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Everything posted by Denim

  1. Got to protect the guilty here instead of calling them to account
  2. It it possible to stuff him twice ???
  3. Covid killed the few that were around here. None reopened yet. Away from the tourist spots a lot can depend on how attractive you are , never mind them. If you are a fat old slob in shorts and sandals who easily scores in Pattaya , it won't be so easy in the provinces. You need to be a bit more presentable, leastwise that was my experience.
  4. Sideline girls available in just about every town if your language skills are up to it : https://twitter.com/search?q=%23นัดเย็ดประจวบ&src=typeahead_click&f=top girls link name suggests she is probably a goer Yedhee_123 รับงานเมืองประจวบ นอกสถานที่ไปได้ มี ส่วนตัวไปหาได้ สะดวกโรงแรม หีฟิต หีตอด หีดูด
  5. Except it doesn't bother me as I don't feel the need to take it up again. If , as some in authority are now proposing, there is a tightening up of its use , it won't effect non smokers. So....enjoy it while it lasts if you are a smoker.
  6. AKA ....Sperm. Also works on face ACNE. Copy this report onto an A4 sheet , translated into Thai next time you are on the raz.
  7. Webcam boy / girl ? Be your own boss !!
  8. As a former heavy smoker my advice to smokers is buy buy buy while you can. Thai goal posts are never set in cement which is why they have succeeded in avoiding a lot of flack from international opinion over the centuries. Things will not long remain as they are now. Traditionally they like to hang back rather than take the lead. If they once perceive that they are leading the pack and out on a limb, no longer following the pack but leading it , then they will forget all talk of hubs and seek a nut and bolt situation.. Things are going to tighten up so make hay while the sun shines. Get a stash in. It's worth noting that the reaction to the now fluid situation has taken the authorities completely by surprise and the juvenile flood of comments on social media will only hasten the tightening up the current unclear situation. If smokers had just done their thing without talking about it so much it would have worked in their favor. But talk attracts attention , and not all of it friendly. Imagine discovering an unspoilt beach....no tourists and cheap bungalows. If you go online and brag about your discovery , tell the net where it is and post pictures of it , and then a few years later it is no longer as you found it ? Are you not in some way responsible for the negative change ?
  9. Yup. They lifted the lid on Pandora's box and are stuck trying to figure the best way to get it back on.
  10. Personal use man. Chill out.
  11. IMO , parents of such children should be charged with negligence and serve some time behind bars. Then , it should be made clear to all parents that they will be held accountable should their children be caught riding with a license , insurance and a helmet. The alternative is just carry on and do nothing with fingers crossed.
  12. Family friendly hub packed to the rafters with quality tourists who come to experience the food , the temples and the beautiful scenery.
  13. Since when was there a bus service through the three pagodas pass to Dawei ??? Which is what is shown on the map ?
  14. Unfortunately, up country towns are a bit like Thai temples , all pretty similar. I personally like Korat as it has the old city parts and the more modern parts. Not too far from Phimai or other ancient Khmer sites like Phnom Rung. Very good and large market similar to Chatuchak. Makes a good base to visit other nearby attractions. Dont care for Khon Kaen much but lots of married expats there if you crave that kind of atmosphere.
  15. Personal use officer. Honestly . I figured we'd be good to go for a few years and beat inflation ! Profit was the last thing on our minds.
  16. why so much coverage I never thought about it much but yes , agreed , naked would make it a lot more watchable.
  17. Latest news in : Parents and teachers have launched a joint operation to weed out the miscreants since studies at the school have gone to pot.
  18. We're fighting to keep Thailand's youth out of pornographic material fixed that for them
  19. 36 here in Phetchabun. Getting the blankets prepared. Miss my old hot water bottle now.
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