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Posts posted by loonodingle

  1. It is simply time to stop the nonsense speculation. It as if some people have no shame. They claim they want justice but show absolutely no respect for the families who have asked them to stop.

    Personally John most members here are sick of your abuse and disrespectful way you confront alternative opinion's.

    You are rude beyond need and do not consider anybody else as worthy of view.

    I am suggesting to the General that he includes you within his attitude adjustment program. If you need the taxi fare there's several members on here who would gladly donate to any fund raiser that would be required.

    But the fact is "most members", as you unilaterally state, don't even know what time of day it is or if they do they do a very good job of disguising that ability and as for being "sick" of JTJ's "abuse and disrespect" you just speak for yourself. There are not many people who post rationally on here and their views are not worth the space that they take up. You, and all those that post the speculative drivel that the rest of us have too put up with, are actually the ones that are rude beyond belief.

    I doubt that, even if their lives depended on it, the "several members" you refer to could raise a taxi fare between them.

    I have to state unilaterally as we all state unilaterally.

    Cant comment on other peoples ability to tell the time sorry.

    I can speak on behalf of the members who I speak with on private message's. However they are private in as much as they would prefer to remain anonymous. Still some of them are also vocal on here.

    I wouldn't refer to your posts as drivel even if I think they are. That's your opinion.

    I am sorry I don't know other peoples financial status. I am surprised you do ? Perhaps you are a Medium?? or have a crystal ball? perhaps you can enlighten me .

    Thx in anticipation.

  2. Yeah and who said he was on the island at the time ?

    That's right his Daddy.

    And do you know what, if it hadn't of been for Daddy saying he was on the island on the day of the murders he would probably have never got a mention.

    His father didn't say he was on the island the day of the murders, he said he had left earlier.

    Once more, don't let facts get on the way of a good conspiracy.

    And then Warot said he hadn't been there for 2 months so that would be a lot earlier I guess.

  3. Yeah the families want justice. They don't want some big mouthed Yank speaking for them and telling them believe the RTP.

    Because believe it or not the RTP had your beloved NUMNUTS as number one suspect. But that was before the head cop who is so good at his job got promoted, And then the new kid on the block, who wasn't as good as head cop number 1 decided promoted cop didn't have a clue what he was talking about and decided to go for the goats.

    Reinventing reality or just ignorance?

    The family was clear they were talking about those defending the two defendants with uninformed nonsense speculation that was hurtful.

    The investigator's (same one in charge when it was announced it was likely a Burmese as a Thai and Farang couldn't be this violent ... same one in charge when the semen sample was taken from thevictim and the crime scene investigation so many criticize happened) transfer was announced about a month before the murders and was carried out on the day it was announced.

    Many people were #1 suspects as is normal in cases like this until they can rule them out and/or find the real culprits. And he was a suspect because it was being said "incorrectly" he was on the island and fled.

    It amazes me how purposely obtuse some people can be.

    Yeah and who said he was on the island at the time ?

    That's right his Daddy.

    Correct his father stated he had to leave in a hurry as he had an exam. Not us Morons making idiotic statements. But Big Daddy....Lets see JTJ dig himself out of that or maybe he will go back to the Hoe threads. Excuse the PUN

    Actually talking of Hoe's why did they move the Hoe. Or was there 2 hoe's?








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  4. I do not know why you keep harping on about the British coroner doing her job. She has done her job, she is doing her job and, presumably, will continue to do her job. You have been told this so many times by people who know more about this than you do, but you refuse to listen. Like so many other things you are wrong and out of your depth. How can you be taken seriously when you cannot grasp a simple fact like this.

    If the British coroner spends her time doing other peoples' job, who is going to do her job?

    The British coroner was due to release her findings on the 6th of January.

    That was her job.

    Has she done her job ?

    I am sorry you are wrong with this statement. The case goes through review stages. 6th Jan was a review despite what was believed to be taking place. It will not continue to a full hearing until after the trial is finished. That's the same if its a uk or Thai trial. Its just the protocol and nothing untoward. Also remember its not a criminal trial. It is more of a formality after a death. Who How Where and Why. Or something like that. Don't put to much weight on the inquest. The criminal trial takes precedent.

    There was no family or friends present on the 6th Jan, just a Sun reporter and a Local Norwich reporter. over in 60 seconds.

  5. If we revisit the initial statement reference what Gen Prayut and David Cameron agreed when and where.

    It took place in Milan in Mid October. It came as a result of public pressure on David Cameron. The General dropped objections to accepting help in the case after being pressed on the issue by UK Prime Minister.

    The UK Foreign Office summoned the Thai charge d'affaires earlier to express concern about the police investigation.

    A diplomatic source reported:

    "That Thai authorities were leading the investigation, but it was important that the victims' families could be reassured about the justice process.

    He said: "There are two areas we are particularly concerned about. One is the verification of the DNA samples of the suspects, making sure there is further independent verification.

    "And the second is the investigation into allegations of mistreatment of the suspects.

    "What the PM secured was agreement from the Thai PM that we can send some British police investigators to Koh Tao to work with the Royal Thai Police on this."

    So despite protestations from some members it was a fact that we intended to Investigate. One of the officers was a forensic officer. Yet he was unable to carry out his job. Between the agreement in Milan and the arrival of the officers the head of the RTP announced they would not allow the UK police to investigate.

    The just showed them what they wanted to in a limited way. That's not clear and transparent and could have an ulterior motive to mislead

    Source is BBC a well respected news organisation


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  6. The families, who have no other motivation that to see true justice and who have MUCH more information than moronic social media detectives that have ulterior motives, have stated:

    "There is a great deal of detail and vast areas of investigative work which has been shared with us,"

    "We would like to stress that as a family we are confident in the work that has been carried out into these atrocious crimes."

    "From what we have seen, the suspects have a difficult case to answer. The evidence against them appears to be powerful and convincing."

    "We would like to thank the officers who travelled to Thailand to review the case and the Royal Thai Police for facilitating their visit,"

    "We would like to express our relief that progress is being made in Thailand and this case is finally coming to court."

    You are starting to lose it John. The family have the bullshit that has been spread by the RTP. nothing more nothing less.

    In Stereo.

  7. Well there's no protests on the streets. No bombs going off in BKK. People can go about there daily business. Sometimes you need strong Leader when you have so many factions. Take Iraq. Look what happened when they hung Saddam. Love or hate the dear old fella he did keep a lid on the troubles. Look at the place now. Same as Libya. Descended into a terrible state of affairs. Personally the generals giving people time to reflect on their sometimes childish behaviour. some ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT.... Love it..What a Guy!!!!!


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  8. I've been flying Philippine Air, Business class. It is worth the cost, the seat folds flat for sleeping.

    I looked at their biz fares from London just out of curiosity, since I booked myself in biz on Swiss TXL - SIN (hundreds cheaper than BKK) in July/Aug and I was shocked at the prices. While I do understand that it adds another 3 hour flight from Manila to BKK (SIN costs the same), it priced out at almost double compared to what I paid (OK, July & August is the time to book biz as that's when the deals are to be had and I certainly got one).

    Add to that that PAL's business class won't match that of Swiss's anytime soon.

    I went on Phillipine air 20 odd years ago. London-Frankfurt-Karachi-Bkk. Never done it again. On the way back cockroaches where crawling up the big tv screen. the worst ever in my life.

    I've always swore by EVA Air for years. Great service. Gr8 staff in LHR and BKK. Diamond card holder, so upgrades regularly. Couldn't fault them if you tried. I did prefer the 747 combi's 4 class though.

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  9. can taking anti biotics kill you?


    Respiratory Side Effects

    According to Merck, antibiotics can cause allergy-like symptoms such as wheezing and difficulty breathing. In severe cases taking too many antibiotics can prevent a person from breathing altogether. A severe allergy to antibiotics can lead to anaphylaxis, a condition characterized by swelling of the throat, the inability to breathe and extremely low blood pressure. The Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital advises individuals experiencing breathing difficulties to dial an emergency number immediately. Individuals who overdose on antibiotics but do not have breathing problems should call poison control.


    That is right. However, the reaction usually happens within hours of taking it. Not 3 or 4 days later.

    There were 3 bottles. A quick count of the pills that were left and usually the amount given is on the bottle, would show how many she had taken. One could do a little guess work.

    Say she got the pills on a Friday. Most pharmacy or doctor might give the doses for 1 or 2 weeks tops. Usually 1. But hyperthetically let's go with 2.

    So antibiotics usually 1 or 2 tops per day.

    14x2 = 28 .

    valium usually 1 per day, so 14 and the painkillers

    Say 28.

    She had been taking them for a few days so quite a few would be gone.

    Even if she took all of them in a suicide attempt. It doesn't seem enough.

    Why was she not clothed?

    Why was there blood on her face?

    Why was the door open?


    I am all for examining these deaths however don't make to many suppositions. All you do is mash your brain. Trust me I have been there. You do not know who the person was that posted that claim. It could be malicious. You normally tell the Pharmacist how many you want. they will sell u as much as u like in Thailand. Who doesn't sleep naked in Thailand.? its very normal I would say. Respiratory failure can cause nose bleeds and loss of blood.. I know when I get sick like that I very often get nose bleeds. As does my son.

    Just keep an open mind Miss Marples and see the whole picture.

  10. can taking anti biotics kill you?


    Respiratory Side Effects

    According to Merck, antibiotics can cause allergy-like symptoms such as wheezing and difficulty breathing. In severe cases taking too many antibiotics can prevent a person from breathing altogether. A severe allergy to antibiotics can lead to anaphylaxis, a condition characterized by swelling of the throat, the inability to breathe and extremely low blood pressure. The Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital advises individuals experiencing breathing difficulties to dial an emergency number immediately. Individuals who overdose on antibiotics but do not have breathing problems should call poison control.


  11. An excellent read!! I wonder if anyone hand delivered it to the mayor smile.png

    I give it a 74 -- nothing new and you can't dance to it.


    Crabby do you have a movie fetish? You seem to not be in the same universe as some of us. LOL... Harmless no doubt and funny sometimes.

    Yes -- it helps prevent me from saying things about some of my fellow TV Members that might get me suspended or banned.

    Something we agree on then.

    For my mind I would just like to see an independent Investigation. Just to give the Families closure and the general public/tourists piece of mind. It was such a shambles in the beginning that most reasonable people are nothing short of extremely concerned that 2 people are scapegoats. It isn't like its not happened before. Particularly using the Burmese as the Goats.

    Anyway a long way to go.

    A lot of stones to overturn.

    I cant help but think some of the Investigations would be better done by these 2 guys.



  12. Not allowed to link to it but head to the Andrew Drummond website, he has just published an open letter to the Mayor of Koh Tao. British press starting to retaliate! The mayors bitten off more than he can chew here

    An excellent read!! I wonder if anyone hand delivered it to the mayor smile.png

    I give it a 74 -- nothing new and you can't dance to it.


    Crabby do you have a movie fetish? You seem to not be in the same universe as some of us. LOL... Harmless no doubt and funny sometimes.

  13. Mr Mayor.

    Open your eyes.

    Expand your brain, if that's possible. Re-educate yourself.

    Examine the facts.

    please tell us some facts?

    Typical reply from a resident KT apologist.


    Typical reply from someone who doesnt know nothing but still likes to shout from backround.

    some members have been on here for years. Others joined very recently in what appears like an attempt to disrupt threads. I know which catagary I fall into.

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  14. I remember a few years ago the Pattaya Mayor instructed the news papers to only report a maximum of two deaths per week. Don't believe then email the news man Howard. The bald guy. In fact they have even killed some of the newspaper reporter/editor staff there. Perhaps everyone should keep this all in perspective. The body of British Citizens pile up on a weekly basis for many different reasons. In fact we repatriate more corpses from Thailand than almost any other country. Our Gov is fully aware. They do not give a Hoot!!! In fact by not insisting on transparency or protecting human rights abuses they are complicit in a cover up. It's all about trade and money. Nothing more nothing less. Hugo Swire champions trade he don't care about the collateral damage on the way. This is the story here. UK Gov joins in the conspiracy to fail to fully investigate with the RTP 100's of deaths. .. and it is 100's not just the odd blonde haired blue eyed woman. Many many Brits die. Hung. Jumped. And many other highly dubious ways to end their life.

  15. lucky11, on 26 Jan 2015 - 13:33, said:
    thailandchilli, on 26 Jan 2015 - 13:26, said:

    UK inquest yes. Whats strange about that?

    You've just about got it, what investigation into her death?? Perhaps you need to do a little reading or research

    But you haven't. Have you.

    There won't be a UK inquest as one won't be needed as her death is not suspicious. There won't be an investigation as to her cause of death either as it doesn't require one to be held.

    In fact, this is probably the last you will hear of it other than she died of an accidental overdose of drugs and alcohol.

    A coroner will usually hold an inquest in England or Wales if the cause of death is unknown or if it was sudden, violent or unnatural.

    Source: https://www.gov.uk/after-a-death/death-abroad

    I would have thought that, at the very least, "sudden death" is reason enough to hold an inquest in the U.K.

    Inquest is always held in these circumstances. Post-mortem results will depend on decomposition. Remember its a warm country and a long way back to UK. It could well go down to Misadventure but I would think toxicology is a dead cert. Especially considering her postings and also the recent deaths in Sept. There will be a need to investigate just in case. We still do not know if there was any substances in the previous 2 deaths.

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  16. loonodingle, on 26 Jan 2015 - 10:36, said:

    Don't know what the guy is on about.... the other day either islandlife or lover TVF member was on here saying how great business was. Never had it so good he/she reckoned.

    Well that wasn't me, loonodingle. Please don't confuse me with that other person!

    Sorry couldn't remember hence the either or..

    Island life says things are BOOMING..so why all the Hoo Ha...??????...... that's several ?'s just in case JTJ is reading this as he likes to count. He managed to get to 3 yesterday. I was very impressed. He obviously had to take his mittens off no doubt but top marks.. ;-)

  17. Who is supporting the Mafia?

    You have newly joined TVF. Stick around and you will know the answer to your question

    You missed my point.

    I think that it is safe to assume that it was me he was referring to as I posted at the same time as him and he went on to edit his post.

    I am not supporting the Mafia as he implies, but I do not accept the insinuations that her death was Mafia related when it clearly isn't and people should not make the connection between the two.

    I think you're assumption is wrong and that Jimbolai was referring to a well known member of the Fab4 (this of a British actor that wears yellow and uses a slogan with the words respect and bro).

    A Clue


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  18. Are you for real? Really...

    Do you know what natural causes are?


    Natural causes are something that is not deemed to be unnatural or suspicious in any way.

    These are not my words by the way, they came from her parents in a statement THEY made, so if you want to mock anybody then mock them!!!

    Would you consider an accidental drug overdose a natural cause?

    No... Try this though


    n. a death due to unintentional accident without any violation of law or criminal negligence. Thus, there is no crime.

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  19. So I take it, from the avalanche of people attacking the Mayor, that they are perfectly OK with the press resorting to rumor mongering then?

    "Mayor Chaiyan Turasakul said he is angered by unspecified "British media agencies" who have suggested that the death of the tourist, Christina Annesley, is connected to an alleged "mafia" syndicate on Koh Tao island."

    There is no indication whatsoever that the death of that woman was in any way connected with a mafia syndicate, none, zero.

    Is it too much to ask of the press not to peddle sensationalist speculation

    I do wonder if you are on Koh Tao sometimes.

    Whilst wild speculation isn't needed, its the job of the press to raise questions surely. without the press holding people to account and asking questions this world would be in far worse state.

    AleG... Your not daft ... You can see that surely. Sensationalism isn't needed but questions should always be asked M8.


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  20. Can you really overdose on antibiotics? .. You would have to take a huge amount and why would she. Take something like amoxicillin you would normally take 500g X 3 per day depending on your weight. If you was low weight then just 250g X 3 but if you had severe infection they may give you 2g or so in one go. I think it's very hard to do yourself in on antibiotics. You may get the squits but death is very unlikely. One thing there is some very bad bacteria in the air con and showers. Things like legionnaires disease are found in these areas. I believe. Let's hope the family get the truth.

  21. The questions I have about sean Mcanna

    In his video interview he states 3 guys sat down , who is the 3rd

    He was drumk so answered there questions, this implies that if he was sober he would either not respond or give different answers.

    I am still going through his interview, he calls the 7-11 a supermarket, whereass everybody usually would refer to it as 7-11

    Why would he think he would be safe in 7-11, if he truly believed he was being chased by powerful mafia

    why does he use an alias dating back to 2012

    Sean Mcanna comes across as a unprincipled character and where he fits in I dont Know

    Unprincipled?...LOl.. you can say that again he left Scotland after his conviction for downloading Child Porn.

    Hardly boyfriend material for your daughter.

    His name was correct prior to sept 2014 when he took his alias it renames all his previous posts.

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