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Everything posted by smedly

  1. things must be pretty bad in Phuket when they openly declare their war on whites lol my advice to anyone - take phuket off your bucket list, it is an expensive rip off and the local authorities are targeting you do yourself a favor and go somewhere else
  2. can someone reword that so that we all know exactly what they mean $...................ooops typo
  3. 4x fell into the well lol dumb and .............. collective iq was ?
  4. a percentage means nothing a 100% increase of 1 is ....... they keep making these meaningless statements
  5. Prayuth is throwing money around like he is still in charge - that needs to stop, go away prayuth anutin and prawit..............you lost big time, the people of Thailand made very clear.......you are not wanted........ ###. ###
  6. it shouldn't matter who the house speaker is, if it does then there is something wrong
  7. i rest my case, what is wrong with these Thai cowards, I was going to say men but none of them are men............................be careful out there the coward/face simplistic mentality extends to farangs has to be an IQ thing, are so many of them sub 30
  8. put this dog to death too much of this going on in Thailand, like every day we read about some phycsho idiot........................put these ### to death what is wrong with Thai males - have they some sort of genetic disorder were they feel abusing/murdering women is ok, what is it tell me - they are not men - they are weak cowards.....shame on them send them to a war zone and lets see how manly they are, no beating/murdering women there. ### cowards truth
  9. GBH and possible manslughter, the police should have no choice in this - sorry but you should not be able to bribe your way out of this, I wonder who the got her pregnant - any guesses
  10. making a statement then agreeing with yourself...............too funny
  11. narcotics fkow into Chang Rai, don't suppose these junta generals have anything to do with it
  12. oh dear what a mess, step down and allow democracy to run no matter what your rigged constitution says - it is very obviously severely flawed I see a lot of trouble ahead if the election results are not respected,
  13. and how much of it will actually reach the people sounds more like a payment for support to your general mates, as it cannot be accounted for once handed over Prayuth should not be allowed to do this with tax payer money
  14. this is why you are solo, what nonsense you speak respect the wishes of the people is a very simple concept but perhaps is beyond you
  15. this is the difference between having unelected military generals running a country and elected civilians, one is by the gun and the other by ballot box
  16. the company no longer exists so he holds shares in nothing
  17. ha ha nice try it is up to each party to decide who their leader is, they are all elected by the people and have won their seats - nobody in the UK can serve as an MP or PM unless they win their seat
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