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Everything posted by Denim

  1. Cheap as chips if you have 400,000 baht but the OP stated he cannot meet this requirement and is looking for the best alternative.
  2. If you are applying based on marriage to a Thai you could just ask for a single entry. Then at the end of 90 days go to your immigration office and apply for a 60 day extension to visit with wife. This at least gives you 5 months without having to show 400,000.
  3. I'm OK with technology and change if it an improvement on what it is replacing. In Thailand this is not the case and people use their phones to make a cashless payment. Often very slow and tiresome. Back in the UK on a visit , the new technology actually works and is faster. Pass your purchases over a scanner ( like the cashier ) then pay in 1 second by swiping your atm card. Too easy. Same on public transport. Swipe and you're done.
  4. Ah haaaaaaa ........book her Danno. Decided to cum clean when pressed. Ok boys, we can wrap this one up.
  5. Loopholes in the law being closed. Was always going to be a ticking bomb. When a few people circumvent obstacles using this method it doesn't make a wave. However, once you get too many people doing it , it finally attracts attention and a crackdown follows. Start stuffing your brown envelopes.
  6. And yet , if foreigners got the message and decided to up anchor and holiday elsewhere leaving Phukat peaceful and crime free but with a collapsed tourist industry, how the locals would cry. In my opinion the bad tourists and people of Phuket deserve each other.
  7. It has a bad reputation but in my opinion as a hard core drinker it is on a plain with vodka , tequila , gin etc and all clear spirits. Foreigners see the damage it does in Thai society and so are ready to jump on the band wagon and condemn it out of hand without any knowledge it. Go to Russia and see the locals drinking vodka. Very similar in effects. Travel back in time to the UK when the working classes drank gin almost exclusively because beer was too expensive. Next Google alcohol , clear spirit vs colored spirit like scotch. Apparently, according to science , although all spirits are toxic to a human being , clear spirits are less damaging than those with color because they contain no tannins. ( not that I give a sh*t ) You are wise not to drink. It is not an admirable or healthy habit. Even a glass of wine a day apparently does more harm than good despite people saying Mediterranean peoples were healthier for drinking wine with meals. For myself , I used to prefer smoking pot as a far superior alternative but now at 66 with a weak ticker , alcohol seems safer as no heart palpitations. That , plus I never ever drink anything before 6.30 pm because don't like it means that in the evening , when I am chilling , a little of what I fancy is an indulgence I enjoy.
  8. Lao Khao cheaper and pretty much the same. The stuff with the screw top ( as opposed to the blue bottle with the pull top ) has no particular taste so mixed well with anything you like. I drink the 30 degree stuff ( a bit poof to a Thai ) but no hangover or Gerd makes it my tipple of choice and at 60 baht a bottle what's not to like.
  9. Can't drink Thai beer because never been mad on lager plus bloats me too much. Stick to a small bottle of the hard stuff with a little mixer.
  10. Agreed. Take a life , forfeit a life. No sympathy for cold blooded murderes.
  11. You mean it isn't any more ? What is the world cumming to. On the subject of televisions , our local BigC is selling off old stock Aconactic models. 40 inch smart TV for 5900. Tempted to get one for the bedroom. But as others noted, 500 baht worth of groceries used to be heavy. Not any more.
  12. So if I go to Scotland anyone can still call me a bald barsteward and get away with it Scott free ? So unfair. I am truly miffed as I know other slap heads will be.
  13. Had you actually messed your britches you would have saved money on the essential ingredient.
  14. Thanks for sharing. I have noticed the same thing with doctors where I live, working in own clinics as well as gov hospital. Also, congratulations on making late 70's with all your marbles. Lucky man. No male in my family has got past 70 so I feel like I'm up against it. Wish you all the best for a speedy recovery.
  15. Gawd, I finally agreed with Bob. Now I've got PTS disorder. Have to confess the Lao Khao is not helping like I expected. Where do I go for compensation.
  16. Well, at least they are giving mulling a rest. Grateful for small mercies.
  17. The silent majority were not so silent on October the 7th. I suppose a god fearing suicide bomber or knife nutter imagines a benevolant Allah smiling down on his antics and fully expects that he will soon be in bed with a bevy of virgins for his virtuous deeds.
  18. Phuket , the hub of rip off locals and wack job foreigners. Blow up the bridge , cut the anchors and set it adrift into the ocean or tow it to Vladivostok.
  19. I understand what he means. Walking in 38 degrees heat with a lot of humidity is not the same as walking in 15 degrees with fresh air. In addition , there are nearly always nice walks locally or a country park. No need to drive to get to a national park and then have to pay the foreigners price to enter. Walking miles and miles is the only thing I miss about the UK. That and a hell of a lot better choice of beer. But would I choose to live there ? Obviously not. Can't have everything I guess.
  20. Are they used to driving on the left or right ? If on the right then extra careful until they get used to it. The OP is not to clear. If they have just arrived in Thailand they might be tired from the flight so to then drive direct to Udon would be dangerous IMO. Might not be a bad idea to do an overnight stop half way.
  21. Polar Bear worried about ice formation. That has to be a first.
  22. When they have finish they should move on to Phuket and tackle the bigger primates.
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