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Posts posted by loonodingle

  1. Lets look at this logically, a drunken/junkie clown who has been bringing in business for the local bar suddenly ups and runs from an island after people want to kill him. By chance this is a few days after people were murdered, people who he know, and he is sporting almost identical wounds to that of a murder victim. You don't get a copper and a local mafia geezer trying to off you for no reason, obviously something was up and it wasn't because they didn't like his version of Wonderwall.

    I have it on good authority this case has already been decided and both B2 will walk under a 'not enough clear evidence' umbrella, when this will happen I do not know but I doubt it will be this year going by the recent circus. This way the cops do not lose face and it goes down as another Thailand unsolved crime and quite literally it is a case of 'next'. They need it to calm down and disappear before they allow them to walk obviously.

    Only a fool would believe this supposition. Really I can't believe you would think this is how it's going to pan out. .....

    They claim to have DNA this conclusively ties the B2 to the scene. Unless that's debunked you have a conviction. As far as your claim they are waiting for this to die down your wrong again with this guess at how it's going to pan out. The world's media along with both the British families will be there. It's going to be global. Each and every revelation. This case has attracted so much attention that the RTP cannot afford to loose face. And if you understand Thailand you will know what I am speaking about. As a new member Jack perhaps you just joined to add a few drops of vanilla into the mix. I seriously doubt if you or your supposed good authority have a direct link into the trial judge... LOL..

    What I can tell you though is Reprieve and their Lawyers in the UK are pursuing all leads/avenues to ascertain and clarify facts where it involves UK citizens or evidence that UK departments or companies can confirm are accurate. This includes the Police.

    Things take time and require a procedure to be followed. Thankfully the judge has given them time.

    But you would know that Jack if your in the loop hey ?

  2. With Regards to Sean in comment above. I would put my house up in a bet he knows something. To vague in his answer. An identical injury to David. He has been hanging around the forums. Whisked of the island as soon as he mentioned who done it. The whole thing stinks like my wife's B.. lah. . Fishy stuff.

  3. Boomerangutang, do you know the Thai expression, Thai mung? It means a crowd of onlookers, it's a Thai pastime, I have no axe to grind in this case, the Burmese could well be innocent, but to assume the crowd's lack of palpable anger means no one thinks the Burmese are guilty is a jump in logic imo.

    I guess your not Thai are you.

    2 of my wife's friends came back from there at xmas and there thoughts are, everybody knows it was not those lads, but everyone afraid. if they speak then the can be dead. cannot stay on Koh Tao. So they keep quite.

    After 20 odd years listening to the Thai's I would probably go along with them than your version. Also the re enactment was in broad daylight not 3am. Nigh on everyone on the Island is suffering from the drop in tourism and I have seen many many times when they attack the suspects. Especially if it affects them and their livelihood.

    Anyway that my take on it.

    Couple that with the RTP chief denying the UK MPS the right to verify and investigate the case, speaks volumes. Its the opposite of what you would expect from a country that cares about tourism and their global appearance to would be travellers. But then I guess they thought it would just get buried in the news and forgotten. Unfortunately for them it will not.

    Families will be attending. Despite their initial thoughts that they have the correct people as they find the strength to examine the case through their assistant's translating they will see the same flaws that we have.

    • Like 2
  4. It's all over the British media now too. The wording of the appeal would indicate that Hannah's family is convinced the B2 are guilty since they plan to attend the trial also for the sentencing.

    Maybe someone here should put together a packet of all the evidence pointing away from the B2 and get it in the hands of Hannah's family. They should be able to make a well-informed decision. It's pretty common for a victim's family to toe the official line because they want closure, their feelings overwhelm their reason and they end up being part of scapegoating. In reading about Americans who were wrongly sent to the death chamber this phenomenon came up many times.

    Any concern for their feelings has to balanced with the two possibly innocent lives hanging in the balance, since their opinions, rightly or wrongly, carry some weight, they should know how much evidence points away from these two guys.

    Would you like the details to send it to

  5. She later decided to go downstairs to seek help from security officers but when she returned to the room with security officers, North ran out to the balcony. Security officers tried to pull him back but he broke free and jumped down, Kalaya told police.

    Ok so later on she wanted to involve securiteeee man..

    For what purpose?? was she p eed off. and he ran off a 36 floor balcony.

    Yeah right Babe!!!

    Why didn't you just go home....

  6. I can't see the point of them attending the trial since it'll be in Thai and they won't understand any of it.

    True, but while the families are here there is an excellent chance they will have an altercation with an off duty policeman or other influential local. What happens next to them in that situation would answer any and all questions or doubts they had. Not exactly going to give them closure, but at least an understanding as to the concept of VIP criminals, and there is no better place to see these pond dwellers than the Muu Koh Samui archipelago.

    You know this can only be a good thing.

    If they can get a better idea of what is happening and see the flaws in the evidence they will demand answers. None of us know the truth its all supposition.

    I for one am on the fence I just want to see verification of the evidence which was denied by the RTP.

    Whereas they work with police forces on other offences. The DEA for example. They have just been selective and that must raise the question why. Anyway I added my bit to the fund.

  7. Funny I almost posted on the original report that it's likely the gun was planted on him.

    Once again the world gets the true meaning of Thainess; where life is cheap and where Thais feel so superior than any other race they can take a life without consequence and over the most trivial of matters.

    Seriously you could offer me $10 million tax free to visit Thailand and I would turn it down without blinking an eye-lid. Why anyone would want to visit or live in the cesspit of humanity ( or lack of humanity ) is beyond my comprehension.

    Tax Free!!!....

    Hey that's worth considering.

    I just wouldn't be able to go out, have a thai girlfriend, sit in bars in Samui or visit Koh Tao with my Blonde Girlfriend..

    Tax Free!!! got me going but that's the Britishness in me.....cheesy.gif Following in the footsteps of my peers (and lords)

  8. Quality Hosts. wai2.gifwai.gif

    "The clip showed the man crawling out and Kabin walking to him and shooting him at close range."

    All those islands are ruled by thugs.

    Yep... They are... But maybe if the quality of the tourist was better, the quality of the host would be better too...

    If the tourists went to somewhere off the beaten track instead of the 'party islands', Phuket or Pattaya... They would see good quality and welcoming Thai hospitality...

    Want to go to a place crawling with overweight perverts and act the thug? Expect the locals to act the thug back...

    Som nam nah

    Hey what's all the abuse for..... Overweight Perverts.... that's uncalled for I have been on a diet...

    • Like 2
  9. That is so sad about the site not letting them get donations . I try to make a donation when I can . If anyone wants the account they can pm me .

    Any questions you have ask Andy. He is a wealth of knowledge



    I thought that we were not allowed to post his details. That's why I didn't post that. But obviously you can. My mistake. Therefore don't anybody pm me since loony has posted any details you need above.

    # 2000....

    Arent we???

    No idea.. We seem to be able to post most things its a forum after all. we post peoples pics and links to them.

  10. Thanks for the update. Very informative, and yet another barrier placed in front of the defence. Seems like the Thai authorities are determined to prevent a fair trial or seek justice, this time by putting pressure on the donations website.

    What are the Myanmar authorities doing/saying? I thought bail was being raised, or has that sunk? Or are the B2 safer in jail than outside?

    Well, let's see, vast government conspiracy at work or the defense team blatantly disregarded the rules of the service they were using:

    "YouCaring does not permit fundraising campaigns for legal defense, litigation, bail bonds or other legal matters."

    Clearly the second.

    Clearly the second AleG? Really? Your so sure of that aren't you despite it being a new policy that was placed after they had already joined the site.

    Here's a cached page of the same webpage taken on 2nd Dec 2014 https://web.archive.org/web/20141202025150/http://www.youcaring.com/how-it-works

    But I'll let you carry on with your conspiracy

    And what conspiracy would that be? rolleyes.gif

    No, really, if you are going to accuse me of being part of an illegal you should be more specific.

    The old rules don't mention using the services to raise funds for legal defenses, obviously the updated rules clarify that doing so is beyond the scope of the service.

    I have seen the email from them and they said they have changed the rules.

  11. Well, let's see, vast government conspiracy at work or the defense team blatantly disregarded the rules of the service they were using:

    "YouCaring does not permit fundraising campaigns for legal defense, litigation, bail bonds or other legal matters."

    Clearly the second.

    Clearly the second AleG? Really? Your so sure of that aren't you despite it being a new policy that was placed after they had already joined the site.

    Here's a cached page of the same webpage taken on 2nd Dec 2014 https://web.archive.org/web/20141202025150/http://www.youcaring.com/how-it-works

    But I'll let you carry on with your conspiracy

    I cant post an email I have seen for confidentiality reasons however they said they have the right to review individual cases and to change the rules.

    They have driven this case of the Net.

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