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Posts posted by loonodingle

  1. Your still missing Sean McAnna's link.

    Refer back to the paper report

    Sean told The Telegraph News he had to run for his life from the island after he was threatened by local mafias, and posted the picture of two men which he took by his mobile phone.

    Sean also said he was among a group of people playing guitar on the beach near the scene.

    Mr. Montriwat discredited the Briton’s claim saying in fact on the night of the murder an employee of a spa has told him she helped to wash and clean blood from the face and body of Mr Sean who is a friend of the murdered David Miller.

    He said he asked Mr Sean about the blood on his face and body and insisted on asking where he was that night.


    Sean also said he was among a group of people playing guitar on the beach near the scene.

    • Like 2
  2. So from 3:44 to 5:41 mon was running back and forth, back and forth. So the cleaner must have started work at 3:30 (about)

    And it was reported to the 1 policeman on the island at around 6:00-6:30.

    2 hours after mon first went down there. That's if cleaners start at 3:30.

    I shall absorb this for a minute

    Since I can see. Something is not right here ????

    cleaners reported around 6am not before

    On reading the story it doesn't actually say cleaners. But just he was woken.

    Still his story can't be right. Because as you say it wasn't reported until 6.

    But when you think about it. He was running back at 5:41 so that give him time to change into full dress and go back to beach. Just in time to call the police with the cleaners. ☎


    Around 150 additional police officers have posted to Koh Tao to assist the murder investigation.

    The probe was launched after cleaners found the bodies of Miss Witheridge and Mr Miller on a beach on 15 September.

    Both victims suffered severe head injuries at the hands of their killers, and a bloodied garden hoe was found nearby.


    The two groups of friends attended a beach party near the hotel where they were all staying, Ocean View. Police say Mr. Miller and Ms. Witheridge left after midnight. At 6.20 a.m., a group of beach-cleaners found their bodies. Mr. Miller was naked, with deep gashes to his torso and head. Ms. Witheridge was partially undressed and had suffered severe facial injuries.


    The bodies of Hannah Witheridge, 23, and David Miller, 24, were discovered on Sept. 15 by cleaners on a beach on Koh Tao, an island in the south of Thailand famous for its diving. Post-mortem examinations showed both suffered severe head wounds and Witheridge was raped.

    • Like 1
  3. So from 3:44 to 5:41 mon was running back and forth, back and forth. So the cleaner must have started work at 3:30 (about)

    And it was reported to the 1 policeman on the island at around 6:00-6:30.

    2 hours after mon first went down there. That's if cleaners start at 3:30.

    I shall absorb this for a minute

    Since I can see. Something is not right here ????

    cleaners reported around 6am not before

    • Like 1
  4. GC

    is this the post youre searching for

    <div class="post_block hentry clear no_sidebar ipsBox_container id=" post_id_8630975'="" style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; border: 1px solid rgb(219, 228, 239); clear: both; position: relative; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: helvetica, arial, sans-serif; font-size: 13px; background-image: none; background-attachment: initial; background-size: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; background-position: initial; background-repeat: initial;">

    Posted by Islandlife on 2014-11-05 13:05:32 in Thailand News

    I can explain last 2 , he got waken up by myanmar cleaner who founded bodies, then he stayed there called police to scene and thats all . U must also remember this kind of shit dont happen here so my quess is police is was bit lost at start wich explains meny commenting. At europe they would have one pr police who gives all statements.

    Sean mcanna again was compulsive liar and was never threatened but was chased to super market bcase they actually thought he accidently confessed. Even western bar manager opposite of supermarket and girl working at market said he was going around like a mad man all over the shop.

    They called police not mr mcanna at start. But as in 3-4 am at morning when this happened after

    mr mc anna had been drinking heavily around the clock . Hes delucional stories carried him even deeper. Police man who arrived was in civil clothes and even he shoved badge bcase he had gun . This idiot created a story hes from mafia and there 2 kill him...

    Finally 2 officers arrived in uniform and this guy left the market.

    But damage was done hes post was spreading and suddenly it was mafia trying kill him.

    Ridiculous,absolutely ridiculous.

    Even the sky news reporter later admitted he got fooled by Sean and by the way .

    Where is he now ?? !! ??

    He was going around the shop like a madman because he knows what these people can do. Nothing to do with the drink. He had an injury similar to David he claimed was from a Motorcycle accident that no grazing around. He then changed it to he was stabbed over a room to rent.

    In fact you could be Sean..... if you are well you know where you are. And so do I Sean...

  5. Mon goes to the beach first at.

    3:44.15 then must have come back (no pic )

    then again at

    4:49.01 then come back

    4:51.28 then go again (no pic)

    Then come back again running.




    attachicon.gifpost-223227-0-47481400-1419906699 (1).jpg


    I may be wrong, but I dont think this is Mon. If he was notified about the murders from the cleaners then I doubt they would have started working before 5am. I think he is a crucial part to this case but but I'm not convinced yet that this is him in the cctv

    Mon and Sean McAnna are very important. Sean McAnna has something on Mon. He was lucky to leave the Island with his life IMHO. Why Sean? What does he Know? 2 important thugs I hope we find the truth to

    • Like 1
  6. I think it is very clear to everyone the full petition at change.org is located at the link above. So no reason for you to repost the entire thing when trying to making a faux arguments since you are either being dishonest or obtuse to claim I said parts of the text were not included in the petition. I think it crystal clear the discussion was what the petition "called for" and by making clear, as anyone who read the petion would know, the one thing being "called for" within the petition was to have full independent investigation to be conducted by the government of the United Kingdom into these deaths

    Not at all being selective but simply being accurate in describing what the petition was petitioning or call for.

    No Investigations carried out. No human rights abuses investigated. No advice given to the Thai investigators. No possession of Physical evidence, forensic evidence, exhibits, interviews or statements.

    Perhaps instead of sending 3 officers to be messenger boys for the RTP they could of just sent the families a letter of assurance.???

    In fact the police are refusing to share any report they compile. Make of that what you will.

    attachicon.gifMet Police 1.jpg

    Your non sequiturs are getting more and more difficult to follow.

    Again you are posting are responding to a post of mine with completely unrelated comments I have no idea what to make of or why you are directing them at me. I see three question marks in there but not sure if there is an actual question there and if there is how it even remotely comes close to not only the post of mine you are responding but anything being discussed in general or how it relates to me.

    If you are finding it hard to follow just a few lines then perhaps that should be a concern. Top marks for your ability to count to 3 though. Did you have to take your mittens of to do it?....yes that's 1giggle.gif don't want to stress you.

    The petition was as you very correctly stated: full independent investigation to be conducted by the government of the United Kingdom into these deaths

    I was reminding the other members who may have joined the thread that in fact that actually it didn't happen and this is confirmed in the attachment.

    Can I respectfully remind you that this thread isn't about me and you or any other selective members, there's a far wider audience and this thread has had 10's of thousand's of views. Keeping the facts to the front of the thread is very important, rather than see it evolve into ridiculing each others posts and views. Rather than clog the thread with these silly lines send me a private message. In the mean time re read the question. It really isn't hard to work out if you put your mind to it.wai2.gif

  7. Well, at least you're using a different word (moronic) that jdinasia (everyone is a conspiracy theorist who doesn't agree with me') and AleG ('show me facts' even after facts have been shown).

    Here are some 'baseless far-fetched theories without any facts to back them up' for JTJ to peruse:

    >>> Nomsod and Mon were prime suspects in first part of investigation

    >>> David's blood was not found on the hoe, yet the hoe was used in the reenactment

    >>> No bloody clothes were found outside the immediate crime scene

    >>> CCTV from the beach bars was not demanded by investigators

    >>> investigators didn't look at the scene in the bars that night

    >>> investigators didn't look at anyone's phone records/history/texts for Monday.

    >>> investigators didn't do full body searches of anyone, except maybe the scapegoats.

    >>> The PM said this was a 'perfect investigation'

    >>> The PM said Brit experts would only be allowed as observers. No investigating whatsoever.

    >>> Ms Porntip said the DNA trail could not be trusted. (ironically, this is an advantage for Mon and Nomsod, if it's ever shown that their DNA matches that found on/in Hannah)

    >>> Cops said they found Hannah's phone behind the scapegoats' shack.

    there are a plethora of more far-fetched theories which TRT and other RTP echoers don't want to agree, with, but I'm tiring of typing......

    You got the far fetched, baseless part right. As usual a load of speculation, unwarranted assumptions and innuendo.

    >>> Nomsod and Mon were prime suspects in first part of investigation

    Yes, and they were not the only prime suspects, they are however the only ones you have latched emotionally to.

    >>> David's blood was not found on the hoe, yet the hoe was used in the reenactment

    No hoe was used for the reenactment, even if he was hit by the hoe it doesn't mean that it must necessarily end up stained with his blood since you don't know if the blows with the hoe (if there were any) produced bleeding.

    >>> No bloody clothes were found outside the immediate crime scene

    The significance of this completely eludes me...

    >>> CCTV from the beach bars was not demanded by investigators

    We must have all dreamed about all the CCTV footage released by the police then. rolleyes.gif

    >>> investigators didn't look at the scene in the bars that night

    And you know this why and how?

    >>> investigators didn't look at anyone's phone records/history/texts for Monday.

    Again, pure speculation from your part since you have no idea what the police did or did not do.

    >>> investigators didn't do full body searches of anyone, except maybe the scapegoats.

    "Except maybe"... yes, speculation again.

    >>> The PM said this was a 'perfect investigation'

    No he didn't say that, he said the investigation was complete.

    >>> The PM said Brit experts would only be allowed as observers. No investigating whatsoever.

    The UK police has no jurisdiction to investigate in Thailand.

    >>> Ms Porntip said the DNA trail could not be trusted. (ironically, this is an advantage for Mon and Nomsod, if it's ever shown that their DNA matches that found on/in Hannah)

    She didn't say the trail could not be trusted, she questioned the procedures performed, as far as I know she hasn't discredited the results of the DNA analysis.

    >>> Cops said they found Hannah's phone behind the scapegoats' shack.

    They never said they found Hannah's phone behind the scapegoats' shack... rolleyes.gif

    It was one instance of one policeman confusing the victim's names, the phone found was Miller's, you know it was a misunderstanding, but you'll pick that cherry until they pry it from cold, death hand.

    Everyone speculates. no one on here has the case files.

    • Like 1
  8. I think it is very clear to everyone the full petition at change.org is located at the link above. So no reason for you to repost the entire thing when trying to making a faux arguments since you are either being dishonest or obtuse to claim I said parts of the text were not included in the petition. I think it crystal clear the discussion was what the petition "called for" and by making clear, as anyone who read the petion would know, the one thing being "called for" within the petition was to have full independent investigation to be conducted by the government of the United Kingdom into these deaths

    Not at all being selective but simply being accurate in describing what the petition was petitioning or call for.

    No Investigations carried out. No human rights abuses investigated. No advice given to the Thai investigators. No possession of Physical evidence, forensic evidence, exhibits, interviews or statements.

    Perhaps instead of sending 3 officers to be messenger boys for the RTP they could of just sent the families a letter of assurance.???

    In fact the police are refusing to share any report they compile. Make of that what you will.


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  9. Bad luck seems from 2014, seems to be following these people. Right into 2015.



    One of the first questions I would ask RTP, if they held a press conference on this crime and its investigation, would be whether they scrutinized the mobile phones of all 'persons of interest' and those they called/texted in the 48 hours from the crime. Of course, there are many other basic things the RTP didn't pursue, but phone histories and texts could prove to be v. important. I was reminded of that, when seeing a photo of Nomsod's mother, above. The Headman himself, surely has at least one mobile phone. Just as revealing, would be phone activity between Mon and Nomsod. If cops didn't do that basic action, they all should be docked a year's salary and demoted. It's almost criminal, how badly the police have acted, in their faux-investigation. Actually, it could indeed be criminal, if it's shown they intentionally didn't do their jobs and/or framed up scapegoats. It's not possible for any such discipline to be enforced within the RTP, but it sure would be useful to clean up their sordid ranks.

    Similarly, if it's true that one or two of the beach bars withheld or destroyed CCTV evidence (from that night), the folks who did that should be charged with hampering a crime investigation. Ooops, sorry (almost forgot), there are no such laws here. In Thailand, it's ok to lie to cops, and mai pen rai if a person harbors a criminal or withholds/destroys evidence.

    The problem that you have here is if it is the case that the boys are being setup, then this has come from very high up the food chain. Its not an island issue. At one point it was, they had leads and cctv that implicated 2 people who then fled to the mainland. Both relating to the Headman. Someone put their size 12 boot on that idea and flew in a spokesperson who declared a Thai couldn't commit such crimes. The focus was switched to easy prey. and here we are now. Just because they have footage of 3 guys going in a shop it doesn't mean a thing. Nothing. lots more people we haven't seen went in the very same shop. The RTP are feeding us the information they hope will form an opinion of guilt against the B2/3.. What they should do is release the whole video's but they will not.

    You can fool all the people some of the time,
    and some of the people all the time,
    but you cannot fool all the people all the time.

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  10. "Concerned folks herein are scrutinizing possible evidence, while Thai cops are counting their bribe money, guzzling caffeine drinks and servicing their mia noi." *

    So when you saw the 2 Thai cops counting their money, why did you just not tell them that you are seeking the truth and ask them from where did they get their money?

    * http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/787155-koh-tao-murder-trial-rescheduled/page-14#entry8877348

    Sometimes, Crab, you're so 'off-the-wall'. To answer your question (as if it warrants an answer); ....for the same reason I didn't grab the knife from the ISIS executioner in the desert, and stab him in the heart.

    You would be far better off ignoring comments like this as you just add petrol to the fire and give the poor fella something to come back to. If its a flaming answer or trolling better to ignor them. They all ready have issues just sympathise with them and move on.

    So instead of ignoring my post, you're telling someone else to ignore the post that you could of ignored.


  11. We also don't know if a taxi driver was beaten up for not accepting 700,000 baht to tell a lie for them.

    The only thing we do know is Mon offered 700,000 baht to find anyone in his family guilty.

    We as the general public can only comment on the things we read in the papers or see on the T.V. Therefore we make our opinions from these articals.

    Some of us use quotes from films or lines from songs to help the cause. Some tell down right lies and make out there could have been on the scene and saw with there own eyes what happened. But if we are led to believe what the RTP tell us there are only 2 people in the whole world who were there and know what happened.

    As I said I look at the T.V. I read the papers, I unlike many of the flock of followers am more than capable of thinking for myself.

    Why do I think these two might not be guilty. Well there are hours of CCTV footage that showed people coming to and from the beach on the night of the murders.

    There has been plenty of footage of the Burmese from before the crime on their bike, buying fags etc. Yet after the crime none.

    Even Colombo would be mentioning his wife about that.

    --- Just to clarify some numbers and facts ...

    1 Million Baht is the amount he offered to donate to the Provincial Police Region 8 if police could come up with any substantial evidence that implicated him or his family in the crime.

    700K Baht was the amount the general reward reached (surpassed) in the case around Sep. 21st

    700k Baht is the same amount the Taxi driver claims police offered him to lie when they beat him up on Sep. 29th

    --- Just to speculate...

    Police may have been rough on the driver if they doubted his statements and may have played an interrogation technique of seeing how eager he would be to take the pressure off himself by police suggesting he accuse somebody else. Bottom line if you got an investigators this corrupt they are willing to pay a witness to lie they would have had a witness sooner and certainly wouldn't have to offer somebody 700k to lie when MANY people would do it for A LOT less and even allow the investigator to profit too by splitting the reward. And if you are one to believe the police planned to frame a Myanmar worker from the start, doesn't make sense they would apply this kind of pressure on a Thai to lie about another Thai as this day they were focusing on the Thai football team he was on that played the day of the murder. If they didn't want him to implicate another player then why did they choose him and only him to pay off with the total reward amount.

    Bottom line is the Taxi driver story sounds like BS on a number of levels but I do think it plausible the driver may not be making it all up but rather shaken up / confused or exaggerating a bit rather than any real attempt to try to pay him such a huge amount to lie and then have investigators think they could beat him into carrying on a lie for a double murder trial only to release the guy, all within the same afternoon. The the Taxi driver who cannot be bought or tortured into a lie only to have the driver go to another island headsman who went to the press with the story included making the statement the driver wanted to declare his innocence but didn't want to pursue anything .... never saw any mention of actual injuries from the beating or even what the beating included.

    But it could have happened and those who believe his story, many of whom basically call Thai Taxi drivers the scum of the earth who should not be trusted and are part of a mafia, may be right.

    Un substantiated Speculation backed up with no facts whatsoever. In fact what JTJ is now doing what he claims most of us do...cheesy.gif what's the saying? one rule for them and one for us whistling.gifgiggle.gif

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  12. Things like signing a petition is a positive step towards seeking truth and shouldn't require these kind of "moronic" conspiracy theories or unfounded speculation

    Great to see JTJ supported the petition. Here's what it was calling for:

    From a completely destroyed crime scene, racial slurs and finger pointing against foreigners, victim blaming from the General turned Prime Minister, police posting pictures of the dead victims bodies on their FB accounts (with no regard for the victims friends and families), countless releases of unnecessary and highly conflicting pieces of information/evidence to the media, reports of investigators beating and offering bribes to false witnesses (and then still being allowed to work on the case), reports of torturing of suspects, suspicious and insensitive re-enactments of the crime, and the well known fact that citizens of Myanmar are the usual choice of scapegoats in Thailand.


    Hopefully those who signed the petition actually were better informed and knew what it was calling for as opposed to what you VERY incorrectly state it was calling for, which appears to be nothing and rather just a rant based on your above post.

    In reality this is exactly and only thing that the petition called for was:

    "This being said, we demand a full independent investigation to be conducted by the government of the United Kingdom into these deaths."

    The goal as explained in the petition ...

    "This is in the hope that the families of these victims may know justice has been served, and that the deaths of two more possible innocents might be avoided."

    Interesting to note that if the petition did cause the UK Authorities to send investigators to Thailand then it has help the parents, as much as it can given this point in the case, feel justice will be served based on both families publicly stating their confidence in the evidence against the defendants in the same statement they advised social media theorist to stop their speculating as they not only knew all the evidence but what they were (are) doing is hurtful. Interesting because it is safe to assume many of these social media detective folks signed the petition but have not stopped yet in your post there is a complaint about lack of respect to the families.

    On a side note, your post makes clear whomever wrote and the change.org petition was unprofessional, emotional and childish right from the hyperbole starting in the first line. But being so filled with emotion and light on logic and professional probably helped get those emotionally reactionary folks to sign quickly and if it helped facilitated getting UK Investigators over here then job well done! Just can't help think about what might have been accomplished and what answers might be public now had the petition been more professional and thoughtful in its request instead of the majority of it being an emotional rant against Thai authorities.

    This is the Letter to David Cameron. It mentions many of the things JTJ claims wasn't any part of the petition. Being selective to serve a purpose is not what its about.

    Letter to
    Prime Minister David Cameron
    UK Ambassador to Thailand Mark Kent The Government of the United Kingdom
    Independently investigate the horrific murders of Hannah Witheridge and David Miller.

    On September 15th, 2 innocent British citizens - David Miller, 24, and Hannah Witheridge, 23 were found raped and murdered in the most horrific manner possible whilst on holiday in Thailand on the island of Koh Tao. The Thai police’s flawed handling of this crime has been a grave cause of concern from both the local and international community from the very start of the investigation. The Thai authorities insensitive obsession with tourist figures and the police’s notoriously corrupt reputation around the world, has been in the forefront of these concerns.

    From a completely destroyed crime scene, racial slurs and finger pointing against foreigners, victim blaming from the General turned Prime Minister, police posting pictures of the dead victims bodies on their FB accounts (with no regard for the victims friends and families), countless releases of unnecessary and highly conflicting pieces of information/evidence to the media, reports of investigators beating and offering bribes to false witnesses (and then still being allowed to work on the case), reports of torturing of suspects, suspicious and insensitive re-enactments of the crime, and the well known fact that citizens of Myanmar are the usual choice of scapegoats in Thailand.

    The International and local community are now not able to trust that the two Myanmar nationals, Win and Saw,(surnames not yet revealed) have not had their confessions forced out of them or that evidence against them has not been tampered with. As such we cannot also trust that they are responsible. This being said, we demand a full independent investigation to be conducted by the government of the United Kingdom into these deaths. This is in the hope that the families of these victims may know justice has been served, and that the deaths of two more possible innocents might be avoided.

    • Like 1
  13. "Concerned folks herein are scrutinizing possible evidence, while Thai cops are counting their bribe money, guzzling caffeine drinks and servicing their mia noi." *

    So when you saw the 2 Thai cops counting their money, why did you just not tell them that you are seeking the truth and ask them from where did they get their money?

    * http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/787155-koh-tao-murder-trial-rescheduled/page-14#entry8877348

    Sometimes, Crab, you're so 'off-the-wall'. To answer your question (as if it warrants an answer); ....for the same reason I didn't grab the knife from the ISIS executioner in the desert, and stab him in the heart.

    So maybe you're really saying that you actually don't have the slightest idea whether any Thai police officer accepted any bribe money or not.

    We also don't know if a taxi driver was beaten up for not accepting 700,000 baht to tell a lie for them.

    The only thing we do know is Mon offered 700,000 baht to find anyone in his family guilty.

    We as the general public can only comment on the things we read in the papers or see on the T.V. Therefore we make our opinions from these articals.

    Some of us use quotes from films or lines from songs to help the cause. Some tell down right lies and make out there could have been on the scene and saw with there own eyes what happened. But if we are led to believe what the RTP tell us there are only 2 people in the whole world who were there and know what happened.

    As I said I look at the T.V. I read the papers, I unlike many of the flock of followers am more than capable of thinking for myself.

    Why do I think these two might not be guilty. Well there are hours of CCTV footage that showed people coming to and from the beach on the night of the murders.

    There has been plenty of footage of the Burmese from before the crime on their bike, buying fags etc. Yet after the crime none.

    Even Colombo would be mentioning his wife about that.

    Try This

    A Thai man said he was beaten up by police after he turned down a police offer of reward money if he agreed to be a witness in the murder case of two British tourists in Thailand’s tourist island of Koh Tao, southern Surat Thani Province, according to ASTV-Manager online.
    The report says Pornprasit Sukdam, 37, on Tuesday complained to Kobchai Saowalak, kamnan (subdistrict head) of Koh Tao Subdistrict, and asked for protection.
  14. "Concerned folks herein are scrutinizing possible evidence, while Thai cops are counting their bribe money, guzzling caffeine drinks and servicing their mia noi." *

    So when you saw the 2 Thai cops counting their money, why did you just not tell them that you are seeking the truth and ask them from where did they get their money?

    * http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/787155-koh-tao-murder-trial-rescheduled/page-14#entry8877348

    Sometimes, Crab, you're so 'off-the-wall'. To answer your question (as if it warrants an answer); ....for the same reason I didn't grab the knife from the ISIS executioner in the desert, and stab him in the heart.

    You would be far better off ignoring comments like this as you just add petrol to the fire and give the poor fella something to come back to. If its a flaming answer or trolling better to ignor them. They all ready have issues just sympathise with them and move on.

    • Like 1
  15. The thing I find one of the Most disturbing thing is NOT ONE of Hannahs friends come forward. Nothing zilch not any efforts. Shameful. Like she is forgotten and that's her mates.

    That's 2 x Hannahs and Emma. Not a word. Moved on with their lives.




    I can understand the families grief. I cant understand why the Police have not told them how it is.... Actually retract that. We know why, save face. The RTP have made them look like Messenger Boys. They should have saved the UK tax payer the expenses and just posted them the info. 105,000 peoples hopes and dreams for verification when they signed the petition was worthless. But then you also see something there as well. Look at the makeup of the people who presented it to #10.

    Tells a story hey



    Not Many of Hannah or David's friends there is there.

    And then we hear how we mustn't upset the UK Families.

    Well there's another 2 Families as well.



    Still it seems they are not so important.

    Some people manage to break smiles though.

    The manager of the bar they had been drinking in seems to be in more of a joyous state.


    Yes, murders happen every day and people accept and move on especially when the police make arrests against those who are likely guilty and there is overwhelming evidence against. Yes even murdering rapists cause hardship for their own families in addition to destroying the lives of their victims and loved ones.

    And yes there will be those that get obsessed in an unhealthy way about some news stories and think they know more about the facts than experts or in this case UK investigators and families who believe the right people have been arrested and will stand trial and who have asked for the moronic social media nonsense to stop and yet these same obsessed people go on to make comments about the victims loved ones or friends as if somehow these people obsessing have some greater concern for the victims they don't know as opposed to what is driving their unhealthy obsession and hurtful and disrespectful comments to the family and loved ones of the victims.

    This was the beginning of JTJ's rant

    I mentioned the fact that on the face of it none of the friends of the 2 deceased had been present at the hand over at No 10

    Also in a protest picture.

    The have failed to come forward to offer any evidence no matter how small. So I questioned in how good a friend they have proved to be. In a sense if you read it.

    JTJ then went onto describe people as Morons. A whole paragraph of off topic abuse that you can read on post http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/787155-koh-tao-murder-trial-rescheduled/?p=8982187

    I also mentioned further that the Lead Lawyer is working Pro Bono. I didn't mention anyone else but him. the same guy you see walking into court.

    The Burmese Gov has also funded lawyers and then there's even more from Thailand. Some who are working Pro Bono. Other than the fact that the Burmese Gov do not normally fund Lawyers so they obviously think there is a good possibility a miscarriage of justice could be unfolding the rest is all irrelevant and off topic.

    The UK Gov never funds lawyers regardless. Even if you are on death row. Forget it M8 u r on your own.

    There's obviously a very strong sense that they have the wrong 2 guys right across Thai society. Forget the UK except for a few small pockets of protest on humanitarian grounds from people like myself, who certain people take pleasure in ridiculing. This is a phenomenon that is rare un almost unheard off. As far back as I can remember I cannot think of anything that's grabbed peoples attention in such a galvanising way. One of the The Top Forensic pathologists in Thailand even going on TV to denounce the procedure followed by the RTP. Speaks volumes

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  16. What I do find interesting is that so many people keep saying there are SO MANY people who believe so strongly in their innocence but they have only raised $14k, to help them avoid conviction, since this fund was opened sometime on or before October 23, 2014 when I see Andrew Drummond first reported it. Would think given the huge emotions and convictions and concern so many on social media and here claim to have that they'd be more than 1/2 to their goal by now or at least significantly higher than $14k.

    Do a Google search for "Justice: Koh Tao Murder Case" if anyone chooses to do more than rant about their innocence ... but I get the feeling most people are not willing to put their money with their claimed words are at. One thing to sign a petition to get UK Investigators here and show your general distrust and angery for Thailand but another to send money to help two very likely murdering rapists.

    The Thais donate bank to bank. Not through the site in many cases.

  17. The legal team as per the Reuters story is being provided by the Thai NGO Lawyers Council of Thailand.

    three supposed by the council. Not the lead lawyer though. Then there's is additional lawyer's and Investigations supplied by the Myanmar embassy. There is additional layers working group for free. It's a team. But lead lawyer is pro bono.

    It's not your run of your mill case even though some people think it should be. As long as it's proved beyond any question who done it then thats all we can ask for. That's all people want.

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  18. Most of the lawyers and support team are donating their time and services pro bono http://bangkok.coconuts.co/2015/01/13/defense-fund-created-migrant-workers-accused-koh-tao-murders

    that's all the leg work I am doing for you. Unless you have substantial evidence that he is not waiving his fee then make no further comment.

    The link you shared gives not even a hint or suggestion let along anything to back up your claim that "Most of the lawyers and support team are donating their time and services pro bono"

    The team behind the legal defense of two migrant laborers accused of murdering two Britons on Koh Tao have created a crowdfunding campaign to support their defense.

    Rights activist Andy Hall and defense lawyer Nakhon Chompuchat have created a site for people to contribute to the defense of Zaw Lin and Win Zaw Htun, both 21, who are on trial for the savage murders of David Miller and Hannah Witheridge on the resort island this past September.

    The campaign cites the irregularities of the police investigation, reports of torture and abuse in obtaining confessions and other concerns that have led many observers to doubt the integrity of the process and worry about possible scapegoating.

    “Everyone, including family and friends of the victims, surely want this case to be closed and the real perpetrators brought to justice,” Hall wrote. “A fair trial requires rights of the accused be respected and that the accused have a legal team to defend them of a crime they may not have done.”

    As of today the campaign had collected about THB419,000, about half of its goal.

    It includes a detailed accounting of how the money is being spent, such as transportation costs for the legal team, translation services with witnesses and investigation costs. Most of the lawyers and support team are donating their time and services pro bono.


  19. Per Reuters 22 OCT 2014:

    "They both retracted their confessions and have signed a document that was accepted by the public prosecutor," said Nakhon Chompuchat, part of the Lawyers Council of Thailand legal team representing the pair.

    So while the chief defense attorney is not directly billing the 2 Burmese defendants, that does not necessarily mean that he s not being compensated for his time.

    Yet another unsubstantiated accusation. Contact him and he will confirm if it pleases you.

    Most of the lawyers and support team are donating their time and services pro bono http://bangkok.coconuts.co/2015/01/13/defense-fund-created-migrant-workers-accused-koh-tao-murders

    that's all the leg work I am doing for you. Unless you have substantial evidence that he is not waiving his fee then make no further comment.

  20. Sounds like a great plan which probably means posters whining, complaining and providing negative comments to follow.

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