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Posts posted by loonodingle

  1. I found the best transportation from the airport to Pattya was the Penthouse hotel minivan. It's like a mini bedroom on wheels. You choose the 2 honeys you wish to meet you or they will pick random girls for you. Your out the airport and straight into party mode. Blacked out windows and a privacy screen ..... your getting my drift ?? it's not cheap but the 2 hour journey just flies by.... lol...

  2. Really, it's neither here nor there whose phone it was.

    The fact is there was a phone of one of the victims. It is possible that the phone was given to the b2. By the same person who conveniently gave the police the guitar and their clothes. The person who produced these evidence has never been revealed. These objects were not part of the original items found at the scene. Apparently they were given to the police by a concerned citizen. Stands to reason, that if said person has clothes and guitar. Then also could have phone of victim. Could it be he was a thief, that stole clothes and phone.

    The Phone is currently being Verified at the moment.

    Loonodingle I dont understand, are you saying the phones owner is uknown at present


    • Like 1
  3. Really, it's neither here nor there whose phone it was.

    The fact is there was a phone of one of the victims. It is possible that the phone was given to the b2. By the same person who conveniently gave the police the guitar and their clothes. The person who produced these evidence has never been revealed. These objects were not part of the original items found at the scene. Apparently they were given to the police by a concerned citizen. Stands to reason, that if said person has clothes and guitar. Then also could have phone of victim. Could it be he was a thief, that stole clothes and phone.

    The Phone is currently being Verified at the moment.

    • Like 1
  4. The Problem everyone has here is the Families are less than interested.

    The UK police have done nothing in the UK and no investigations in Thailand.

    Everyone has just pushed it to one side.

    Further despite what you may presume what has been leaked or shown most of it is to justify the suggestion that the 2 Young Men carried out the crime. Its just propaganda.

    The defence are not releasing what they have so as to stop people trying counter it.

    I am of the conclusion that little will be achieved by our presumptions.

    • Like 2
  5. Who is to say Hannah didn't meet with Sean McAnna on the beach? He was a guitar player and she liked the guitar. What does Sean McAnna know about this case? A lot I think . Hence his pleading how he wasn't there. Why else mention it?? People who concoct elaborate stories do it to hide something. Any decent investigator will tell you that.

    • Like 1
  6. Great post. An actual process to verify perps apart from DNA that could be compromised.

    I also mentioned gate technology to verify certain people in CCTV footage.

    If you were a big player in KT you would pull out all stops to solve this murder.

    withholding CCTV is not normal. You would be completely transparent to protect your business and community

    Oh my. Did the hair prove the murderer was a Spurs fan and had watched every episode of telly tubbies since 2008 ?

    Mooner I said it before and I will say it again... Oh my.


    Theres so many great forensic breakthroughs that they are hauling people out of their beds at 6am all over the world for crimes committed years and years ago.

    • Like 1
  7. This is what I would consider blonde. attachicon.gifblondy.jpg

    Scruffy blonde if you are a trend setter.

    When it was reported that they found traces of blond hair , here in Thailand it can mean anything from brown/ blond to completely blond. I see a lot of younger thais color or "decorate" their hair with a bit of blond stripes,

    Exactly and the Thais refer to all that as blonde. Hence why it was mention he had had blonde hair. However GC has shown that on the night he didn't.

    • Like 1
  8. One thing who says one of them didn't have blond hair??

    I found this


    Is blond brown ?

    Not sure how much you know about Thailand but anything that's not black is blonde......lol.....

    My wife had her hair dyed blonde a few months ago 10,000 bahts worth of hair and face treatment. She was so happy with her blond hair...... I hated my ginger wifes hair.....They cant get blonde hair its to black..

    A few weeks weeks of me taking the P and I got my Black haired wife back...wai.gif

  9. It's funny how neither of you realize that long list of hypothetical breakthroughs only serves to underline how unrealistic (to put it mildly) this theory of a vast conspiracy is; all those people involved and not one spills the beans, not one chain link broken, amazing!

    Reality doesn't work like that, thus the need to substitute facts with fiction.

    Your logic isn't.

    Silence could indicate that no-one wants to put their head above the parapet. In the US it would be called 'taking the fifth'.

    Strangely a few of the links did break. Like the girl claiming Nomsod didn't show up to the school for a week, and when he did he had more than a few scratches on him. His girlfriend stating they where together in Bangkok whilst at the time she herself was in Pattaya.

    Trouble is when ever a link breaks there are a few RTP lovers on here out with their sticky tape doing there best to post every other post to disclaim it.

    And the taxi driver who turned down a 700k bribe from the RTP to give false evidence.

    or pancake man saying they hit David with a wine bottle

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