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Posts posted by loonodingle

  1. I have not seen any discussion of the testimony of Dr. Chasit Yoohad as reported in http://bigstory.ap.org/urn:publicid:ap.org:eab0f9d26be242048e4dae7a83a9334e.

    A second witness, Dr. Chasit Yoohad, gave testimony about his examination of the victims' bodies. He said he also performed a medical checkup of the two accused, and found them in good health. He said he asked through a translator if they had committed the crime, and they replied that they had.

    This strikes me as strange. Why would the doctor be interrogating the Burmese? Of course, if the doctor was part of a frame up, the testimony is extremely convenient. It also does not state when this examination of the Burmese took place. I assume the translator was the pancake seller who has been accused of participating in the torture of the two accused. Even if the doctor's interrogation was carried out fairly, the two Burmese kids would probably not have dared risk renewed torture by claiming innocence. Further, how does anyone know that questions and answers from the pancake seller were correct translations?

    Will the "translator" give evidence at the trial? Should this claim of the Burmese admission of guilt be regarded as hearsay if he does not?

    Its more like he was checking them for injuries using the same pancake seller to translate who has been named as part of the torture gang. At one point the police said they left him in the room with the suspects and he came out and said they had confessed removing any liability from them and passing it on to the pancake man..

  2. The UK criminal forensic expert who spent time with the KT defense team last month is named Mike Moulden.


    Just in case you was all asleep in the night Mr Crabby posted the pic of the defence expert and named him as Mike Moulden.

    Well Mr Moulden has an impressive CV:

    Michael Riggs-Moulden

    Forensic, Crime Scene & Exploitation Consultant and Trainer.

    Location Plymouth, United Kingdom Industry Law Enforcement


    1. UK Ministry of Defence


    1. EULEX Kosovo, European Union Rule of Law Mission,
    2. Defence Academy of the UK,
    3. UN


    1. Cranfield University
    UK Ministry of Defence

    Subject Matter Expert


    January 2012

    View full profile

    Subject Matter Expert UK Ministry of Defence January 2012– Present (3 years 7 months)Afghanistan

    Counter Terrorism Forensic Exploitation

    Forensic Consultant EULEX Kosovo, European Union Rule of Law Mission April 2014 April 2014(1 month)Brussels Area, Belgium

    Forensic and Crime Scene Evidence Consolidation

    Crime Scene & Forensic Associate Lecturer Defence Academy of the UK April 2014 April 2014(1 month)Shrivenham, England

    Lecturing and Consultancy in Forensic and Crime Scene specialisms both domestically and internationally.

    Forensic Expert UN September 2006 December 2011(5 years 4 months)
    Head of Forensic Services Special Anti Crime Unit 2006 2009(3 years)
    Crime Scene Supervisor/Manager Dorset Police 2004 2006(2 years)
    Forensic Mentor Crime Scene Project Afghanistan 2004 2004(less than a year)
    Scenes of Crime Officer Surrey Police 2000 2003(3 years)
  3. I see Sean Mcanna has changed his name. The guilty parties(IMO) The Island mafia were wanting to kill him, I wonder why? He should on the stand.

    My heart is so thumping now.

    Everyone must listen to these songs he's written and singing. Watch all the videos.

    I'm without words.

    I think I get it now. This can not be the Sean from the Island of Ko Tao that fateful night.

    Wow, I was beside myself there.

    Oh But It Is The One and Only Sean McAnna. The same guy who spilled the beans on the real killers.

  4. They are sending so called evidence for retesting so it can get lost for real this time, due to the British also now came forward with evidence which will most probably be a complete different result to what the Thais have ??

    They are stuck in a corner and they know it... Best way out...get rid of their scapegoat evidence and the case gets thrown out of court....problem solved and face is saved. The saving of face to be the most important here.

    Just a thought...[/quo

    knowing how things can go I am surprised they haven't found them swing from a ligature before now. It's certainly concerning.

  5. Yes -- however GSW and BFT seem to be standard coroner preliminary observations.

    Actually Crabby I think that description is from the Thai coroner not the UK coroner as its dated 1st October. The DNA check and confirmation would have been from samples sent possibly? its to short a time from the tragedy to this report for a UK autopsy report I think.

    The quote is from the UK Coroner Ms. Lake who had already had sufficient time to perform DNA analysis to be able to identify the remains.

    I think u r correct crabby.

    However this isn't a statement of BFT or GSW its a preliminary observation of severe head injury. Not the causes of it.

    The recent Sunday Times article said a photograph that has been obtained by The Sunday Times 'appears to show shrapnel wounds to (Ms. Witheridge's) face.'

    yes I don't know if you have the photos but if you look it appears that there is considerable areas of injury other than blow to the head. Including what looks like a bite mark. Extremely horrific but it tells a story of quiet a battle I suggest.
  6. Efforts should be focused at the son of the head-man, from Koh Tao. Living very close to the Island, as I do and have been for years, many have witnessed the brutal way in which this indivual operates. The forementioned individual,(son), is very feared. Gun and knife culture is the norm and man are in fear for their safety, in this part of, so called paradise! The culprit is on that Island. It is common knowledge in Chumphon. People know the truth but are unable to speak. The authorities need to take a closer look at those so called 'up and standing members of the public', on Koh Tao.


    perhaps as you have taken time to post that on here you could also send any information to the lawyer. You can do this without disclosing your name. But why don't you ask around, find out everything you can and send an email with all the info you find. If you are concerned about being exposed as the provider of said info then send email from a free wifi spot using a new email address. This way nothing comes back to you and the information can be looked at.

    Giving you the satisfaction that the perpetrator's are convicted and you are not involved.

  7. Bingo!!! Michael Riggs-Moulden

    Forensic, Crime Scene & Exploitation Consultant and Trainer.

    Location Plymouth, United Kingdom Industry Law Enforcement
    1. UK Ministry of Defence
    1. EULEX Kosovo, European Union Rule of Law Mission,
    2. Defence Academy of the UK,
    3. UN
    1. Cranfield University
    UK Ministry of Defence

    Subject Matter Expert


    January 2012

    View full profile

    Subject Matter Expert UK Ministry of DefenceJanuary 2012– Present (3 years 7 months)Afghanistan

    Counter Terrorism Forensic Exploitation

    Forensic Consultant EULEX Kosovo, European Union Rule of Law MissionApril 2014April 2014(1 month)Brussels Area, Belgium

    Forensic and Crime Scene Evidence Consolidation

    Crime Scene & Forensic Associate Lecturer Defence Academy of the UKApril 2014April 2014(1 month)Shrivenham, England

    Lecturing and Consultancy in Forensic and Crime Scene specialisms both domestically and internationally.

    Forensic Expert UNSeptember 2006December 2011(5 years 4 months)
    Head of Forensic Services Special Anti Crime Unit20062009(3 years)
    Crime Scene Supervisor/Manager Dorset Police20042006(2 years)
    Forensic Mentor Crime Scene Project Afghanistan20042004(less than a year)
    Scenes of Crime Officer Surrey Police20002003(3 years)
  8. Yes -- however GSW and BFT seem to be standard coroner preliminary observations.

    Actually Crabby I think that description is from the Thai coroner not the UK coroner as its dated 1st October. The DNA check and confirmation would have been from samples sent possibly? its to short a time from the tragedy to this report for a UK autopsy report I think.

    The quote is from the UK Coroner Ms. Lake who had already had sufficient time to perform DNA analysis to be able to identify the remains.

    I think u r correct crabby.

    However this isn't a statement of BFT or GSW its a preliminary observation of severe head injury. Not the causes of it.

  9. Correct Crabby...

    No mention of what caused them and they will not until the inquest is formally in session.

    However the coroners officer will have disclosed the results of the forensics to the defence as they are an interested party. So this doesn't come from the Police or the FCO but the coroner. And now defence getting a UK expert to travel to give evidence about the autopsy results.

    I say watch this space my friend watch this space.

    the coroners officer will have disclosed the results of the forensics to the defence as they are an interested party

    That is unclear. In a case that carries the death penalty, no official UK assistance is supposed to be provided to either the defense or prosecution. I think the policy is misguided. Also, there are some reports of regional police forces in the UK carrying out interviews to assist the Thai authorities. To what extent was the defense allowed to know what the UK knows? Time will tell.

    All people who have a legal interest are entitled by law to obtain the records. Don't forget they have Solicitor and QC's working on this in the UK

    There is significant information that contradicts the Thai facts. That statement is out there. Its also revealed they are seeking funds for a forensic expert to attend as a witness. This will be for the disclosure to the court. You watch... this space.

  10. Yes -- however GSW and BFT seem to be standard coroner preliminary observations.

    Perhaps the full results hadn't been released as that was the initial opening hearing. Its just a formality Same as the one in January which I attended. Just box ticking really. The Coroner doesn't carry out the Autopsy either and the statement was released by the head coroner on the circuit. I dont think they would have disclosed GSW in this hearing until further detailed investigations had taken place.

  11. http://www.eveningnews24.co.uk/mobile/news/hannah_witheridge_inquest_opens_as_police_search_for_three_people_believed_to_be_involved_in_her_murder_1_3790331

    01 OCT 2014

    Speaking at the inquest, senior coroner Jacqueline Lake said Miss Witheridge had been indentified using DNA taken from her parents - Tony and Susan Witheridge.

    Post-mortem examinations revealed that Ms Witheridge died from “severe head wounds”.

    Correct Crabby...

    No mention of what caused them and they will not until the inquest is formally in session.

    However the coroners officer will have disclosed the results of the forensics to the defence as they are an interested party. So this doesn't come from the Police or the FCO but the coroner. And now defence getting a UK expert to travel to give evidence about the autopsy results.

    I say watch this space my friend watch this space.

  12. At first I read that there was DNA evidence inside her body. Now I read that the evidence was in a condom.

    Forgive me, but ...was the condom in her body or was that in addition to the DNA in her body? Two samples or one? Either way, I can't see why they would be cautious of leaving DNA and then on the other hand be so reckless about it to either leave it behind in her or allow another to not use one.

    How was far the condom from the scene? Did it have Hannah's DNA on it too? Which sample was tested against the headmans son? Both or just one?

    My gut feeling is probably the same as most, it was the headmans son and friends and they have cleared him using one of the DNA samples his friend left behind.

    Edited to be more clear.

    If I remember reports correctly there was no dna evidence in the condom and a spot of Hannah's blood on the outside. With regards to Hannah there were 2 different specimens internally and a third different one externally (as stated by police / forensics in a press conference conducted in Thai last year). That's a total of 3 by the way for starters, not 2.

    Sunday Times

    Michael Sainsbury, Koh Samui, Thailand Published: 28 June 2015

    The defence theory is that the hoe was used to hide gunshot wounds and the bodies were arranged to disguise what had actually occurred. A photo taken of Witheridge as she lay dead on the beach that has been obtained by The Sunday Times appears to show shrapnel wounds to her face.

    If this turns out to be true then then RTP Farce case is in tatters..

    You will note not a single defence spokesperson has come forward to deny this suggestion......... So this is the smoking gun (excuse the terrible Pun) in the case. Evidence of a shooting then covered up by the Hoe.

  13. I find it hard to believe there were no witnesses (particularly farang) to the supposed argument in AC Bar (that are willing to come forward anyway

    Fear is an amazing thing. Combine that with the horrific pictures of the victims and then ask yourself why everybody is saving their own skin. Its not rocket science. If you spoke then you would have to leave Thailand. Remember Sean Mcanna.. Same injurys calls to Sky news fled the island with a handshake from the new police chief and a oneway ticket to Milan. Fear my friend Fear.

  14. I very rarely post these days due to lack of time but I seem to remember something on this forum in the early days about the Hoe not being the murder weapon and was used after the event to remove "evidence" from the body. It would be interesting to know if the original suspect had a licenced (or otherwise ) firearm. Possibly the post mortem in the UK found some evidence of this. Just my two setang's worth.

    This is my thought as well. And they will not let on before they bring it up in court. In the mean time the police and forensic officers are gong to dig themselves a very deep hole and the defence lawyers is herding them all in to it.

    BANG!!! Get yourselves out of that then.

    Just a theory.... but it could be....true I have no inside knowledge...

  15. ...about the cigarettes butts. They were found at the crime scene

    Says who? Perhaps they were, perhaps they weren't. How can anybody believe anything the BIB say? They have zero credibility, especially in this particular double murder case.

    60 Meteres way.or 190 foot. that's 4 and half artic trailers away.

    A considerable distance

    How do you know? Are you the one who found them? I think you're just repeating what you've read or heard. We don't know if what was said or written was the truth or not.

    Sorry it was what the prosecution stated if I am correct. So agreed its probably a crock of sheet

  16. My apologies if this has already been mentioned before but I was unable to get my head around why a rapist would use a condom and furthermore why there was no DNA found inside it. I've done some research and yes rapists have been known to use condoms to hide their DNA but that purpose is defeated if it is left lying around. For the life of me I fail to see how this counts as evidence other than the fact it was allegedly used on the victim.

    Who says the condom had anything to do with the crime? it could have been discarded earlier that evening. The fact that fag butts were found 60 meters away from the scene is irrelevant as well. Considering there was plenty of people who went to the beach. It could be anyone of a number of people.

  17. No matter what the issue is, if it doesn't fit with your version of 'the truth' you reject out of hand. What possible motive would an interpreter have for making up a story about being warned off. It DOES have a ring of truth, all things considered.

    Well Jonathan Samuels of SKY News, who claimed that his translator had been 'warned off', filed a report today from Koh Samui so either the 'warned off' translator is still there, he found another non-warned off translator, or he has learned courtroom-vocabulary Thai very fast.

    Funny that crabby. I read that Jack Hansen-Bartel had started as well but and I quote

    "Jack Hansen-Bartel who hates the Koh Samui justice system with a vengeance after being viciously attacked on the island last year in a police controlled nightclub has been assisting in the court translating for people on the defence team. He too was approached but that appears to have been reconsidered quickly"

    Like trying to hold a Hot piece of coal I think.

    What should be happening is they have a free and fair trial. Free from interference and fair that pre disclosure takes place. However it appears the prosecution are thrashing around like a conger eel trying to not get caught out. All the things that people like you wanted hey!!!

    Yet your not getting it are you. Not a lot you had hoped for is happening. In fact I notice a distinct void on the forums lately. A few odd comments because habits are hard to break but other than that a weak and somewhat feeble few comments chucked in as and when.

  18. I didn't think there was any DNA evidence to retest, we are told it is lost.

    The "less important" DNA eg. from the cigarette butt is used up or maybe lost. The more important DNA is supposedly safe in Bangkok.

    The red L&M cigarette butt or butts was the reason for the police to knock on the B2's door as they were supposed to have bought L&M red that evening. I'd say they are quite important pieces of evidence.

    Looks like having a Fag on the beach makes you a murderer then??

    The important stuff like the semen samples not available. Don't get knocked off course Kev. It could of been you who had a fag that night and now locked up after you gave in to repeated torture. Just remember there was 3 DNA profile from Hannah as well. 2 are in the dock accused of being the guilty people.

  19. BANGKOK: The national police chief has dismissed as a misunderstanding on the part of the defence lawyer and foreign media that the DNA tests of two Myanmar migrant workers charged with the killing of two British tourists on Koh Tao last September have gone missing.

    Pol Gen Somyot Pumpunmuang clarified Friday that the DNA tests had been sent to the Forensic Science Institute for examation and then returned to the enquiry officers in charge of the murder case to be incorporated in the case file for court trial.

    No misunderstanding here regarding that "clarification"! I said yesterday that early on in the case, somebody had suggested that key evidence would get "lost" along the way. What Pol Gen Somyot is saying is that the actual tests have not gone missing i.e. the reports or findings from the tests, but later reports indicate that the material tested has been "finished" or "lost" or "that there was only enough material to do one test." I must admit, I didn't see that one coming! Sorry if this sounds like a conspiracy theory, but "let's do the tests and then get rid of, or contaminate what material is left so that it can't be retested"

    I wouldn't put anything past the RTP or bthe prosecution in this case, and I must admit that I thought "independent testing" would involve the material being tested in another country, not at the same place as the original tests were carried out by someone who apparently is well respected, but in her present capacity could certainly be "leaned upon". Or is that another "misunderstanding"?

    Not sure how you didn't see that coming. Lets face it 100,000 + people signed a petition for independent verification of the DNA. Prayut agreed so we sent a Norfolk forensics officer along with 2 other officers to Thailand. They then where refused access to the evidence and that's been confirmed in a letter from the Met Polee confirming this. See attachment.

    I personally harangued Hannah's MP Brandon Lewis asking him to make sure he gets David Cameron to kick up a fuss. Whilst they thought I was a nutter maybe its all coming home to roost for the UK Gov now isn't.

    The poor family's of ALL involved while this charade plays out in the worlds media.

    The DNA is all they have linking the young men... Its not illegal to be on a beach or smoke a cigarette. and they have lost the samples..

    God help any us if we get into trouble in Thailand. I know from personal experience how the law works.



  20. So now we have reports that the hair found in Hannah's hand contains the DNA of one of the accused. All reports of this hair being found stated clearly it was blonde. The 2 accused did not have blonde hair, the cctv is evidence to this. Oh but wait the hair is also now lost so all they have is the record. Or put it another way, all they have is the word of the RTP since we have also now found out that all samples were actually conducted and tested by the RTP forensics and not Singapore.

    Also the cigarette butts cannot finish or degenerate, where are they?

    Somyots waste paper bin??

    Just an idea... whistling.gif

  21. Another update from the sky news guy outside the court room. the first video down.

    All Credit to Heidi Anna. A Star in a very dark Sky.


    This is the 2nd facebook link i have tried to open from this thread and it tells me it cant be found as there may be a connection problem (no problem) or the page has been removed.

    Im in malaysia if that makes any difference.

    This might work:

    That's technology for you.... Some of its beyond me.....thumbsup.gif

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