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Posts posted by loonodingle

  1. Another update from the sky news guy outside the court room. the first video down.

    All Credit to Heidi Anna. A Star in a very dark Sky.


    This is the 2nd facebook link i have tried to open from this thread and it tells me it cant be found as there may be a connection problem (no problem) or the page has been removed.

    Im in malaysia if that makes any difference.

    Hmmm not sure.

    You can search her up in the top of the tool bar. write Heidi Anna and you should find this screen shot.


  2. Khunying Porntip Rojanasunan is actually a highly respected forensic scientist and is independant. She has worked on numerous cases and has, in the past, turned police cases upside down by showing evidence that the parties were infact innocent. A good step for the case, either way.

    Issue remains, where is the British police report?

    She lost her credibility with her repeated endorsement of the fake bomb detectors even after they had been proven to be a total fraud.

    The British police report is not and cannot be part of this Thai judiclal procedure. Stop holding your breath.

    I agree the bomb detectors is a mark against her but it doesn't take away from her forensic skills.

    Don't loose sight of how many countrys brought the detectors. This is just one person who got it wrong its dozens of countrys.


    con artist minted over $80 million by selling fake bomb detectors to law enforcement agencies in different countries around the world including Iraq, Pakistan, China, India, Bangladesh, Lebanon and many more.

  3. From the UK Telegraph today-

    Just before the families arrived at the Koh Samui Provincial Court, lead defence lawyer Nakhon Chompuchat said: “We have received information from the British authorities that shows inconsistencies in the prosecution case. It is significant evidence.”
    Mr Nakhon said he was unable to provide further details at this time. He did confirm that the evidence was not provided by any British police force or the Foreign and Commonwealth Office. It is believed the information comes from examinations of the bodies of the victims in the UK and is related to DNA found on Ms Witheridge’s body.

    Don't forget Zoe the case worker at Reprieve, Andy Hall and the Uk Lawyers and QC's have been actively pursuing information in the UK. They do not need the police or |FCO to do that. They apply directly to the coroners officer for the reports. In this case they will have been given them without a doubt.

  4. How does DNA in a murder trial get lost?

    Well everything has a price in life. Especially in Thailand. And moreover if you didn't want it checked to reinforce your results and expect people to rely on them as why would you lie.

    In fact the RTP farce has rolled that one out already berating Andy Hall and the defence for cross examining them.

    How dare you question us. its disrespectful to the Family.....Blah Blah Blah..

    Yeah right Mr Copper.... What's more disrespectful is you loosing or destroying the evidence that YOU claim proves these 2 young men committed a crime in which you have named multiple people as the guilty people. Inc a rather rich mans son and brother who had been identified on CCTV which has now disappeared.

    The problem is they all sit and watch the sheet series on TV and believe that's how real life really is. Many have a low education and lack proper training. Add that to low wages and rampant corruption and you end up with a pot of mess that stinks.

  5. poor lamps to the slaughter , life can be so cruel if ur in the wrong place at the wrong time


    And just remember Hannah and Davids Parents are having to sit through this. They know whats been said and had assurances from the UK Gov that alls well.

    What are they thinking now after travelling 6000 odd miles to see justice for their children to be confronted by what we all know is a sham.

    What on earth are they feeling sat in their hotel rooms... God only knows.

    Then there's the 2 accused parents. One has died while his son is in custody. A terrible chain of events... So extremely sad for all concerned let alone us voyeurs.

  6. Guys and Girls...

    Thursday 30 April 2015 11.58 BST

    Thailand orders DNA in British backpacker murders to be verified

    Court says evidence must be independently examined after claims of tainted crime scene and Burmese suspects being tortured

    A court in Thailand has ordered that DNA and other physical evidence allegedly linking Burmese migrant workers to the murder of two British backpackers should be independently checked, a move the suspects’ lawyers said could help ensure a fair trial.



  7. Sounds like further Bull-shit from the Defense, which is what they want.

    Andy Hall is not bias! He has stated his personal opinion on several links but without Evidence. He tries to sound neutral but makes mistakes. He makes a good living here without working! Unless someone can show me he is given money from his mother, and it comes from other sources.

    A Gravy Train is just that! The smart ones know how to find it and pump it. The many dumb ones support it!

    A Fact of Life! .

    Andy Hall "makes a good living here without working!" This is scurrilous garbage -- like everything you write. I will take this back if you immediately show the "evidence", oh how you love that word, Buggy, of the source and figures of Mr. Hall's income. If you can't, please, please, please <deleted>.

    Bloody good this trial isn't about Andy Hall then.

    If it wasn't for Andy Hall these 2 young men would be jailed by now. It is through his contacts that many things have happened. His selfless act in supporting this case and raising awareness has been a godsend.

    As for you GOLDBUGGY, if you was only half the Man Andy hall is you could be proud. As it is u r not much more than what I just trod in when I got out my car and scrapped on the kerb. If your only resort is to trash people who are helping perhaps some treatment wouldn't go a miss.

  8. Total incompetent to loose DNA samples. Whoever is responsible should be fired, stripped of their pension and jailed to save them from their own future stupidity.

    Interesting development - seems like the DNA from the bodies is not actually missing after all, it is actually in Bangkok according to the the Phangan police who were the main investigators.

    More mud in the water. If that is true then it will be interesting to see if it can be 'found'. I expect not myself, or if 'found' it won't be made available for independent testing.

    If it is located, which it will be if it is still around and the court gives permission for the defence to get independent testing carried out on it then it will happen.

    Koh Samui Court approved the independent verification in April.

    They Police wouldn't hand it over and now the defence are applying for a Warrant to get whatever is there. So then today the Police have said they dont have it. They say they don't know what the institute off science may have retained but the officers today said it is finished or lost.

    They did say both things finished or lost.

    Still its not important hey because why would the police lie about it.

  9. So there off back to Koh Tao to check if they have any further evidence!!! Trial of the century in the making for all the wrong reasons

    Speaking to lead defence lawyer Nakhon Chompuchat outside the court room, Colonel Somsak said: “I am going back to check and will call you later to tell you what I have.”

    The prosecution then asked the three judges to suspend the hearing.


    Go to this page as the lady has videoed lots of comment you may not see on the news including the Sky guy talking to the lawyer and Andy hall.


  10. In reply to JLCrab Post #353:-

    The point is, which has already been stated, is that a translator working for Sky News has been warned off by presumably, the Thai mafia from Koh Tao. Whether that translator was working for Sky News, Reuters, the BBC, or ISIS is irrelevant - what are the RTP doing about it? And why has the roti seller been appointed as official translator for the court? Was the translator that was working for Sky News one and the same? (Sorry JD - conspiracy theory!)And if he is appearing as a witness for the prosecution, how is it possible that he can be appointed as official translator to the court?

    So you're saying maybe SKY News is a bunch of wimps who will let their translator be frightened off by some goons from another island where the trial isn't taking place? Did the SKY News camera crew not have a photo or video of their translator being warned off?

    Well we couldn't have expected a better comment could we.

    Of course the Sky Guys making it up as well.

  11. Sky News reporter talking about his translator being warned off by mafia


    So if the translator can no longer work for him how does he know what happened in the Courtroom?

    The poster hasn't made himself clear.I want to give you every chance to understand what's happening in the UK on the news.The reporting has not been updated on the news and they have just been repeating what was said over night and this morning prior to the court this morning in Thailand. It was Johnathan Samuels for Sky who's translator was leaned on..be sure when the court finishes over there there will be a updated news report.This is really getting covered and I sense the news channels sense a massive story sadly for the relatives..I'm sorry but once again your clutching at straws and I'm not letting you away with it. Open your eyes to what's happening here by the hour..The case is going out the window very quickly.

    Unfortunately there is a set of posters who wouldn't listen from day 1. They had made their minds up from the start. There comments are fairly hollow now.

    I spoke to the coroners office who is handling Hannah's case and whilst he wouldn't comment directly he said it is normal practice to carry out a forensic Autopsy if the condition of the body permits. I am not privy to the results how ever the insinuations are that there will be a game changing revelation. The Defence are letting the prosecution dig a big hole first.

    Only 2 days in and its falling apart. Lets hope both family's speak up. There not daft, they are educated people. They also know that the UK police where denied access to the forensic data back last November.

    Such a shame that whatever happens nobody will know the truth it seems.

  12. Lt Col Somsak told BBC that the samples had either been lost - or that only sufficient for 1 test. Defence wanted to verify independently.

    Worryingly, Sky News reporter Jonathan Samuels reported that the broadcaster’s translator had been “warned off” by local mafia; not a development that inspires confidence. There were numerous reports during last year’s hectic investigation of the murders that members of local mafia families were involved in the murder.

    Our Thai translator at backpacker murder trial says she's been 'warned off' by 'the Mafia'. Elements here clearly fear a fair trial. #kohtao

    Andy Hall

    Defense can only say: 'recently significant info provided us by UK authorities highlights important contradictions in prosecution evidence'

  13. Oh and I forgot - what was it that led the police to these two suspects in the first place, ...?

    Answer: From the first minutes, Thai officials were frantically trying to nail this on Burmese migrants. The first head cop followed the evidence (what a surprising concept in Thailand!) and it led to the brother and son of the Headman being prime suspects. However, there was too much pressure from Bkk to nail Burmese, so the head cop was yanked off the case, and we know what ensued.
    Again you are misrepresenting things.

    There were several sets of suspects. All were cleared.

    They rest is just garbage to promote your agenda..

    Try being informed instead of just opinionated JD.

    Your very words.

    You do not have to insult people.

  14. So the alcohol tests that were send and needed 7 days proved negative?

    TIT, no cash: breath analyser: 2 minutes, test positive / Big cash: lab tests, 7 days, test negative...

    Even had the ghost visiting and telling her she was forgiven, pure beauty!!! sick.gif

    Perhaps they should have got the Koh Tao Cops onto the case

    They can get a positive DNA in 24 hours. They would have had Blood/Alcohol results in a an hour

  15. Great to see that the people are starting to see what some what some posters are really like and ignoring them is the best medicine for them .

    Yes, I could have responded, but what's the mileage in having a meaningless debate argument. Now the Brits are helping the defence, and if independent testing of DNA is permitted, I'm hopeful the prosecution's case will founder on the rocks of truthful disclosure.

    Here Here.... Well responded to Mr Terry.

  16. Well its very common with the Scandinavian tourist type. They really do loose the plot. Good to see the Brits and Thai's doing there civic duty and whooping his backside. He might think twice. I had it with a german in soi diana inn before. At a hotdog stand. Well the soi over soi Buakhow cant remember if that's still diana inn. He attacked me so I hit him with the wooden bar stool around the stand . Knocked him sparko. Got on my bike and left. Never heard a dicky bird about it. I bet he had a headache in the morning lol.

    hope ya shouted two world wars,and one world cup as you rode off into the sunset..

    Nope sorry I didn't. Its not relevant to me. Just the present day.

    Don't live in the past m8. Its of no benefit

  17. Well its very common with the Scandinavian tourist type. They really do loose the plot. Good to see the Brits and Thai's doing there civic duty and whooping his backside. He might think twice. I had it with a german in soi diana inn before. At a hotdog stand. Well the soi over soi Buakhow cant remember if that's still diana inn. He attacked me so I hit him with the wooden bar stool around the stand . Knocked him sparko. Got on my bike and left. Never heard a dicky bird about it. I bet he had a headache in the morning lol.

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