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Everything posted by Denim

  1. It would seem that a good education is no insurance against gross stupidity. And what is Putin about to do in this picture ? Theatrically pick his nose or shoot himself in the head >
  2. Surname : ' Disposition '
  3. First thing I would try is WD40. Spray area to be worked on then put some on acloth and slowly work on it. A plastic spatular ( NOT METAL ) will also help get under the bigger bits. It will come off but it requires patience. .
  4. Meanwhile , the builders have moved in to instal a new door at the PM's office :
  5. Another nail in PT's coffin. Everyone knows that the next election will be won by a landslide if any kind of Peoples Party incarnation can survive that long. Nobody is fooled by the bias of the Constitutional Court. Another dissolution of the party that is the peoples choice might be riskier than the last two.
  6. Hard way to save 30 baht. What a gimp.
  7. After my own close call with death and 5 days in hospital experience , I decided that it would be wise to run an internet check on local hospitals to see what reviews might reveal. Some were pretty damning with many tales of woe but luckily my favorite got a pretty good rating ....even if it is private and a 3 hour drive away. Be prepared with a plan of action while you are healthy. If you wait until you need a hospital you might not have the time or strength to be choosy. I saved my own life by ignoring the first couple of doctors and getting a third opinion. One thing I discovered was beware of hospitals that offer treatment for various ailments but that treatment is only available as a clinic. This means a doctor who often works elseware , will have a 1 day a week clinic in a different hospital. If you see such a doctor , get medication but a couple of days later feel worse , you cannot go back and see him again until the next clinic day. If you feel you are seriously ill and have an inclination as to what the problem might be try to find a hospital with a dedicated department that is always open rather than use a once a week clinic.
  8. Also known as ' you scratch my back and I'll scratch yours '
  9. Latest ground maps of both sides gains. Ukraine still inching forwards in Kursk and Russians doing the same further south. Russia has not yet moved forces from its main front to reinforce Kursk indicating that they are in no rush to eject the Ukrainians from Russian territory.
  10. Looks like a crate of Guinness. The burqa actually predates Islam and ins therefore not exactly Islamic. Designed to stop men having unclean thoughts about women. But if that is so , shouldn't men wear them too to stop men getting a hard on looking at other men ? ( where applicable ) Mohammed was shrewd when he invented his ' religion ' He looked at the dross he had to deal with and persuade he was a prophet then cut his suit according to his cloth , incorporating all their customs and foibles into his new religion.
  11. Islam is so good that they all ran away from it. It looks like kafir money , schooling and democracy beats Mohammed and Allah hands down in the popularity stakes. What shall we do ? Stay here and inflict sharia law on ourselves and just be patient for all those virgins we are going to get for all eternity when we die ...OR go and live with Christians and enjoy their freedoms and liberties whilst sucking on their welfare state right now ?? Tough choice ......nope ....the Christians got the better deal....pack yer bags and lifevests we are so out of here. Oh, and don't worry Mohammed and Allah.....when we get there we will pretend to hate it and try to make it like the dump we are leaving.
  12. Should have originaly said : I bought them as gifts for my meea noys . If one gets one they all want one. The police could have related to that .....been there , done that , got the t shirt.
  13. Went to the UK for 6 weeks last year. Before leaving I wanted to set up the easiest and free way to communicate with my wife via video call. Downloaded various apps but the one that worked best with zero cost or difficulty was LINE. Since we both had it installed on our phones already it was very familiar to use. All that was needed was a wifi hot spot for internet connection.
  14. Something odd here. I just started question 1 then got locked out as only for members ? Not the only one by the look of it .
  15. I just completed this quiz. My Score 0/100 My Time 13 seconds  
  16. Get your suitcase running Head out on the high way Looking for a selfie Or a bus going your way Etc.
  17. They should re name it the Constipation Court because it nothing gets past it.
  18. Interesting look at Ukraines Drone making boom
  19. I never trust the handbrake on a slope. Engine off , brake on and put in first gear so no rolling possible. If her engine was running to keep the cab cool then that exhaust pipe will have given her a nasty burn and scar for life.
  20. Ever thought of trying free sex with a regular partner ? bandicam 2024-07-07 12-28-42-707.mp4
  21. There are no real choke points in the Ukrainians rear , like rivers or river crossings. Apparently , one of the reasons they will not advance much further into Russia at this point is that they are aware that if they did it might expose them to the threat you mention.....long strung out supply line vulnerable to attack. As it is , with a penetration very wide but not that deep ( about 25 k ) if needs be they can bring in supplies by Bradley across open ground without using roads as they are having to do elsewhere.
  22. True. plus with three bridges down in their rear the position on the original frontlines has become untenable for the Russians. The river will also be easier for the Ukrainians to defend and is an indication that it will mark the limit of their incursion on the western side of the battlefield. With a river at their front the new front line will be more defensible but not really much longer than the old so no need to employ their elite troops in that area. I
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