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Everything posted by smedly

  1. they think somehow that cranking up the music will attract customers - how wrong they are
  2. throw away the key
  3. as a matter of principle - everyone should boycott this airline and put them out of business
  4. that area is without doubt shockingly beautiful
  5. well unless he is going to give them what they want which is pretty simple - their own state
  6. so many replies on this topic already any left handed mouse users lol
  7. why was it not seized along with all his other ill gotten gains shocking
  8. how many hubs this week, how many hubs the last 10 years Thailand the hub of hub failures honestly I would like to see Thailand succeed at something but all the hubs they keep talking up are just that - talking
  9. get this pest of the streets, this could easily have ended in murder lock him up, this is a serious crime
  10. how long before the dog collar comes off, this was a man who needed to stay in hospital before he suddenly got better and didn't need it
  11. are you actually doing anything or just following I have a suggestion
  12. this might sound strange but Hua Hin is not a beach place - it could be but needs a lot of thinking
  13. and what do they do, put prices up shooting themselves in the foot I've been to Hua Hin many times the last time being about 2019, would I go back there - no if it was around the corner or a short journey I would consider it, but there is nothing that would entice me to spend 4 hrs in a taxi - the ferry from pattaya was less painful but still nothing is enticing me to go there, had a few great experiences there
  14. well that article should improve relations ................... not seems someone in this administration doesn't like foreigners or expats, since the election they have done nothing but #### them off I have no issue screening foreigners in fact I would encourage it, but will they ?
  15. and stop interfering in things that are none of his business seems to me the PM is trying to offload blame for low GDP growth on interest rate level
  16. I if he is staying at the place he has IMO paid the corkage fee, different if he was a walk in customer
  17. exactly my point, some here describe it a loss of face - I call it weak in character and an unwillingness to take responsibility which is why this country will never advance, hub of nothings and a population of adult children
  18. I agree but Thais will stick together and the lads will end up with a hefty bill
  19. they can't admit to anything and take it on the chin, this is outrageous if I ran a business I would welcome negative feedback so that I knew were to improve
  20. I don't have access to all the information, all I know the numbers of excess deaths post covid which IMO warrants a look into and an explanation
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