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Everything posted by zzaa09

  1. Why can't these savage Thais be like us? Imagine the possibilities. ????
  2. Oh dear. Another distracting tome.
  3. Perhaps or perhaps not. If historical precedent is a reflective factor regarding current affairs, a true mass pushback will develop from a dreamy outsiders perspective, less a Thai take on these situations - who know better as to their state.
  4. Unelected, illegal and prejudicially appointed members of a parliamentary body should be the addressed issue, less the standing of the upper house and how it does/doesn't vote.....and procedures thereof. Should've been the call from the start. Removing the standing [illegal and unelected] coup-based government and it's corrupted circle [who were all allowed to participate] before such a general election could even be organised. This last election was more of a rhetorical theatre piece where the outcome was already understood.
  5. .....and, most assuredly, others. The crux.
  6. Life is matriarchal/matrilineal. The inner Goddess dominates all.
  7. Dumbed Down is highly contagious and quite the permanent affliction. Caution.
  8. Millions? Nationwide? I think not.
  9. Wasn't it a coup-based government[s] that revised and mangled the last edition of the constitution and the one previous and the half dozen versions before that? So much for unlawfulness when these cabals can rewrite most everything [and accepted by most] on a whim to protect themselves and future cohorts.
  10. Is this the same meteorological team the warned of an unseasonably dry-as-a-bone July? The irony, not the humidity, is stifling.....as it's been raining everyday [as it should this time of year/heavy at times] in this region for the month of July - and looks as if will remain this way throughout the month.....'til the "second wave" kicks in by August thru October. Experts. ????
  11. And this appears to be ignored, dismissed, irreverent and accepted by most circles. the more things change the more they remain the same.
  12. ......and why can't they just be like us - an upmost developed, superior and civilised manner. ???? I believe a solid Euro-civilising mission is in order. ???? That'll straighten out these Oriental barbarians tout de suite. ????
  13. Pursue legal actions through court systems that were placed and enacted by the same circle from which the illegal senators originate [and exist]....?? Foxes appointed to watch the hen house.
  14. .....as well as their bosses. But yet, here we are.
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