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Everything posted by Denim

  1. Is that some kind of cock cooler ? Like meeting a really cool chick ?
  2. I sometimes ponder to think that when we go to bed and set the air con at 26 for a cool night's sleep , the same temperature in the UK in the daytime is referred to as ' a scorcher.
  3. She looked into that to but decided that for the cost might as well get a bigger scooter. She started off with one with 2 batteries ( 250 watt ) but I just got her one with three batteries and 350 watt motor. This giver her a top speed of about 30 kph. Wouldn't want her going faster than that with her lack of skills. Rarely goes further than 1 kilometer. Good enough.
  4. Wife bought an electric scooter. Rides it around the village The end.
  5. Pity they will never put on trial and convict those responsible for the red drum murders. Talk about mans inhumanity to man.
  6. My first wife and I share the same planet , just different parts of it. it's an arrangement that works well and I am a lot happier for it.
  7. Yup, they don't call it the oldest profession for nothing. Still, Thailand has made itself the hub of venality so videos like this are just ....well.....
  8. No . After the Bangkok Grand Prix and bullet trains to China but before the moon shot.
  9. If you do as the sheep do and go to a bar be prepared to get fleeced. Girlie bars have had their day.
  10. Stand bye for incoming comment : It's the hot season for heavens sake. Perfectly normal for time of year. Nothing to do with global warming. Personally I love this hot weather. The hotter it is the more I like it. Bring on 45 degrees and I will get the wife to stake me out on the lawn . GREAT.
  11. Obviously has mental health issues which she won't get help with here. Portuguese embassy should assist her family in getting her home for the medical help she needs. The longer this is delayed the worse things will get. Definitely not a problem that will go away or can be repeatedly swept under the carpet
  12. Which part is BS. The temperature 40 years ago or the ice on the puddles ? Both are true . I lived in a village ( Prayuen ) 25 k outside KK. Even now parts of Thailand get hail storms and villages are temporarily covered in icy hail stones. Dito for the temperature. Whilst I was there , never hotter than 35 in the shade. Even when we lived in Nonthaburi 14 years ago, woke up one day IN MARCH and it was 17 degrees when the sun came up. Totally freak weather for that time of year. Again , back in 1984ish I had to wade up Sukhumvit Soi 24 with water halfway up to my knees to get to my apartment at Peter Court
  13. Well Tony Pengs vlog starts off with : The crucial goal/assumption of a poll of being able to select a random sample of voters, So right from the get go there is a problem since to have a truly ' random sample of voters ' you would have to take that sample from all the voters without any pre screening. This means you would have to collate all the elligible voters into a computer program and then have the computer randonly select 1000 people to interview , wherever or whoever they might be. But this is not what happens. Those individuals doing the poll will obviously ony talk to people from whom they can expect a coherant answer. They won't look under the motorway for a group of drunks and poll them. And yet , those drunks , if they are adults , will probably be eligable voters. Similarly , the pollsters will not venture into the provinces to interview the computer chosen individuals, they will stay close to base and take their' random sample ' from people close at hand who look like they could answer the questionaire. But this has already introduced screening and bias into the poll so the results will be affected. Thai polls are well known to be inaccurate and this has attracted attention : https://www.thaienquirer.com/49635/shy-prayut-voters-or-scared-prayut-voters-election-polls-accuracy-and-bias/ The BP has commented on this and about the disparity in results between the Suan Dusit Polls and the Nida polls but forum rules forbit me provideing a link but you can google it using the words Bangkok Post inaccurate polls. Worth noting that none of the pollsters predicted MFPs huge victory because they could not truly select a random sample of voters. If they could have , then the 1000 people selected would have been able to paint a more accurate picture of the situation in the whole country. Statistical fact is that there are more voters living outside Bangkok than in it.
  14. Plant based meat . Can't they just call a spade a spade ' plant based food ' Why do they have to drag meat into it at all. If a eating meat is abhorent to some people why try to make fake meat for them ? Actually, I know the answer to that. Big profits
  15. Well, the link to Tony Pengs vlog is a perfect illustration of the old saying : There are lies , damn lies and then there are statistics :
  16. I'm glad you like MFP. So do I . But did you read the full article ? This is what I find misleading and meaningless since although , as you say , MFP had a great victory at the polls , this poll implies that at the next election it will be ' other parties ' that get almost 50% of the vote ??? What other parties do they mean ?? The parties associated with the conservative military parties ?? This poll suggests that if there were an election tomorrow : Personnaly , I do not think this poll, conducted on a small amount of people not living in the provinces , reflects the true popularity of MFP. Either way , most people ( even Pita himself ) are of the opinion that the MFP will not be contesting the next election since they are likely to be banned again by those who fear an election victory by a party they deem to be too radical. Question is, if MFP are banned and a third incarnation appears , will it stand a fair chance in the next election when both Phua Thai and the military are running scared and will do their best to see that the status quo remains.
  17. Just put the Ruskies on a Vodka drip . That will calm them down. If they get too much blood in their alcohol stream they get a bit cranky.
  18. The NIDA Poll was conducted between April 9th and 11th among 1,310 people on the topic of Thaksin’s role and Pheu Thai party’s chances in the next election. Wow, they really pushed the boat out for this poll. 1310 peoples canvassed. Almost double the usual number of people they ask . Both meaningless and misleading.
  19. Ask any elderly Thai if the hot season was as hot as this 40 years ago. They will answer no. 40 years ago I was living in a village outside Khon Kaen. If the temperature hit 35 that was already thought to be seriously hot . Never saw any day hotter than 35. Conversely, in the cool season it was often really cold and in the mornings it was not unusual to see any puddles frozen with an ice crust. You don't see that either these days.
  20. Some Chinese soap thing in the living room. Not a regular TV channel. One of the options on the free TV box 3BB provide. Before she took over and I retreated to my man cave, I was watching the news on TNN. Also no problem. We are in Petchabun.
  21. Ours is fine. Working normally. Wife is watching something right now.
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