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Everything posted by Denim

  1. I got mine at the local tessabahn when our house was finished. !0 years ago and my memory not good but if I remember correctly I needed my passport plus a translation of the relevant page, the chanote of the land and pictures of the completed house with the address which came from the land office ( I think ). Since these requirements might have changed over time, and each district might have different requirements , it would be best to go with your wife when she gets her new blue book ( tabien bahn ) then at the same time , ask exactly what is needed for you to get a yellow house book. Some places are more friendly and co operative than others. Mine was ok but where we previously lived in Bangkok they were unhelpful and corrupt and basically tried putting a lot of unnecessary obstacles in my way. It will help if you keep your cool no matter what and be friendly and polite as possible. Better to dress with long trousers in my opinion. Some might baulk at this obsequious behaviour but for me it was being normal. If you get the yellow house book getting a pink ID card is easy. Is it worth having this ? Well, I find it useful at the bank when they want ID as it fits in my wallet and saves carrying a passport around although a Thai driving licence is also accepted.
  2. Nothing to smoke tonight. Man that's rough. Hope you can score tomorrow. In situations like this I would go to the ashtray, break open all the roaches and manage to get a spliff...sore throat too but hey...better than being irritable.
  3. A useful shortcut if you have a smartphone is to just cast anything you watch on your phone onto the television. We were recently in our go to hotel in Bangkok which has a smart TV with Netflix in every room. Wife got so irritated trying to figure out how to use it she distracted me from my book. I showed her how to cast from her phone and peace returned.
  4. Easy to deal with any threat from these. Just throw a piece of rebar and shout fetch and they will be unable to resist their k9 programming.
  5. This thread is about Chinas intimidating military excercises around Taiwan. Is this how Xi wants to win the hearts and minds of the Taiwanese ? Many Chinese have had enough.
  6. Maybe Sciatica . Apparently , x-rays alone are not enough to acurately diagnose this. To really get a good look inside my doctor recommended a CT Scan or better MRI. Not cheap and not a cure just a correct diagnosis.
  7. I'm guessing they also have a drop down serving hatch plus a few folding stools
  8. They would need to stand a long way back to get her all in frame. That's more than double my wife's weight.
  9. Agreed. I can just visualize many rattles being thrown out of prams over that one.
  10. Yup I miss long walks. Was back in the UK last year sorting out my pension. Walked at least 5 miles every day. Top was 11 miles. Could have done more but it was a hot day . Always wanted to do the Cape Wrath Trail but sciatica has killed that dream.
  11. The Chinese people need this kind of courage to stand up to Xi and his bully boys
  12. The tragic thing with people like you is that you yourselves are so blinkered you are completely lost in propaganda. Nobody I know says China is bad. Nobody. It it the CCP that is bad not the Chinese people. My friends in Taiwan are not overly worried about Xi and his threats to take Taiwan by force if necessary. They know this kind of propagander is mainly for consumption by the Chinese people. It is to show that the CCP is still strong and is a subtle warning not to try another set of protests like Tiananmen square where hundreds or more were killed trying to change the system. Many foreigners have already left China under Xi and the Darien gap is swamped with Chinese trying to get into the USA ( crazy choice ) The Chinese economy is like a deck of cards , riddled with corruption that in the ens will have to be paid for by the people. The CCP are walking on thin ice and are trying any tactic to stay in power. But in the end their mis management will be their downfall. The main concern will be the power vacuum that follows. The world has already seen that when something bad falls it is not usually replaced immediately by something good. God help China when this plays out. These videos show just how mad the regime has become. 640x360_MP4_7883886661574115289 (1).mp4
  13. Oh dear. This will not do. Rising popularity. I doubt if Pita or MFP will be allowed to continue for long in politics. Too dangerous to the Dinosaurs.
  14. Lol CGTN is funded by the Chinese government. A new most delusional post Evergreen was the first Crack. The CCP are toast....
  15. Be honest , your threads don't exactly set the bar very high. Our labrador could get over it, but then , he is the smartest dog I ever knew.
  16. Excuse me. I am not like you ( sa tu ) and I am not fleeing Windows. Quite OK with windows.
  17. One China .....under Taipei. The imperialist Chinese running dogs have no legitimacy . They do not represent the aspirations of the Chinese people. If the CCP dares to carry out its threats of military action against the legitimate democratic voice of the Chinese people it will end in the Chinese people rising up against the CCP and dangling the senior members of the party from lampposts as happened to Mussolini. China belongs to Taiwan
  18. Denim

    Soi 6 beatdown

    Singing , Torremelinos, Torremelinos. Soi 6 is not Spain. Better keep your wits about you at all times . Jai yen yen is better than getting in a punch up over a few baht.
  19. Yes. Look at the protests over the poll tax. I think the protests that would follow trying to implement this would be on a par. Also , the idea of giving some of these reluctant recruits a loaded weapon of any description , even on a range , would likely be a recipe for mayhem.
  20. Personally , I can't see it happening . Non starter with too many problems bound to arise.
  21. Apparently , the PM has an idea to re introduce this , with options. Sweden, Norway, France and Denmark reintroduced national service recently
  22. Which one represents the average falang ?
  23. Actually its a very famous and popular place. Many people are dying to visit it. Snaps I took of the place years ago. A lot better than Tondo back then. These are family crypts.
  24. Come on , don't hold back. Say what you really think of the locals . No need to walk on eggs.
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