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Everything posted by Denim

  1. Can you get your mate to invent something round with spokes on it. If rubber can be put around the rim and filled with air even better. I think there would be a great demand for something like this if he can do it
  2. Some friend Jun turned out to be. Deserves a thorough drubbing IMO.
  3. Some people have strange looking faces then. Do you do finger massagers by any chance ? Asking for a friend with arthritis.
  4. For some reason , with regards to the middle east and surrounding arab nations , there has been a mindset that if a bad regime can be crowbarred out of existance then something much better will surely fill the void since nature abhors a vacuum. As history has shown , This has not always proven to be the case. With regards to the OP , a bit one sided IMO. A regime change in both countries would be a better plan for peace if only there were enough moderates to fill the void As for The Telegraph , if David Efune succeeds in his bid to buy it then for sure the editorial will be even more pro Israel. https://www.theguardian.com/media/2024/oct/07/telegraph-takeover-concern-in-newsroom-over-dovid-efune-new-york-sun-talks
  5. You cannot leave the construction of your home to any builder . You absolutely HAVE TO BE THERE EVERY DAY to oversee the project and make sure you are getting what you paid for and that no corners are being cut. It can be tedious but it is the best way to guarentee you get what you want. Some of the idiotic things our builders tried to do beggar belief because the foreman was more intent on his newspaper than supervising the workers. Had I not been there to supervise it would have ended badly.
  6. Like I said , slim and good. At 67 , I'm the one on the slippery slope.
  7. Love , friendship and mutual respect. People say we both look good for our age , slim and healthy. My wifes smile always was , still is and always will be beautiful.
  8. Makes you wonder how these people can hold it together long enough to even get here ? Get a passport , buy a ticket , get to the airport , pass through security , sit 10 hours on a plane , get off and pass through immigration check , make their way into the city , check into a hotel and then.....and only then, after all that effort .......go bananas ?? Why did they want to come here ? What did they think they would do here ?
  9. Oh well , that's ok then . Carry on .
  10. Is that a typo ? Should be .....leaving lingerie questions.
  11. Any parties in the coalition government should also face the same dissolution since by joining with Phue Thai they are complicit in any guilt. ( bye bye Prawit et al ) So who does that leave running the country ? The opposition ? Step up the Peoples Party , your time has come
  12. Who knows. but It all adds to the excitement . Meanwhile , all the consulates are getting some signs professionaly made up : We regret to inform applicants that our computers are currently down and we will not be processing online applications for evisas until next Friday. Our apologies for any inconvenience.
  13. The most important thing from their point of view is that they will still keep their jobs and collect their salaries. Means more time sitting in a corner playing with their phones . Great system for them. Meanwhile , their erstwhile customers will have to pound the pavement looking for an internet cafe to file their application. Great fun .
  14. Very good summary of the war from the start until now including the staggering statistics of both sides losses to date..
  15. Why why why Mr Anderson. why do they persist ?
  16. Thats good. I was in Big C the other day and there was a world wide internet crash. Only cash payments were being taken on that day. A lot of people with full trolleys had to go home empty handed. Putting everything online is fine ......... until there is a glitch. May not happen often but if and when it does then it causes a big nightmare. With hackers and scammers getting smarter I still prefer face to face encounters. As an aside , I almost never use my credit card in Thailand except for big purches. Nonethless hackers / scammers somehow got hold of my cc details and went on a one day shopping spree BACK IN THE UK !!! When I got my online bank statement there were purchases for 150 pounds at a Tesco outlet in north London ? I immediately contacted the bank security who at first were reluctant to believe me. It was only when I proved I was in Thailand with my credit card that I was refunded. Paranoid much ? Guilty . But with science fiction often becoming fact I would hardly be surprised to see a Terminator coming up the soi looking for Sarah Conner.
  17. All these changes are not going to benefit the applicants. Better for the consular staff as the net end result will be less work for them since people will see less advantage in going to these places.
  18. I would rather stay with my wife until death us do part than return to such a dysfunctional country run by a bunch of jobsworths . If world war 3 kicks off probably better off here anyway . Can't see Thailand getting nuked.
  19. At least these can be useful in a non combat role. Look at the flooding situation in Chiang Mai right now. A small helicopter to bring in vital supplies and evacuate any injured would be a big help
  20. A lot more useful and practical than a submarine.
  21. Fair points. Perhaps enforcing all traffic laws to everyone and all vehicles would go a long way to mitigate accidents . But ........TIT.
  22. No sh*t Sherlock . It's sad that somehow people will never learn that going at a reasonable speed will probably save your life and you will arrive just a minute or two later. I hope they at least were wearing crash helmets although it seems unlikely A very good case could be made for banning rentals of any machine capable of speeds over 45kph and demanding a valid MC licence from home country. Renters should also have to pay insurance premiums on all their machines that would cover any hospital bills upto half a million baht. \ Of course .....never going to happen.
  23. Cash is not broken so why try to fix it ? The push for a cashless society benefits the banks and the establishment. Just imagine how much more profit banks are making by not have a branch in every town and lots of ATM machines. Fewer staff, no rates ,water or electric bills. No property maintenance etc. However much they lose by cyber fraud they are raking in millions every day by going cashless. The trick is to convince the sheeple that it is all being done for them and that they are benefiting from it.
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