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Everything posted by smedly

  1. fools and their money - they handed it over willingly, unless there is a written agreement that states otherwise - they paid for a service that they believed in - not the first and certainly not the last
  2. Thailand is becoming the one the worlds leaders for scammers and gun crime/murders, every day you read about the "ones that reported" I am sure add to that the drunk drivers including police officers - this becoming a very dangerous place
  3. blame anything as long as it is not them, typical Thai response blame a wet road whe they have an accident blame anything else - take no responsibility
  4. Close friends of the victim, however, stated on social media that the cause of death was an aneurysm
  5. nobody will accept this, did he even win a seat in the lower house, if he did not win by the voting public he shouldn't even Be an MP never mind PM
  6. guns drawn ready to serve, not the image you want to see is it don't overstay your visa or..................................
  7. lol................this guy is hilarious, the people of thailand shafted you big time, you have no voice that anyone wants hear, it's over why are you not getting it oh and your weed empire is about to come crashing down unless of course there is a coup ..............that will result in civil war
  8. exactly, they will do anything now to destroy the future of this country, the people gave them a very clear message - ## off, i don't think they are taking it well, I think prayuth actually thought he was popular - how delusional was that,
  9. This man makes me sick, the sooner he is gone the better meanwhile - https://aseannow.com/topic/1298725-alarm-bells-ring-in-overloaded-thai-public-health-system-as-exhausted-doctors-quit-in-droves/
  10. you took money, get over it, you are supposed to enforce the law not break it, you are worse than the criminals you arrested, although I don't think you will face justice, if it was me you would go to jail for a very long time
  11. pretty big to miss, I don't believe the truck drivers version of events, he already admitted to being in an accident with someone else at the time, it makes no sense to me
  12. something not quite right hear, makes no sense RIP
  13. it is the same administration no matter whos name is on the door all under the control of Prayuth, the have no right to spend 1.9 trillion baht as a caretaker government, that is quite shocking and should be blocked immediately, looks to me like they are trying to destroy the finances before the new government takes office, it might even be an attempt to fill their pockets one last time - where there's a budget they can fudget
  14. you had 10 years in office to make a difference, you should not be allowed to do this, it is for the new government to approve budgets this massive
  15. how sad............not you had 10 years to make a difference and the country has gone backwards, good riddence
  16. very sad indeed, hope she recovers point worth mentioning - 2nd floor sounds not too high - this is not a condo or hotel 2nd floor, it is a miracle she survived a fall like that
  17. apply the same rules to prayuth anutin prawit etc, oh thats right they are above the law - rules don't apply to them coup anyone
  18. because the two foreigners that got involved are connected to the bar would be my guess
  19. when you get a bill and they have added 3000baht of drinks you didn't order and are threatening violence if you don't pay - what are you going to do
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