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Everything posted by smedly

  1. you describe what should happen and not what did happen, and even if it did happen the police can get what outcome they want to suit the narrative, you only have to look at murder Island to see what can be done
  2. where else are they going to leave it, this is quite frankly absurd
  3. just as he is released from hospital 100% fit and healthy
  4. good know ............................................ not who gives a #
  5. well that could take a very long time since he hasn't yet seen 1hr inside a jail cell in almost 3 weeks
  6. of course they do, if you work here earning an income you will be taxed, same as any other country
  7. I believe this applies to Thai nationals only, foreigner nationals are already taxed in their home country
  8. why are you looking for evidence ?, there were over 20 police attending who all know what happened, that's 20+ police witnesses - what more do you need ? charge them and sack them if they refuse to talk
  9. that road has always been a problem, it requires special expert engineering (not the mayors cousin) to build it properly
  10. it is not the topic of this thread - why do you bring it up, I am sure many people have an opinion on that - start your own thread
  11. lock him up, hypertension can be treated with simple medication, what a circus ### this is, he never spent one night in prison not one as i predicted what was his orignal sentece - 30 years , i would be very pissed off with the none justice system in Thailand right now - it is a joke
  12. tip of a very very big iceberg, i expect those responsible will be held accountable, oooooops this is Thailand ................. not a chance but hey MFP with a few finge parties could end up a mority in the house how cool would
  13. the people will respect that and i respect you for it, a man with integrity very rare in Thailand
  14. this is laugh why after the fact all over this country there are unelected people so called "head men" what exactly is their purpose, who appointed them.....................seems clear to me they are tolerated thugs, fat #### that are uneducated and would be better placed in a paddy, I mean god almighty ### this country is in the dark ages and those in powetr are so busy filling their pockets that it will never change, call an election now the only hope for thailand is MFP
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