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Posts posted by loonodingle

  1. Per Reuters 22 OCT 2014:

    "They both retracted their confessions and have signed a document that was accepted by the public prosecutor," said Nakhon Chompuchat, part of the Lawyers Council of Thailand legal team representing the pair.

    So while the chief defense attorney is not directly billing the 2 Burmese defendants, that does not necessarily mean that he s not being compensated for his time.

    Yet another unsubstantiated accusation. Contact him and he will confirm if it pleases you.

  2. Yes, murders happen every day and people accept and move on especially when the police make arrests against those who are likely guilty and there is overwhelming evidence against. Yes even murdering rapists cause hardship for their own families in addition to destroying the lives of their victims and loved ones.

    And yes there will be those that get obsessed in an unhealthy way about some news stories and think they know more about the facts than experts or in this case UK investigators and families who believe the right people have been arrested and will stand trial and who have asked for the moronic social media nonsense to stop and yet these same obsessed people go on to make comments about the victims loved ones or friends as if somehow these people obsessing have some greater concern for the victims they don't know as opposed to what is driving their unhealthy obsession and hurtful and disrespectful comments to the family and loved ones of the victims.

    Whats the rules on Flaming?

    • Like 1
  3. Sounds bad but think you should explain to wife not ask strangers advice on such matters like how old are you just weird asking stranger about your wife who you would know Bette than this group really

    Not true as the members here have years and years of experience of the delights and tragedies of Thai life and together they give their experience of the vicissitudes of Thai relationships. Without doubt there is such a thing as Thai women being slightly mad at times be it the heat, family pressures, money pressures, work pressures whatever it comes out in different ways. Do not marry her but live with her is best advice. Also Never live in some remote rural village stay in a farang area with other options. Not all are problematic but many are and its best to know that and people here have not just got off the last cheap plane flight.

    Another solution to keep your house. Buy her 1 Baht of gold every month. She may love you to bits. Do the sums and see if it works??

  4. I know an Aussie guy who was married for several years ran a succesful restaurant bought a house condo and land all in her name

    he went to the hospital for some tests and came home and told his wife he had throat cancer

    she split with him the next day..devastaed he went back to aus and took two years to get sorted then returned to Thailand

    went to see the wife to sort out the divorce and split of the assets and was threatened with murder if he tried to take the matter to court

    nice people...wouldnt trust anyone here especially when the girl is old enough to be your daughter/grandaughter

    My Mate in Torquay (and he was only in his 40's) was in a hospice dieing of cancer. His Thai Tilac (Lek) had already moved a taxi driver into their home and he wasn't even dead. Nobody could bring themselves to tell him.

    That's just one story and I could tell u dozens.

    Don't be surprised on how they deal with their divorce settlement there.

    • Like 1
  5. In that case just do the Thai wedding then. That's the important thing. The party and music. A big show job done without the need for that pesky bit of paper.

    Thanks for that mate, sound like a good plan....??

    And remember this.... I was told it by a very smart French man a few years ago.

    "Once they get to 30 they start to go crazy"

    Cant help but think, I had met a few in their 20's who had gone already but my current wife is in her 30's now and his words are ringing in my ears. Every time I hear her shouting and cussing in Thai.

    Sometimes I wish my life was like my sons X Box One. When you make a mistake and crash you hit the rewind button and don't do it again. Its great. Sadly life is not the same.

    • Like 1
  6. Your making me think twice.....as I'm about to get married to my Thai lady soon.

    I think I'll just buy a foreign freehold condo the size of a house in MY name BEFORE getting married. Would she have any right to 50% of this should we get divorced?

    Why is there a NEED TO GET MARRIED? Why?

    No real need to get married no, but she is a keeper and I really do love her. She's got a professional job and her own money and never asked me for anything. So has her family told me they don't anything from me when we get married and I'm really accepted in her family and her by her friends.

    In that case just do the Thai wedding then. That's the important thing. The party and music. A big show job done without the need for that pesky bit of paper.

    • Like 1
  7. Your making me think twice.....as I'm about to get married to my Thai lady soon.

    I think I'll just buy a foreign freehold condo the size of a house in MY name BEFORE getting married. Would she have any right to 50% of this should we get divorced?

    Don't you think some people are wise to this.??? really come on... perhaps you haven't been in Thailand for long.

    When u accidently fall of the balcony she gets 100%. I know an American guy who brought one on the 1st floor at View Talay (one of them on the left as you go down to Jomtien) He said I have a good survival rate if I slip one night. Now that's a guy with his head screwed on.

    Then the first floor it will be.... Why will she get 100% if I made it out in my Will to go to someone ells should something happen to me ?

    Of course she will. You signed a new one just before you croaked.

    C'mon man read up on these things cheesy.gif

    A very wise friend of mine said to me just before I got married the 2nd time. Why are you doing it?? don't do it m8, just rent them. a lot less hassle. giggle.gif now I wish I took his advice..

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  8. In MY experience expect a very hard battle. But this is all dependent on the lady.

    She may not care whether you actually agree to the divorce. If she has acquired the trappings she so desired from the outset, Motorcycle, car, house and furniture then its job done in their mind. I hasten to say I am generalising.

    Lawyers just mean more loss of money half the time.

    I would try the softly softly approach if you fail to work it out. Try not to (I know its hard) get into arguments. Be very calculated in what you wish to achieve if it boils down to assets. And Good Luck.

    I have been through it all. Previous Thai Wife. 2 x homes. 323ise bmw on red plates. factories and 65 employees. my strada pickup. land up the village.

    All I got................ was a headache..... BMW had some finance on it so I Parked it in the Park Hotel Sukhumvit as I stayed there a lot and covered it. Waited 4 months and sent GE the key and its location. That screwed her as she wanted to sell it and cash it in.I could write a book about it. She went of with the Kamnens son so it was a difficult one. couldn't get a lawyer to touch it. 4 dropped the case.

    Actually I asked my new wife what she wants for her Birthday.... She said a divorce?.... I said hahaha....... I wasn't thinking of spending that much!!!!!........

    • Like 1
  9. Well actually it can be called Death Island, as it is an island, and a lot of people seem to

    mysteriously die there. But I do agree, whoever is doing the killing, is certainly targeting

    tourists. So......I guess that means the killer / killers are local people.

    What are the a lot of mystery deaths? Two brutal murders with suspects whose sperm was found in one victim and whose dna was found at the crime scene? A sick girl who appears to have died of naturally but just plain idioitc to cause it a mystery at this point simply because it just happened and you don't know the circumstances yet ... extremely drunk person drowning ... diving accident ... suicide

    It is no mystery why the sun is hot unless you just want to pretend there is one and ignore the science and cast doubt on the credibility of anyone who has actually researched the subject.

    Has there been a cluster of deaths, yup. Would the majority of them have made the news had their not been the brutal murders that can happen anywhere in the world at any time ... probably not. Certainly appears to be a lot of recent deaths but not seeing much mystery unless you simply choose to want to believe mystery and disregard reality. Might not even be a lot of deaths as Thailand has a lot of vices that can bring on depression from money to love woes, attracts both the old and hard party people and in much of the country you are not babysat by authorities to keep you safe and drunks get on bikes or go swimming and others choose to take their own life just like somebody does each day in Las Vegas, another place of vices attracting many less than stable people. Tragic yes, mystery not.

    Oh No!! Who wound this cretin up again?

    Damn, he'll probably dust off his other (possibly) paid RTP shill IDs and really weigh in now before this gathers too much team.

    Expect dippy Swiss Geez and his other "John" related IDs to be rallying to defend the RTP (just in case) very soon.


    If only you could see how delusional and paranoid your theories sound; paid posters, multiple accounts used to post on the same topic, protecting the RTP ....

    I can see how someone who is delusional enough to blindly defend everything the RTP says/does would think that my theories are delusional! Kudos! thumbsup.gif

    But seriously John(s), don't you think that another untimely death of a beautiful young woman, uncannily similar to Hannah in many ways, on the same island, at the same beach, staying in the same place owned by the same family deserves just a little skepticism from our forum members?

    Apparently most of the forum does and it is notable that it is the same small bunch of apologists (you, Island Jon, Swiss Jiz, Aleg et. al.) that weigh in on the defensive before there is, perhaps, anything allegedly to defend?

    If this young lady was such a guy magnet that she, (coincidentally like Hanna) was the cause of a fight over her affections, might it be possible that she would come to the attention of the (allegedly) historically predatory family on that tiny island? Is it a mere coincidence that she was found dead in a property belonging to one of the early suspects in the double murder of Hanna and David? Shouldn't we ask questions about that? Is it just a coincidence that drugs are being pushed(excuse the pun) or offered as a probable cause so early on? (I would have preferred you use the term medication when referring to her taking the Valium and Tramadol, not drugs, as that might "inadvertently" skew the readers' perception of the young lady).

    I know that the Mum tweeted that her daughter died of natural causes but that was as a result of a call from the Foreign Office (apparently) where she was told such. How can that be determined so soon after her death? I don't believe that there are facilities for an autopsy ion Koh Tao so I imagine that the foreign office were, in turn, told that this was the cause of death by (probably) the RTP on Koh Tao (and we all know how great and professional those guys are!). I, like many on TVF, are always suspicious of these early "cause of death" statements, way before there has been time to carry out an autopsy.

    Surely you can't be gullible enough to dumbly believe the first statements emanating from this seriously flawed little paradise?

    The FCO is run by none other than Hugo Swire. His interest is trade. They just want to keep the diplomatic channels sweet. These young people are just collateral damage. He will not give a Hoot Dear Boy.

    He will sat pouring expensive wine down his neck with a couldn't care a less attitude on his face.

    This the Con-servatives. ...

  10. 6 tourists under 40 years old all dead on 1 island in 5 months. Where else in the world does that happen?

    This is Chinese whispers.

    I was the second person to comment on a count. Estimated at 5 in a year.

    Now we have 6 in 6 months.

    By late afternoon KT should be the murder capital of Asia, with 2 functioning serial killers, a mafia gang war and a red shirt conspiracy to topple the junta by destroying tourism.

    If you took the size of.the island and the population. It must be the dangerous Sq footage

  11. loonodingle, on 21 Jan 2015 - 18:41, said:loonodingle, on 21 Jan 2015 - 18:41, said:

    I am trying to get Photos of Hannahs friends who travelled with her. Does anybody have any pictures? It would very helpful..

    Thx in advance

    The only photos I've seen are the one taken in Choppers bar with the whole group sitting around a table on the night of the murders, and at the pub crawl on September 12th. There is one photo taken at the pub crawl showing 3 girls (including Hannah) with their names written on their arms in felt tip pen. I think one is Emma and the other is Lucy, but not sure without seeing the photo again.

    EDIT: found a couple of pics

    attachicon.gifHannah-Witheridge-pub-crawl.jpgattachicon.gifKoh Tao-last-pic_3049270b.jpg

    Hi ok that's Hannah, Hannah and Emma on pub crawl

  12. This thread for most of us is trying to prove the Burmese guys didn't do it. Thailandchilli has just made a great post and all of a sudden Greenchair is back to the shorts. Even showing a picture of a small pair of blue shorts, calling them a small pair of black shorts. And he's off about his jandal again.

    And he makes a statement that they could well have done it, just not on their own. Deflecting is what they call it.

    I think Greenchair is the latest member of the fab 4 thus making them the fab 5.

    I think you're way off base with your comments about GC.

    We do not know everything regarding the DNA , but I can tell you this . if they had sex with her in the first place , as the DNA shows , that alone would make them the main suspects.

    If it was that clear then it seems strange that the it took several times for the courts to accept this case! Surely matching DNA from the B2 on Hannahs body would be enough for the case to be accepted straight away as the logic of the last part of your sentence implies.

    That's why it's imperative for the Brit Coroner to do her job - determine (as best as possible) who matches the DNA found in/on Hannah. Thai cops have done too many obfuscations, in this and other cases, to be trustworthy.

    This is not the coroners job. Her role has been explained to you many times and you will not accept it. If you cannot accept what the role of the coroner is, including that she cannot proceed until after the trial, how can anyone rely on what you say? You refuse to accept what you do not like.

    Secondly, even if it was anything she could come up with would be pure speculation based on the information available to her. The fact remains that we will not begin to unravel the DNA, like so much on this thread, until the trial. The prosecutors/police have stopped putting details into the public domain, and quite right too, so the picture will remain unclear until the trial. Perhaps it will not even be cleared up then. We shall see.

    Thailands case.

    Thailand prosecution

    Thailands investigation

    Thailand forensic

    Thailand courts

    Thailand jails.

    UK coroner decides cause of death for the certificate. Natural or murder or one of a number er of options. End off.

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  13. It has always been said walking man is moa moa. But I don't think it is.



    In the bar is David ,hoeman and this man that looks exactly like walking man.

    GC do u think that someone walking at 2am is relevant. Also as there has been mentioned many times that a disturbance at the AC bar took place and they possibly walked along the beach.

  14. You're a smart person AleG. The things you don't want to admit are 'facts' (because they implicate the headman's people), you instead give a reason for it - therefore, you think you can fool others into thinking they're not facts, simply because you can deflect. Deflection or obfuscation (because it's something you don't want to hear) doesn't disprove a fact is a fact.

    Why should I care about the Koh Tao headman? rolleyes.gif

    You forgot to point out which "facts" you are referring to.

    I don't know your relation with the Headman, but I never referred to him. I referred to 'his people', which is shorthand for Mon, Nomsod, the 'Stingray Man' who wears a shark tooth ring, and M who likes to pose with a hoe, while grinning, since the murders. There may be others, but we'll probably never know, because neither the RTP nor the British are lifting a finger to try and find who may be the real killers.

    It's a fact, for example, that Porntip expressed herself in the way I mentioned. It's a fact that the reenactment on the beach depicted the hoe being used on David. It's a fact that the cops announced they would not share Nomsod's DNA with the Brits. I could go on and show you other ways you're wrong, but the gist is: just because you can give an excuse for something said or something happening (that I claim is a fact) doesn't negate that it's a fact. It's also a fact that the Thai PM designated the Brits can be 'observers only,' and are not allowed to do any investigating, any interviews, nor pursue any leads toward finding the real killers. I'm sure you can excuse that also, but any reasonable person can see clearly why Thai officialdom is so fixated upon keeping the Brits as far from investigating as possible.

    boomerangutan, why should I care about things that would implicate the "headman people"?

    No more pussyfooting and insinuations, go on and tell me.

    AleG are you on Koh Tao??/ If not do you have any links to Koh Tao? family friends or investments.

    Thought this may be important so we can understand your angle of attack here.

    Or do you just like a bit of Banter??

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  15. ...the recent threat came from a group of people who have killed with impunity before, and have even had police set up people on false charges.

    I am supporting my views by quoting from Andrew Drummond's statement (above) as to why he is leaving Thailand. I would reason the drug suppliers on Koh Tao (known fact) fall into the category as criminals, maybe large-scale criminals, and it wouldn't surprise me if the above statement could apply to the Koh Tao murders.

    Hence I would question the credibility of the 'evidence' supplied by the RTP to support the charges against the Burmese 2. To not open up one's mind to the possibility that powerful people on Koh Tao are indeed above the law, and thus not to question the veracity of the RTP's case, will remain a closed mind.

    If this is indeed the actuality on this island, then the Burmese 2 will never have a fair trial. I am hoping that whatever is stacked against them, the defence can win through. A cover-up, by its very nature is imperfect.

    Stephen, without doubt the theirs a message there when he speaks out about killing people with impunity and police setting people up. In fact you could be reading the Koh Tao story so far hey.

    Us conspiracy theorists hey!!!

    Get ready for the barrage now of where is the evidence he was referring to blah blah..... drunk.gif.pagespeed.ce.hfErN2aQEEfKmimwR when they get in from the Bars... lol


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