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Everything posted by smedly

  1. not only can you bribe your way out of serious crime but now you can also bribe your way out of jail time, how on earth the Thai people are putting up this is beyond comprehension, this country is rotten to the core and is getting worse The people voted and the party that won was disabled through trumphed up allegations, now we have this lot who made deals with junta parties to get the votes to for a government what next !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. so certain people could be detained at home - that throws the whole justice system down the toilet
  3. saving face because foreigners are choosing alternatives, rather than fix the many problems you are stating it like it is a chosen path 555, denial 101
  4. anyone make sense of this story, random thieves just happened to know where the loot was ?, I think not PS notes with serial numbers can be redeemed at a bank
  5. a four month stay in hospital ?, I have never spent more than 3 weeks in hospital my whole life and that was a one time thing, if I was a thai I'd be extremely angry right now
  6. this is shameful on parade for the Thai public I thought he was sentenced to 18 years such a good man he was extorting billions from the people while playing the victim ?
  7. sounds like another bus accident, what is it the last 7 days (reported)
  8. yes there is something not quite right about the initial handshake between browser and site
  9. not fixed, only works for links I have opened before, so still the same - I adjusted security settings and other stuff for AN, no different from the OP
  10. may have fixed it adjusting security settings for AN, it is reported as not secure from the email url and i made some slight changes, so that seems to be that one solved but not sure about internal site links to topics yet
  11. edge chrome makes no difference, there is something not quite right with the forum since relocation, never had this issue before that, some people are reporting the same but worded slightly differently
  12. i have had MB taxi drivers do exactly that at 3am, trying to find one that is sober is quite difficult at 1am onwards, i now phone directly to several drivers that i know 100% don't drink while working
  13. what they are in effect doing is asking the public to police themselves because the police can't or won't do it, it is hilarious to think that mature adults came up with this plan, a collective IQ of ## are they going to ask everyone leaving a venue if they are intending to drive ? I mean how ### stupid is this
  14. I checked url again and the email notification url starts with http://url6795.aseannow.com then has a massive string of characters which I assume are tracking and logging data
  15. speaking of second clicks - I have a new topic on this forum which I think is a similar issue
  16. pouatchee has been on my ignore list a very long time, not many have achieved this accolade over 13 years so I use it reluctantly but with purpose and sound reason
  17. even happened when creating this topic but not this reply created topic - hit the post button and it hung, when I refreshed the page it opened a blank new topic window - then checked the support forum and the new topic was posted
  18. page doesn't open then I stop the loading in my browser "X" and reload and works as it should, this happens pretty much with everything I click on AN - in page url or external link "email" to AN - the page has to be reloaded for it to work, it never opens on first click just hangs there - it's like it is being directed to something my browser can't connect too then a recycle it opens instantly - the url's on both the initial load attempt and reload attempt are identical - weird there is something not quite right with this, only happens on AN
  19. I too have this issue, the page doesn't open then I stop the loading in my browser "X" and reload and works as it should, this happens pretty much with everything I click on AN - in page url or external link "email" to AN - the page has to be reloaded for it to work, it never opens on first click just hangs there - it's like it is being directed to something my browser can't connect too then a recycle it opens instantly - the url's on both the initial load attempt and reload attempt are identical - weird there is something not quite right with this, only happens on AN
  20. did he also visit the more popular soi 6 555 what happened to the previous commander ?
  21. so they have stuffed business class seats in the middle of economy class - lol what genius came up with that idea
  22. Like one extra hour of drinking is going make a huge difference, another idiotic idea, do they think people will sober up in an hour or two, also what legal powers do these people have to detain anyone they think is driving drunk that is a job for police, these people are so far removed from reality it is shocking The message should be "LEAVE THE CAR AT HOME" or face stiff penalties and this should be ongoing whether 2am 3am or 4am closing, proper policing is the answer not this childish nonsense
  23. when is a bus not a bus - when it's a van how many accidents happen at u-turns on Thai roads ? RIP to these victims
  24. why are all their noses steadily growing LMAO
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