britain-goes-meltdown-Commuters-unable-work-rail-bosses-TfL-cancel-trains.html
  6. Money cant buy everything its true But what it cant buy He cant use He wants money Thats what he wants Money Thats what he wants.
  7. The panel is outside on the roof. The wire from the panel then comes through the attic , and down through a small hole in the ceiling . Obviously , can't do this with UFO type so I bought an ordinary JD solar light and panel for this.
  8. Good enough as our only outside lighting. The UFO type lasts until the morning. Dims to low light when everything is still but the motion sensor picks up any movement and turns on full again so long as movement continues. I have since followed another posters good suggestion and mounted two indoors as well , kitchen and living room , so we have light indoors during power cuts. 20 watt each is plenty bright enough for this back up lighting indoors. A lot better than torches or lamps.
  9. Forget the chicks. Go for the hens. Wiser , more conversational and better clucks.
  10. Yup. They hitchhike into town when songtaews aren't running or they are short of cash.
  11. After a lifetime of extensive research with woman in high power jobs and qualified with all sorts of degrees and women with not much education I have found that intelligence has zero to do with creative antics. Libido is not to be confused with IQ Some sage advice from Rods dad :
  12. No, actually , I didn't know that. Thanks for the heads up.
  13. Don't worry. The Mexicans are going to pay for everything. No problema.
  14. Purrrrfect
  15. I had a Yamaha TZR 150 back in 1990. Would show 160 kph on the clock if tucked in behind fairing. Nice bike. Cost then if I remember was 65,000 baht.
  16. Thai kids are pretty addicted to Youtube etc. Has not had the same impact as you see with the Cambodian kids.
  17. As usual, youtube has plenty of info on this : https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=making+cannabis+tea All you need to know
  18. Unless of course .....a lot more cheating and skulduggery puts the military back in power. Then it's cap in hand time.
  19. Yea ....but whose ? Is the MIL worth a bob or two ? Anyone else worth terminating for a useful windfall ? Data collection is your friend when deciding who to ' assist ' first .
  20. Doing that kind of speed , at night time , on an ordinary 2 lane road in a built up area ? Is that wise ? ( as Sgt Wilson used to say ) Granny pulls out in front from a side street without looking , another statistic for the newspapers.
  21. On my few visits there I found the kids to be amazingly intelligent with an apparent gift for languages. Walking along the Phnom Penh river front a 10 year old vendor of trinkets approached me to sell something. Her English was excellent and I asked her where she learnt. She said tourists taught her and she wrote down anything new she heard. After an interesting chat ( with a 10 year old for heavens sake ! ) I was ready to move on and tried to give her a little money to encourage her in her studies . Refused point blank to sell it and shamed me a bit by telling me she was not a beggar ! So , I bought one of her wooden armband trinkets , accepted the change and off she went.
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