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Posts posted by loonodingle

  1. Sean explained his social networking post.

    There's no reason to believe the taxi driver claim. I find that claim to be ludicrous. People seem to think that there are ultra-powerful people on the island with unlimited resources, if that was true simply being told what to say should suffice to get the desired result. Certainly if it were true nobody would come forward to admit the coercion.

    Haven't you claimed to be working with Reprieve or the defense and also to have a personal reason to dislike the RTP?

    What evidence do you have to say the taxi driver is not telling the truth ?

    Zero.... a big FAT 0...

    Zilch.... nuffin... not an ounce accept her blinkered evaluation of the situation.

    Personally I wouldn't expect anyone to make up trumped against the RTP. The Thai's are loathed to say anything about anything so he is obviously very scared and thought better out in the open before he ends up in a ditch perhaps. We know how it works don't we...... Well some of us do.

    What evidence do you have that he was telling the truth?

    None... Blah blah blah

    Feel free to read my post. It is based on claims made by posters in these threads about the power of the people that the posters want to be involved. Is it proof? Nope.

    Are your claims proof? Nope.

    BTW your non-answer to my direct question is duly noted.


    you are stating that the taxi driver is ludicrous, so the onus is upon you to subdtantiate

    Read the post you are replying to.

    On the Basis of what your saying anything about anything should be ignored...LOL...Its just claims. Unsubstantiated claims..

    I must send out an urgent email to all taxi drivers advising to carry a recorder in their pockets in order to satisfy Mrs JD conduct code.

    Actually some people have done it to the police already.. not in this case but others and posted the footage. Rather hilarious.. Bang to rights. We had the same in the UK and its happened in the USA when they forget they are being filmed. Kicking the life out of people. its not just a thai thing. Theres plenty of corrupt Police and politicians so we must all be wary and not dismiss people as liars.

    In fact Scotland Yard, the Met police are in the firing line this week for covering up offences. So perhaps they did learn from the same text books as the RTP.. Makes a lot of sense now that statement.

  2. Sean explained his social networking post.

    There's no reason to believe the taxi driver claim. I find that claim to be ludicrous. People seem to think that there are ultra-powerful people on the island with unlimited resources, if that was true simply being told what to say should suffice to get the desired result. Certainly if it were true nobody would come forward to admit the coercion.

    Haven't you claimed to be working with Reprieve or the defense and also to have a personal reason to dislike the RTP?

    What evidence do you have to say the taxi driver is not telling the truth ?

    Zero.... a big FAT 0...

    Zilch.... nuffin... not an ounce accept her blinkered evaluation of the situation.

    Personally I wouldn't expect anyone to make up trumped against the RTP. The Thai's are loathed to say anything about anything so he is obviously very scared and thought better out in the open before he ends up in a ditch perhaps. We know how it works don't we...... Well some of us do.

  3. Sean explained his social networking post.

    There's no reason to believe the taxi driver claim. I find that claim to be ludicrous. People seem to think that there are ultra-powerful people on the island with unlimited resources, if that was true simply being told what to say should suffice to get the desired result. Certainly if it were true nobody would come forward to admit the coercion.

    Haven't you claimed to be working with Reprieve or the defense and also to have a personal reason to dislike the RTP?

    Oh what a peachy world some people live in.

    The suspect/witness gave his excuse and then was allowed to leave without any Investigations.

    The Taxi man who makes up a jackanory. God knows why maybe he used to hang out with the druggie who named the suspects....... Yes that's it isn't it.. they used the same weed so it must be lies and more damn lies...lol..

    I have provided information to assist Reprieve and had discussions with the Case officer at Norfolk coroners amongst many many things, As for dislike of the RTP perhaps you can quote me?

    I have no definitive answer on the guilt of the 2 suspects. I have major concerns on the investigation. Only a thorough investigations void of interference by interested parties will suffice IMHO.

    I am not banging a drum for the B2.... But I am banging a drum for David and Hannah along with their families and the families of the 2 suspects who equally deserve justice and transparency.

    None of us have the full facts and I think you will see some explosive revelations at the trial. Ones that will knock some peoples version right of the rails.

  4. There is a very good reason they denied the UK the right to verifyfy the DNA. There's also a very good reason the police chief renaged on a deal agreed with David Cameron and the Thai Prime Minster. You can be an old blinkered shire horse and plod along not looking left or right pushing to your intended goals but logic tells me that something isn't right. I don't wear blinkers and have an open mind as any decent investigator would. The goal is to prove or dissprove 100% so Hannah Witheridge and David Miller get justice along with their parents. Other than a couple of you on here no one else has achieved anything by slinging mud at each other. In fact obsessive compulsive disorder seems to have set in and some may need treatment.

    Not many on here would make a good cop. To be dismissive of any evidence or to just say it's only a claim. Like the take driver for example. Taxi drivers don't just pop out of thin air and say they have been offered 700k. To poo poo this and say it's only a claim is nieve at the least and grossly negligent, enhancing the probability that hidden agendas are at play here.

    To dismiss the only person who came out with naming suspects as a looser drunk druggie and then to see him leave in a short period time just hours with the assistance of the same people who are supposed to be investigating the case is another shining example of assisted failure.

    Refusal to hand over cctv tapes.. Refusal to take DNA tests for weeks. It's a strange world when suspects can dictate their own rules. One that doesn't fill me with confidence.

  5. While I agree with the underlying message.. some parts are so 180 degree to my experiences here..

    Most of the problems people have experienced in Thailand came from expats – not Thais.

    That for example.. No expats have stolen from me.. No expats destroyed my villa.. No expats broke my bones.. No expats damaged my stuff and had no money to give restitution.. No expats drove illegally and had no insurance when they sent me to hospital.. It wasnt expat Doctors who assured me everything was fine and she didnt need ICU hours before my wife died.. Etc Etc etc..

    Every single one of the real bad things that have happened to me.. Some of which have been life changing and traumatic.. None of those things were done by expats.

    Unfortunately there's a limited amount of money going around and many are trying to hang on to their life here without the means to do it. Theft and fraud. Fake lawyers. Dodgy developers Bolier room frauds, and I bet many of the readers here will have known at least someone who has been ripped off unless u are a newbie..... still it goes on in all country's I guess. its just you find it in concentrated areas of Thailand which makes it seem worse. Pattaya, Phuket Hua Hin Etc.

  6. The bottom line for Brits is thinking about the uk enviro, nightlife for example. Some big old barmaid trying to serve 4 customers at the same time or a bevy of lithe honeys all but pouring the drink down your neck. and u can have that if you want. Na Hands....LOL.... Amazing Thailand. Why sit in your home countrys waiting to die of old age. Go to Thailand and live your life in the warm weather with everything on tap. You may die younger but hey what a life!!!!

  7. As long as it's 100% the person is guilty I dont have a problem with Execution. Better than they get out in 15 years to carry on there life. The victims aren't afforded the same luxury.

    I would go as to say to the parents if you want to do the deed the your welcome. As a father of 6 i would have no doubt i would jump at the chance.

    All this namby pamby oh its murder is rubbish. The day you murder someone you loose the right to a life. You bring about a cycle of events that end your life. It's self inflicted and you can blame no one else.

    But i say again you must have utter transparency in finding the facts. Without that 2 young men could well get the sentence and be innocent.

    • Like 2
  8. Correct Keesters once your dead you don't qualify for human rights protection. Living people do despite the depravity of their crimes. Can't say I agree with that as if this was my son or daughter I would like to personally take them apart piece by piece.

    How ever the important thing is we get the right people. Whilst I for one appreciate what Reprieve and the lawyers are doing and I have supported their efforts and Andy Halls i have no qualms about the real killers being hung drawn and quartered.

    In my mind it's all about transparency as this will bring you the truth. All you posters who say they are guilty or not as the case maybe and are stubbornly stuck with your opinions do justice a disservice.

    If this case could be rerun again it would or should be done so very differently. I fear the victims and their family's along with the 2 young men in custody will never get a fair trial and justice. But i live in hope.

    • Like 1
  9. So the guy is fighting one person then starts on the Aussie guy who defends himself quite rightly in this case the Thai guy comes off worse. No one has the right to attack you if you are filming an incident. It could have easily ended up with the aussie dead. lets face it you can be attacked for a 100 baht and killed. take the Yank in BKK. Poor devil butchered on the street over 100 odd baht fare. Bonkers.. Amazing Thailand

  10. rockingrobin, on 02 Mar 2015 - 12:19, said:rockingrobin, on 02 Mar 2015 - 12:19, said:

    Baerboxer, on 02 Mar 2015 - 11:03, said:Baerboxer, on 02 Mar 2015 - 11:03, said:

    TooPoopedToPop, on 02 Mar 2015 - 08:50, said:TooPoopedToPop, on 02 Mar 2015 - 08:50, said:

    Wasn't it claimed at the time that the British police were sidelined by the RTP and didn't play an effectual role in the investigation?

    Now this article alleges that they did participate and have been giving "one-sided assistance" to the prosecution.

    Read the article again very slowly.

    Several British police forces and the Jersey police were asked to interview witnesses that had returned to Britain and Jersey.

    Reprieve's beef is that the police forces and the FCO won't comment on whether assurances regarding not applying the death penalty were sought. The fact the Reprieve spokesperson states the trial is flawed before it even takes place suggests their mindset.

    One sided assistance ? The British and Jersey police were responding to the RTP request. Where does it say that the defense have requested anything or it's automatically assumed they should be given copies of everything? Thai law does not require the prosecution to share all evidence before the trial begins with the defense team or presumably vice versa.

    The way the article reads suggests the various forces involved and FCO were operating individually to specific requests rather than collectively. Wonder if that is so.

    No doubt far more to come out at the trial.

    According to article

    Legal guidelines , evidence should not be provided in death penalty cases, my understanding is that Thailand is tier 3 and the UK would assert EU minimum standards

    The information was passed on informally without assurances over the death penalty

    The Met police refused to pass its report to Thai police due to the death penalty, and refused to give to defence

    It is not clear from the article if the FCO or Met or individual forces provided the alleged evidence or not (see below)

    "Hampshire police said it interviewed a witness over the case but that, as far as it knew, the information had not yet been passed on to Thai police. Jersey, Essex and Hertfordshire police referred the matter to the Met, who in turn referred it to the FCO.

    The FCO said it could not assist the defence: The evidence to be presented to the court was and remains in the possession of the Thai police and prosecutor. Decisions about what and how this will be presented at any trial are for the Thai authorities to make.

    The British government cannot interfere in Thailands judicial proceedings, just as other governments are unable to interfere in our own judicial processes." "

    With regards the British government and foreign affairs an article called "Saudi Babylon" gives an insight into their workings

    In a report in the Jersey Evening Post it says that the Jersey police passed information on to Interpol who presumably passed it on to the Thai authorities:

    Following a request from Interpol, the States Police obtained a witness statement which was then sent back to Interpol.


    It also appears that the Essex, Hampshire and Hertfordshire police have been working independently from the MET, which is par for the course in the U.K. blink.png

    Can the defense team also access the Brit info which was leaked to Interpol? ...or can only gov't/police entities do so? If only the prosecution winds up with such info, then it skews hopes for a fair trial. Interviews with Backpackers on the scene could shed light on the case. Now that the cat is out of the bag, the Brit authorities should do the decent thing, and send same info to the defense team - otherwise they'll appear to be taking sides. Best would be if British experts could be open with what they know, but we know better than to expect any transparency in such matters.

    The defense team can use their own investigators. The prosecution will not be entitled to knowing the results of the defense investigation until the trial.

    Has anyone ever said they couldn't? Normal Thai legal procedure IMO don't see its relevance.

    They are.

  11. So far, there has not been any rebuttal about my assertion that had the B2 committed this crime, the locals would have marched them into the RTP HQ. Had they been involved, the Headman would have released the CCTV, Nomsod would not have fled, and the RTP would have had an easy time. If the DNA matched, there would have been independent verification, and the farcical re-enactment would not have occurred.

    Such are the draconian defamation laws that I do not accuse anyone, but there are many unanswered questions.

    Exactly Stephen well said.

    Just an open and transparent case. Those that wish anything less could be conspirators in a cover up.

    I know which side of the fence I sit on.

    You are the one trying to have potentially incriminating testimony taken on the UK to be withhold, in the name of justice and transparency, apparently. :rolleyes:

    Alex. .

    Your statement is defamatory and libelous. I have never at any point suggested that any evidence should be witheld so backup your claims or remove your defamatory and vexatious comment as it's wholly without foundation.

  12. greenchair, on 08 Mar 2015 - 07:22, said:
    IslandLover, on 08 Mar 2015 - 04:13, said:
    greenchair, on 07 Mar 2015 - 23:43, said:

    greenchair, on 07 Mar 2015 - 23:43, said:greenchair, on 07 Mar 2015 - 23:43, said:

    I am wondering if Emma also said hannah and david left together.

    Or if it was only Tom and matt who say that. Did Emma stay behind at the bar with matt and Tom. The police later said hannah and david did not leave together.

    Any thoughts?

    To quote from my previous post about the comments Tom Wood made on social media on 3rd December 2014, he said:

    "and then proceeded to another bar with them in which Hannah and David went their separate ways .... I assume to the beach."

    How exactly should this be interpreted? Did they go separately to the beach, or together? Various reports have said that Hannah and David were seen at a beach party, presumably after the AC bar closed, but there has never been any mention that they were actually together.

    It would be wonderful to know exactly what Tom Wood and Matt Barratt told the RTP about that night but I guess we will never know. I wonder if the British police have taken their statements along with those of the travelling companions of David and Hannah? They apparently took statements from witnesses living in Essex, Hampshire, Hertfordshire and Jersey.

    Oh that's interesting.

    How do you know they were witnesses in those areas and do you know who is the witness in each area.

    I find it very hard to believe that there is not a single picture of them within spitting distance of each other.

    She was not drunk.

    I Don't think she would have left Emma alone with 2 guys to go off with David. No, there's something not right here.

    The report about witnesses being interviewed by the British police comes from the Guardian newspaper:


    The FCO response said Hampshire, Essex, Hertfordshire and Jersey police had been asked by Thai police to interview Britons who were on Koh Tao with Witheridge and Miller.

    We do not know which witnesses were interviewed where, but I presume Chris Ware was intereviwed in Jersey. Hannah had connections with Essex as she had attented Uni there, so some of those witnesses may have been her travelling companions. I do not know where Tom Wood or Matt Barratt live, or whether they were interviewed by the British police.

    one Hannah Howell Day Hampshire. Emma Madelene (aka Connolly) and other Hannah Beswick is Essex and Herts. Jersey is Ware. Wood and Barratt originate from Manchester way but one is in Aus at the last available info

    • Like 1
  13. Basicaly if your a Brit in Thailand and get in trouble. Do not expect any help from Britain. It is called diplomacy!

    I'm not clear how you reached your conclusion from this article. It states that British police have been helping with the investigation/prosecution of (non-British) individuals accused of murdering British citizens. They are helping British citizens (the families of the deceased) by ensuring that those who committed the crimes see justice. I don't see how you conclude the opposite.

    Yes, justice Thai-style: with the prosecution and the full weight of Thai officialdom getting the interviews and forensics from British experts, .....but the defense stuck with nada. If that's justice, then I'm a green frog.
    I must have missed a report where any forensic evidence processed in the UK has been turned over to the prosecution. I also must have missed a report where any interviews conducted in the UK were officially turned over to the prosecution.

    From the Guardian article

    The FCO response said Hampshire, Essex, Hertfordshire and Jersey police had been asked by Thai police to interview Britons who were on Koh Tao with Witheridge and Miller. It added: We now understand that UK law enforcement colleagues shared the contents of these statements informally with Thai police after they had taken human rights considerations into account.

    Although I agree not formally, the question then would be why informally ?

    Informally can't be used in court. If it can't be used what harm is there? Other reports say that contact was through Interpol.

    So nothing official, and no report regarding forensics that I am aware of.

    Pretty hard to make real claims of them working together on this.

    Reprieves Beef is they applied to the relevant forces to have the friends interviewed after being told they hadn't been already.

    It then turns out actually they had interviewed them despite previous denials. The 4 forces have claimed they done it informally so what they said was factual in their eyes.

    Reprieve now want copies of the interviews as the defence had asked for them via Reprieve and their Lawyers in the UK. The UK Police have acted in what some people would describe as underhanded considering the MPS letter sent in December.

    Whilst the prosecution have every right to have people interviewed so also do the defence. Its a level playing field as far as the UK is concerned as its not under Thai Jurisdiction.

    That's the bottom line in this story. They wanted to use the UK Police to conduct interviews. Now the purpose of all Police forces is to work to prove or disprove a case. Reprieve have no concerns that the statements will reveal any evidence that ties the 2 people they are acting on behalf off. They just want the facts. Like everyone else here. Just the Facts. No cloak and dagger. No withholding important evidence that could prove one way or another.

    Reprieve isn't representing the defendants nor are they interested in the guilt or innocence of anyone. They are a pressure group opposed to the death penalty. They work to stop the death penalty regardless of guilt.

    WRONG.... 100% wrong.

    Reprieve are working for the defence along with their lawyers Leigh Day. They have access to private and confidential information from the Police and coroner. They are the assigned representatives in the UK signed off by Nakhon Chomphuchat .

    You don't know who I am by the way.

    Can you cite any source stating Reprieve has been employed by the defense?

    "You don't know who I am?" correct. All you are to me is an anonymous poster on the Internet.

    I have no need to provide you with anything. Like you i am anonymous. . Lol. If you need any confirmation you can contact Zoe Bedford or Khun Nakhon

    i do not need to cite sources for reprieve i have been helping them. So my word is good enough.

    Respectfully, you are an anonymous poster on the Internet making a claim I have not seen in print. So, no, your word is not good enough for me. Please provide a citation where it is stated that Reprieve is doing anything other than fulfilling their mandate to fight against the death penalty or I will simply believe what they have written on their website regarding their goals

    Unfortunately for you I will not rise to take your bait. You take great pleasure in flaming people or as u described watching people blow a gasket. Your sole purpose on here is to instigate conflict between people who have a genuine desire to seek the truth come out.

    I don't do your research. I share facts that you can if you so wish and if the people deem you worthy enough will confirm.

    Other than that keep rolling along my friend and enjoy your 660ml bottles of Leo's. Lol. ..

    Your not worthy any further response. You purpose is to flame this thread and get it shut down I think.

    • Like 1

  14. Basicaly if your a Brit in Thailand and get in trouble. Do not expect any help from Britain. It is called diplomacy!

    I'm not clear how you reached your conclusion from this article. It states that British police have been helping with the investigation/prosecution of (non-British) individuals accused of murdering British citizens. They are helping British citizens (the families of the deceased) by ensuring that those who committed the crimes see justice. I don't see how you conclude the opposite.

    Yes, justice Thai-style: with the prosecution and the full weight of Thai officialdom getting the interviews and forensics from British experts, .....but the defense stuck with nada. If that's justice, then I'm a green frog.
    I must have missed a report where any forensic evidence processed in the UK has been turned over to the prosecution. I also must have missed a report where any interviews conducted in the UK were officially turned over to the prosecution.

    From the Guardian article

    The FCO response said Hampshire, Essex, Hertfordshire and Jersey police had been asked by Thai police to interview Britons who were on Koh Tao with Witheridge and Miller. It added: We now understand that UK law enforcement colleagues shared the contents of these statements informally with Thai police after they had taken human rights considerations into account.

    Although I agree not formally, the question then would be why informally ?

    Informally can't be used in court. If it can't be used what harm is there? Other reports say that contact was through Interpol.

    So nothing official, and no report regarding forensics that I am aware of.

    Pretty hard to make real claims of them working together on this.

    Reprieves Beef is they applied to the relevant forces to have the friends interviewed after being told they hadn't been already.

    It then turns out actually they had interviewed them despite previous denials. The 4 forces have claimed they done it informally so what they said was factual in their eyes.

    Reprieve now want copies of the interviews as the defence had asked for them via Reprieve and their Lawyers in the UK. The UK Police have acted in what some people would describe as underhanded considering the MPS letter sent in December.

    Whilst the prosecution have every right to have people interviewed so also do the defence. Its a level playing field as far as the UK is concerned as its not under Thai Jurisdiction.

    That's the bottom line in this story. They wanted to use the UK Police to conduct interviews. Now the purpose of all Police forces is to work to prove or disprove a case. Reprieve have no concerns that the statements will reveal any evidence that ties the 2 people they are acting on behalf off. They just want the facts. Like everyone else here. Just the Facts. No cloak and dagger. No withholding important evidence that could prove one way or another.

    Reprieve isn't representing the defendants nor are they interested in the guilt or innocence of anyone. They are a pressure group opposed to the death penalty. They work to stop the death penalty regardless of guilt.

    WRONG.... 100% wrong.

    Reprieve are working for the defence along with their lawyers Leigh Day. They have access to private and confidential information from the Police and coroner. They are the assigned representatives in the UK signed off by Nakhon Chomphuchat .

    You don't know who I am by the way.

    Can you cite any source stating Reprieve has been employed by the defense?

    "You don't know who I am?" correct. All you are to me is an anonymous poster on the Internet.

    I have no need to provide you with anything. Like you i am anonymous. . Lol. If you need any confirmation you can contact Zoe Bedford or Khun Nakhon

    i do not need to cite sources for reprieve i have been helping them. So my word is good enough.
    • Like 1
  15. Basicaly if your a Brit in Thailand and get in trouble. Do not expect any help from Britain. It is called diplomacy!

    I'm not clear how you reached your conclusion from this article. It states that British police have been helping with the investigation/prosecution of (non-British) individuals accused of murdering British citizens. They are helping British citizens (the families of the deceased) by ensuring that those who committed the crimes see justice. I don't see how you conclude the opposite.

    Yes, justice Thai-style: with the prosecution and the full weight of Thai officialdom getting the interviews and forensics from British experts, .....but the defense stuck with nada. If that's justice, then I'm a green frog.
    I must have missed a report where any forensic evidence processed in the UK has been turned over to the prosecution. I also must have missed a report where any interviews conducted in the UK were officially turned over to the prosecution.

    From the Guardian article

    The FCO response said Hampshire, Essex, Hertfordshire and Jersey police had been asked by Thai police to interview Britons who were on Koh Tao with Witheridge and Miller. It added: “We now understand that UK law enforcement colleagues shared the contents of these statements informally with Thai police after they had taken human rights considerations into account.

    Although I agree not formally, the question then would be why informally ?

    Informally can't be used in court. If it can't be used what harm is there? Other reports say that contact was through Interpol.

    So nothing official, and no report regarding forensics that I am aware of.

    Pretty hard to make real claims of them working together on this.

    Reprieves Beef is they applied to the relevant forces to have the friends interviewed after being told they hadn't been already.

    It then turns out actually they had interviewed them despite previous denials. The 4 forces have claimed they done it informally so what they said was factual in their eyes.

    Reprieve now want copies of the interviews as the defence had asked for them via Reprieve and their Lawyers in the UK. The UK Police have acted in what some people would describe as underhanded considering the MPS letter sent in December.

    Whilst the prosecution have every right to have people interviewed so also do the defence. Its a level playing field as far as the UK is concerned as its not under Thai Jurisdiction.

    That's the bottom line in this story. They wanted to use the UK Police to conduct interviews. Now the purpose of all Police forces is to work to prove or disprove a case. Reprieve have no concerns that the statements will reveal any evidence that ties the 2 people they are acting on behalf off. They just want the facts. Like everyone else here. Just the Facts. No cloak and dagger. No withholding important evidence that could prove one way or another.

    Reprieve isn't representing the defendants nor are they interested in the guilt or innocence of anyone. They are a pressure group opposed to the death penalty. They work to stop the death penalty regardless of guilt.

    WRONG.... 100% wrong.

    Reprieve are working for the defence along with their lawyers Leigh Day. They have access to private and confidential information from the Police and coroner. They are the assigned representatives in the UK signed off by Nakhon Chomphuchat .

    You don't know who I am by the way.

    • Like 1
  16. So far, there has not been any rebuttal about my assertion that had the B2 committed this crime, the locals would have marched them into the RTP HQ. Had they been involved, the Headman would have released the CCTV, Nomsod would not have fled, and the RTP would have had an easy time. If the DNA matched, there would have been independent verification, and the farcical re-enactment would not have occurred.

    Such are the draconian defamation laws that I do not accuse anyone, but there are many unanswered questions.

    Exactly Stephen well said.

    Just an open and transparent case. Those that wish anything less could be conspirators in a cover up.

    I know which side of the fence I sit on.

  17. If you disagree with the Daily Mail's choice of words in their reporting I'm sure that they'd love to hear from you: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/contactus

    So do u think the taxi driver made it all up... or.perhaps he was confused hey!!!

    The problem is it doesn't fit your agenda on here. You have a lot to say about certain things and zero about others that doesn't fit your remit.


    You asked for a comment; I gave you a comment. The Daily Mail only would go so far as to say that is what was claimed. Whether it is true or not, I don't have a clue. My only agenda is to have fun watching people like you blow a gasket.

    I am certainly not blowing get a gasket ? I also like to see you with a stutter... cracks me up... th th th th th the taxi driver w w w w well .... its all made up.... th th th guy must have been on drugs. S s s s s same as that McAnna guy. All druggies...

    JD I do think of know how many years you have been in Thailand but it ain't enough to have learnt that many things can happen that are and remained unexplained.

    You should take of your blinkers and see the whole picture.

    I dont know the guilt of the B2. I remain sceptical and am looking forward to the trial.

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