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Posts posted by loonodingle

  1. For the avoidance of doubt I dug these out to add to your time lines . No goaty beard .

    Also found these images of two suspects lining up for DNA swab. I have no idea what day that was , but it's on the beach and looks pretty early on given that there are other lining up too.

    here they are again

    watch the original video it's all in it.


  2. Where there is suspects in custody and going to trial whether in UK or Abroad the coroner said they will always wait until AFTER a trial.

    If there is no suspects etc sometimes they will make a decision in order for the familys to have some closure.

    The Defence has a right to apply for all Post Mortem Results inc Toxicology in All cases. Its up to the coroner if she hands them over. They also have a right to ask for a separate post-mortem at their costs. Depending on the situation with Burials etc.

    This is out of the coroners mouth in Norwich yesterday. This applies to all cases and is not specific for Hannahs case.

    Is there precedence for that scenario, outlined above, in official British dealings with overseas crimes against Brits?

    Brit officials are paid by taxpayers. They're duty is to serve the general public. If the coroner withholds useful info (which could assist in nailing the real perps), then those perps are still out in the public domain, ready to strike again, any time. In other words, by withholding pertinent info, the Coroner could be said to endanger the general public. There has already been the Frenchman who was murdered a few days ago (with indications he may have been a crime witness - snuffed out), ....who will be next? Will they be innocents, like David and Hannah, or will they be people who may have useful info towards solving the crime.

    We already know the RTP are not doing their jobs, but that does not excuse Brit authorities from not doing theirs also. There are strong indications that murderers and rapists are still roaming free around Ko Tao, mixing with young naive backpackers. Brit authorities should do everything they can to try to lessen the possibility of future crimes there. I acknowledge the Brits are not supposed to be crime solvers in Thailand, but at least they can try to contribute to the safety of backpackers there, some of whom are Brits, but the majority hail from 100 other countries. Brit officialdom is dropping the ball. They can try hiding behind official strictures, but it doesn't fool people like me. Additionally, it looks like Brit officials are kow-towing to Thai officialdom, because Thai officials don't want any revelations regarding who the real criminals are.

    Note: the above missive was just now submitted to one of Bkk's Eng.Lang. dailies' 'letters to editor' column.

    sorry I may not have described it properly. All parties that have an interest. So relatives etc. Inc defence. Can request the coroner then decides. So if the next door neighbour asks she will refuse. She releases it on consideration of an interested party. The guy was trying to be non specific to this case but helpful as well. Do u get where I am coming from. He cannot comment specifically.

  3. How does the fact the case has been put back affect the British inquest or Coroners report ?

    Lets not forget the inquest/report was due to be on 5th of Jan or there abouts. This was at a time when the trail was set for February.

    My guess is not much. He will still want to see what transpires at the trial. Also, after the trial he will be more likely to get information from the Thai authorities. As far as I know Thailand does not hold inquests, but if it did and the positions were reversed UK would not send much info ahead of the criminal trial.

    Another thought. I believe there are in fact 2 inquests. It will be interesting to see if both coroners take the same approach.

    So if that's true. Where does the court and the police or even the accused get the scientific reports that they need to conduct a trial. You are telling me that. All dna evidence, all injury reports, and toxoligy reports are withheld from interested parties. So guilty men are going free because the coroner withheld evidence. Innocent men are going to prison because the coroner withheld evidence. Where pray tell me are the courts supposed to get their scientific evidence. Or are convictions only based on verbal evidence? ????

    Indeed, and I cannot see there being a postponement until October this year, families need partial closure of some sort a coroners reports gives trail or no.

    Where there is suspects in custody and going to trial whether in UK or Abroad the coroner said they will always wait until AFTER a trial.

    If there is no suspects etc sometimes they will make a decision in order for the familys to have some closure.

    The Defence has a right to apply for all Post Mortem Results inc Toxicology in All cases. Its up to the coroner if she hands them over. They also have a right to ask for a separate post-mortem at their costs. Depending on the situation with Burials etc.

    This is out of the coroners mouth in Norwich yesterday. This applies to all cases and is not specific for Hannahs case.

    • Like 1
  4. I think Chetzee picked up a ban. All his posts are gone, no?

    No his posts are there, but the pictures are gone. Can't someone pm him or something? ??

    last post from Chetzee is showing as yesterday

    Yesterday, 13:09

    If you think that pic is sean , you have a poor graps

    Likewise the goaty beard u have dreamt up

    'Nuf said !

  5. Just a note to say I spoke to Maya today at reprieve. The letter is totally genuine from MPS.

    What letter?

    Hi GC. ... The letter from the met poleee to say they don't no investigation and did not have access to a lot of evidence..... or words of that sort... did you read it before.

  6. Have I missed any reports from Norwich...????

    Hi Willy wake wake m8.

    Adjourned until 15th Oct for further case review. Will NOT complete until trial over. 2 reporters there. No police or any other party.

    Still waiting for reports from Thailand.

    They will have carried out a postmortem. It's normal in all murder cases they said.

    Okey Dokey Thanks........Well done you for making the effort............wai.gif

    Edit, maybe they were telling you to go look at the postmortem results unsure.png.pagespeed.ce.E7Vo3qsmeCQhPTdy

    I did have a conversation with the case officer but I don't want to write it all on here. It was done in private but it was relayed to the defence team within an hour of me getting out. Some discretion is needed here. I also had a long chat with a reporter who is following the case. Ref many aspects. Best send sensitive comments via PM I think.

  7. Well as long as you don't believe it's the truth that is all that matters. You are, after all, the expert detective here!

    We're all detectives of sorts. Just like we're all searching around for clues - to nail the real criminals - who (if you seriously doubt the B2 are the perps) ....are still walking around, looking for other young pretty blond chicks to seduce with date-rape drugs. If the next chick doesn't comply (and if she says or does something offensive) well, tough tamales, ....got to bash her head to smithereens. It's a tough response, but hey, she offended a Thai guy.

    ...And if no pretty young blond chick is seduced with a date-rape drug, it just means that the real perps are being more cautious these days. Huh?

    ... or the young lady does not want to talk about it

    ... or the young ladies are being more careful after the recent news and travel advisories

    ... or a stepped up police presence is temporarily inhibiting them trying it

    ... or ???

    Nomsod is a Monk???

    Get with the programme looy.

    That was last week's news.

    Oh god. Let's not go off on a nomsod tangent. ???

    Sorry GC. Back to sleep then. Having a bit off a ruff night after eating some sprouts. Or Norfolk icecream...

  8. Well that's wrong already. Since Sean said he knew on the 16th not a few days later. Seems everyone knew who it was by Monday noon except sven and Sean. I think we need a timeline for sven ⏳

    I, for one, do not accept that "everyone knew by Monday noon". I am a bit of a news freak, but I did not know. Those on the island will have talked about nothing else except the murders, but the gossip will not have included names.

    Looking for a pic of the 15th vigil.the one on the 16th had a picture of the two. I wonder if the shrine wad created on the 15th. You are telling me Sean and sven did not know about the vigil Monday night. Mon, Headman everyone knew except. Sean and sven. Who probably were sleeping throughout Monday when all this was going on.

    Of course Sean and Sven knew two young people had been murdered. They would definitely know that it was a man and a woman, with media suggestions that they were a couple. Why would Sean have immediately jumped to the conclusion that the guy was his mate David who was visiting with his male friends? The gossip would not have included names because most (even those taking photos of the crime scene) would not have known them, and also because names are pretty meaningless unless you know the victims.

    It is entirely credible that Sean only knew the first time he visited news sites after the police announced the names. His initial tFacebook post was entirely consistent with this (anyway most likely) hypothesis. Note that the name "Hannah Witheridge" did not seem to have made him as emotional.

    Solely presumptions Britim. Unfortunately.


  9. Well as long as you don't believe it's the truth that is all that matters. You are, after all, the expert detective here!

    We're all detectives of sorts. Just like we're all searching around for clues - to nail the real criminals - who (if you seriously doubt the B2 are the perps) ....are still walking around, looking for other young pretty blond chicks to seduce with date-rape drugs. If the next chick doesn't comply (and if she says or does something offensive) well, tough tamales, ....got to bash her head to smithereens. It's a tough response, but hey, she offended a Thai guy.

    ...And if no pretty young blond chick is seduced with a date-rape drug, it just means that the real perps are being more cautious these days. Huh?

    ... or the young lady does not want to talk about it

    ... or the young ladies are being more careful after the recent news and travel advisories

    ... or a stepped up police presence is temporarily inhibiting them trying it

    ... or ???

    Nomsod is a Monk???

  10. GC you have managed to end any debates about this murder.

    I must congratulate you on a far better job than JTJ,JTINASIA,BALO and ALIG did in the last 6 months.

    So, have they found any actual evidence at all to support their theories?

    I guess figuring out the colour of Miller's shirt pocket was a major breakthrough in their "investigation". :rolleyes:

    Just like a pimple, that keeps popping up when you are about to enjoy a special occasion. ???

    No chance of him getting anyone pregnant. Very little input...

  11. GC you have managed to end any debates about this murder.

    I must congratulate you on a far better job than JTJ,JTINASIA,BALO and ALIG did in the last 6 months.

    So, have they found any actual evidence at all to support their theories?

    I guess figuring out the colour of Miller's shirt pocket was a major breakthrough in their "investigation". :rolleyes:

    Glad I have gone up in your opinion AleGgedley. ..

  12. Just read this (not allowed to say source) - dated Sept 20th

    There is no public record of any shorts being left at the scene and police are not currently commenting on this story. But they do say they have evidence which they are not revealing. They did however release CCTV footage of the suspicious character.

    I remember discussions relating to a green towel that was placed over Hannah's face and there was speculation over who might have placed it there. The still below shows David heading towards the beach (according to the article) and I just noticed that on his left shoulder it looks as though he could have a small towel.JPGfolded towel on it.

    No in another pic. That's the pocket on the shirt.

    Looks like a towel to me. And that's without using the magnifying glass.

    Guys why worry about his shirt...?? It's a pocket.

    Keep your eye on here around 10.30am UK time and I will update on what happened in Norwich.

    Not worrying about his tee shirt. Pointing out that he looks like he may be carrying a small green towel and Hannah's face was apparently covered with such an item. It may be important and it may not. But if he was carrying a towel that may indicate that he was planning on going to the beach, either alone, with someone or to meet someone (not necessarily Hannah).

    Okay well the green thing on his shirt is a pocket as per picture above.

  13. BritTim, on 05 Jan 2015 - 20:09, said:

    IslandLover, on 05 Jan 2015 - 19:52, said:

    catsanddogs, on 05 Jan 2015 - 18:01, said:

    Interesting re-reading that again. 'They had a motorcycle accident'. This reads as if Sean and Christopher both had the motorcycle accident? Was Christopher on the island at the time Sean said he had the accident? Sean did say somewhere (facebook maybe) when the accident happened but I can't be certain where I read this. How good a friends were the two men? Did Sean know Christopher as well as he knew David (which I don't think was that well from what I've read even through he has referred to him as 'Bother'). It throws a new light on everything if there is any truth in the above quote from Mizzima. Especially since Christopher left the island so soon after the crime and Sean was apparently told to hang himself.

    See my post #2624. There are inaccuracies in the Mizzima report. No, they did not both have a motorcycle accident. Chris Ware got his injuries in an accident with a burning skipping rope on Koh Phangan, before he and David went to Koh Tao. As far as I know, Sean said he had a motorcycle accident on or around September 11th. He didn't say where exactly it occurred, but it is presumed to have happened on Koh Tao. Nowhere has it been reported that Chris Ware knew Sean McAnna. David only knew Sean from when they were both living in Leeds, when David was at Uni there.

    Bit more on Sean's accident: https://crimesontheblog.wordpress.com/2014/10/13/soundcloud-1st-13-10-2014/


    Only arrived in Thailand September 9th and went straight Tao from Surat Thani airport.


    I've seen that csila page. It's utterly ridiculous. A punch knife would have broken my bone. I have evidence that my cut was from the 9th, a few days before my mate was killed. It was from the same time I got the "cut" on my leg which is actually an exhaust burn from my bike.

    Elsewhere, he expands further on how the accident happened: trying to control a bike while holding a bag and guitar. If you really want, I shall dig it out.

    Thanks for the crimesontheblog link. Very useful. Now I know who Sven is smile.png

    Who is Sven? ???

    Has anyone considered this.

    You tell your mate to lie for you because otherwise if it gets out you witnessed something you could be killed.

    its feasible. I would if my m8 was in the poop and the local mafia was possibly goner knock me off.

    A few things that seem to be forgotten with time.

    Within hours of the incident word spread about an argument or the like in the ac bar. Fact.

    It was widely reported straight away. Sean went in a bar. Not sure if AC and the AC staff started on him.

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