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Everything posted by Denim

  1. Penalty shootout. The most own goals loses.
  2. Fools rush in where angels fear to tread Phuket seems to be a hub for fools. Why even go there when there are other places to choose from ?
  3. Latest update from Ukraine and beyond from my favorite vlogger. Although he supports Ukraine he admits that the future does not look good without more support from western allies. Also shoots down claim from Israel blaming Ukraine for weakened Israeli air defenses. The video title is hyperbole though. Not really a massive attack.
  4. Wants to lay the groundwork for another coup. Just what Thailand does not need right now or ever.
  5. Lucky you....Check again. https://www.nationthailand.com/business/corporate/40041521 The American chain, which has been in the country for nine years, is bowing out of the Thai fried chicken market, leaving many wondering who will fill the void
  6. Not possible now. Texas chicken no longer operating in Thailand.
  7. Look for a smoking bum. Anyway, Thai politics is full of the stuff so not really out of the ordinary. Just the maids day off.
  8. Or has friends in the police force .
  9. Utter gonads .
  10. So ....um....where is your brain right now then ???
  11. It might have worked. Should have poured it over his head and lit a match. ' Come near me again and see what happens ! '
  12. Smuggled out in trouser legs then released on waste ground by pulling a string which undoes the knot.
  13. I find the whole thing of using phones and apps a bit behind the times. About time they introduced a swipe option as in the UK. No need for cash or phones and faster than both. No rummaging around for notes or scrolling to find the app. Just one tap with your card and done.
  14. Log into mine every day several times. From time to time I have to go through the pictures thingy but that's about it. The more frequently I log in the less I get hassled.
  15. There is a saying : People get the government they deserve Do the American electorate really deserve Trump out of a population of 333 million ?
  16. What a tragic childhood this poor girl has had. She should be taken into custody by the authorities and hopefully be found some decent foster parents who could give her a better life and future.
  17. Owner should be charged with manslaughter and jailed for a suitable period as a warning to other idiotic owners of this breed.
  18. These were what was used in Thailand some 40 odd years ago. Most hotels I stayed in had them. Aside from anything else they were a lot noisier than the split type and when badly installed , rattled like hell. They are still very common in the Philippines and you can get them on Lazada. One advantage with them is that you can pretty much install them yourself as no complicated plumbing to deal with.
  19. A few beers before you go should fix that.
  20. Something lost in translation here.
  21. Best advice. That notwithstanding could be a snake or insect bite.
  22. When using the air con most people close the windows and door. I find this leads to a lack of fresh breathable air ( oxygen ) in the room and I don't sleep well. My solution is to leave the window open a little ( about an inch ) to let a little fresh air in. The curtain stops just past the open window so not much cool air escapes but I still get the fresh air. Seems to work for me.
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